OK so its time to own up, anyone have, or bought, or received as a gift even, any surf product that is just plain ridiculous
I'm guessing no one would own up to owning one of these
I cant really think of any bad products but i figured it might be worth a laugh
I've got a non-brand one. It had to be modified size wise, but it is a cracker when it's really cold and windy. I also love people who poo-poo booties. And hoods and gloves.
Ridiculous? Who remembers rocket blocks, and my favourite, those adhesive thing-os 'you' place over the fin area to reduce drag?!!
Ha ha the FCS "robin hood" suit aint that bad just needs a matching belt, to be warm as all hell, waterproof and something you dont need to wash for half a dozen sessions - Gold
Funny topic.
I clearly remember when they started making surf brand girls clothes and things like socks, shoes and underwear and thinking 'why do girls need surf clothes? they don't even surf'.
Then of course it exploded, people in Alice Springs that had never seen the ocean were wearing Billabong 'only a surfer knows the feeling' t-shirts.
Those guys all got rich, surf shops appeared without even having surfboards, the companies floated on stock exchanges and the rest is history.
People call it the surf industry.
There are actually 2 seperate industries. The 'surf' and the 'surfing' industry. 'Surf' or 'surfing' shop.
Only 3 letters but very different meanings.
I have always worked on the 'surfing' side of the business and still have a job. Many of my friends went down the rag trade path 'surf' and they are now in the mines.
i cant believe they are so popular..I can understand in colder areas but had no idea poeple actually bought them.
So is anyone prepaired to stick up a pick wearing one
Haha i googled my question and found a thread similar on another site. They all picked on Web fins, which i have
I like Bakesy's sup skate board..that just seems like complicating a fun sport
Sure do have one. Bought one for my brother as a joke but after seeing how toasty he was in winter changing in and out of his wetty and even as a spray jacket on the boat I ended up buying one, they now also do them in the chammy material.
Remember webs rubbery fury things that turned your hands into duck feet almost impossible to put on and only lasted 6 months and the rubber perished and remember multi fin systems brought out a canard fin Whit went in front of of your rear fin and did absolutely naf all goin back a few years now
Those around in the mid 80's may remember fins shaped like the tail fin of a jumbo jet - ie all squared edges and straight lines. When a mate of mine got a Cordingley board with them (remembering that they were all glassed in) I asked him what the thinking was - he told me all the millions and millions that went into jet areoplane design and areodynmics etc...
I simply countered by reminding him that Dolphin's had rounded fins... and surfboard fins were for water not air
When it comes to the most ridiculous surf product made by a real surf company, the FCS hooded changing snuggie wins. I'd like to see the data on how many of the macabre wetsuits actually sold. Horrible idea.