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Forums > Surfing Shortboards

Ridiculous surf products?

Created by jbshack > 9 months ago, 2 Apr 2013
WA, 6913 posts
2 Apr 2013 5:25PM
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OK so its time to own up, anyone have, or bought, or received as a gift even, any surf product that is just plain ridiculous

I'm guessing no one would own up to owning one of these

I cant really think of any bad products but i figured it might be worth a laugh

WA, 15849 posts
2 Apr 2013 5:30PM
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I think these are a good idea, makes getting changed into and ouit of a wetty a bit easier

WA, 6913 posts
2 Apr 2013 5:32PM
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doggie said...
I think these are a good idea, makes getting changed into and ouit of a wetty a bit easier

So you'd like one for your birthday

I'll bet someone on here has one

WA, 682 posts
2 Apr 2013 5:51PM
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here ya go Doggie, either one would suit you mate

WA, 15849 posts
2 Apr 2013 5:57PM
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^^ Hehe, I like the second one

Buster fin
WA, 2586 posts
2 Apr 2013 6:11PM
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I've got a non-brand one. It had to be modified size wise, but it is a cracker when it's really cold and windy. I also love people who poo-poo booties. And hoods and gloves.

Ridiculous? Who remembers rocket blocks, and my favourite, those adhesive thing-os 'you' place over the fin area to reduce drag?!!

VIC, 1040 posts
2 Apr 2013 9:28PM
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jbshack said...
doggie said...
I think these are a good idea, makes getting changed into and ouit of a wetty a bit easier

So you'd like one for your birthday

I'll bet someone on here has one

i actually got one for my last birthday from my better half. that's what i asked for. "billabong pancho changing robe" it's called. i love it.
but, if i lived in wa, wouldn't be bothered.

back to the topic.
here is ridiculous surf product called a macabre shark attack wetsuit

i know, it's a terrible taste if you live in wa

WA, 24860 posts
2 Apr 2013 6:41PM
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jbshack said...

OK so its time to own up, anyone have, or bought, or received as a gift even, any surf product that is just plain ridiculous

I'm guessing no one would own up to owning one of these

I cant really think of any bad products but i figured it might be worth a laugh

Seriously Chrispy has one of these.No bull, but his has UFC from his cage fighting days.

SA, 1739 posts
2 Apr 2013 9:18PM
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jbshack said...

OK so its time to own up, anyone have, or bought, or received as a gift even, any surf product that is just plain ridiculous

I'm guessing no one would own up to owning one of these

I cant really think of any bad products but i figured it might be worth a laugh

See lots of guys in the car park, think its a great idea. No one has to see the mailbag when the towel falls off !

VIC, 415 posts
2 Apr 2013 10:00PM
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i have a FCS change poncho.. its awesome on a winters morning

WA, 682 posts
2 Apr 2013 7:33PM
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WA, 1264 posts
2 Apr 2013 8:32PM
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Ha ha the FCS "robin hood" suit aint that bad just needs a matching belt, to be warm as all hell, waterproof and something you dont need to wash for half a dozen sessions - Gold

QLD, 3954 posts
2 Apr 2013 10:48PM
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Funny topic.

I clearly remember when they started making surf brand girls clothes and things like socks, shoes and underwear and thinking 'why do girls need surf clothes? they don't even surf'.

Then of course it exploded, people in Alice Springs that had never seen the ocean were wearing Billabong 'only a surfer knows the feeling' t-shirts.

Those guys all got rich, surf shops appeared without even having surfboards, the companies floated on stock exchanges and the rest is history.

752 posts
3 Apr 2013 8:01AM
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And now they are going broke

VIC, 415 posts
3 Apr 2013 11:12AM
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CMC said...
surf shops appeared without even having surfboards

This is what kills me.. moving back to the Melbourne suburbs and trying to buy something as simple as wax.. i went to 3 "surf" shops and NONE had any board wax.. are you kidding me??

QLD, 3954 posts
3 Apr 2013 10:34AM
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People call it the surf industry.

There are actually 2 seperate industries. The 'surf' and the 'surfing' industry. 'Surf' or 'surfing' shop.

Only 3 letters but very different meanings.

I have always worked on the 'surfing' side of the business and still have a job. Many of my friends went down the rag trade path 'surf' and they are now in the mines.

752 posts
3 Apr 2013 8:43AM
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It's easy to see why
Fashion changes really quick
The surfing disease/addiction stays for life

WA, 15849 posts
3 Apr 2013 9:07AM
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WA, 6913 posts
3 Apr 2013 10:14AM
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OMG i cant believe they are so popular..I can understand in colder areas but had no idea poeple actually bought them.

So is anyone prepaired to stick up a pick wearing one

Haha i googled my question and found a thread similar on another site. They all picked on Web fins, which i have

I like Bakesy's sup skate board..that just seems like complicating a fun sport

Pete T
WA, 67 posts
3 Apr 2013 12:37PM
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Sure do have one. Bought one for my brother as a joke but after seeing how toasty he was in winter changing in and out of his wetty and even as a spray jacket on the boat I ended up buying one, they now also do them in the chammy material.


WA, 629 posts
7 Apr 2013 7:46PM
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Remember webs rubbery fury things that turned your hands into duck feet almost impossible to put on and only lasted 6 months and the rubber perished and remember multi fin systems brought out a canard fin Whit went in front of of your rear fin and did absolutely naf all goin back a few years now

WA, 50 posts
7 Apr 2013 9:06PM
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doggie said...

They are the Goat boats of the 21st century. Hate them! Hopefully the fad die's off soon.
I just don't get it

Buster fin
WA, 2586 posts
7 Apr 2013 9:25PM
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Radman said...
Remember webs rubbery fury things that turned your hands into duck feet almost impossible to put on and only lasted 6 months and the rubber perished and remember multi fin systems brought out a canard fin Whit went in front of of your rear fin and did absolutely naf all goin back a few years now

Yeah, the webs... I was mortified when I got them out one day and there was only the wrists left. But I'll stand by Rusty's canard fin set-up. I still got one that I never use.

WA, 2520 posts
8 Apr 2013 1:34PM
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Those around in the mid 80's may remember fins shaped like the tail fin of a jumbo jet - ie all squared edges and straight lines. When a mate of mine got a Cordingley board with them (remembering that they were all glassed in) I asked him what the thinking was - he told me all the millions and millions that went into jet areoplane design and areodynmics etc...

I simply countered by reminding him that Dolphin's had rounded fins... and surfboard fins were for water not air

8266 posts
8 Apr 2013 1:59PM
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^^^ LOL

Slide fins WTF!

WA, 934 posts
8 Apr 2013 6:49PM
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GPA said...
Those around in the mid 80's may remember fins shaped like the tail fin of a jumbo jet - ie all squared edges and straight lines. When a mate of mine got a Cordingley board with them (remembering that they were all glassed in) I asked him what the thinking was - he told me all the millions and millions that went into jet areoplane design and areodynmics etc...

I simply countered by reminding him that Dolphin's had rounded fins... and surfboard fins were for water not air

HIGH VELOCITY FINS, I had some in one of my Indian Ocean Cordingleys, The Deathship, geez I went fast on that board

QLD, 458 posts
9 Apr 2013 4:53PM
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bakesy said...

Leave the Surf Hair alone. Gets me looking all neat & tidy for a big day of banking!!

Checked the wind yesterday morning on the wife's iPhone and had a quick read of this post, went down the point & woe and behold old mate next to me pulled out a poncho towel thingy and get changed, it was hard not to laugh.

WA, 6913 posts
9 Apr 2013 4:54PM
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Dazzler75 said...

Leave the Surf Hair alone. Gets me looking all neat & tidy for a big day of banking!!

Checked the wind yesterday morning on the wife's iPhone and had a quick read of this post, went down the point & woe and behold old mate next to me pulled out a poncho towel thingy and get changed, it was hard not to laugh.

I still crackup every time i read this thread. I was so wrong about the Ponchos

Years from now i wonder if the future surfers will be laughing at attaching a electronic shock devise to our ankles

10980 posts
9 Apr 2013 5:26PM
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Those boots and deck pads that were like Velcro so your feet stuck to the pad. They came as a set

14 posts
11 Apr 2013 1:21AM
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When it comes to the most ridiculous surf product made by a real surf company, the FCS hooded changing snuggie wins. I'd like to see the data on how many of the macabre wetsuits actually sold. Horrible idea.

VIC, 190 posts
11 Apr 2013 10:03AM
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mocha1 said...
GPA said...
Those around in the mid 80's may remember fins shaped like the tail fin of a jumbo jet - ie all squared edges and straight lines. When a mate of mine got a Cordingley board with them (remembering that they were all glassed in) I asked him what the thinking was - he told me all the millions and millions that went into jet areoplane design and areodynmics etc...

I simply countered by reminding him that Dolphin's had rounded fins... and surfboard fins were for water not air

HIGH VELOCITY FINS, I had some in one of my Indian Ocean Cordingleys, The Deathship, geez I went fast on that board

The real reasoning behind those fins was that you could get more fins out of a blank as there was less waste.


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Ridiculous surf products?" started by jbshack