Forums > Surfing Shortboards

SUP riders........

Created by doggie > 9 months ago, 31 Mar 2011
WA, 15849 posts
31 Mar 2011 11:40AM
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Likes, dislikes. Do you own one?

What do you think of SUPs in general.

Ive had a couple of spins, not my cup of tea.

Im sure Legion has a comment

WA, 375 posts
31 Mar 2011 11:44AM
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Down Periscope!

WA, 15849 posts
31 Mar 2011 12:22PM
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fuall said...

Down Periscope!

Not SUBs

WA, 2519 posts
31 Mar 2011 1:11PM
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Great that people have an alternative water craft to enjoy, but I see them the same as wave skis (goat boats) in that they have no place in a crowded metro line-up... especially if they are being greedy and picking off all the waves. They are just too big to pull-up / pull-out when the 'novice' surfer invariably gets in the way... a board with that much mass is going to hurt someone when it connects...

Happy to see them enjoying a small reefy or otherwise uncrowded break (I surfed Inji carpark on an inconsistent day last year, just me and a old bloke on his SUP - and we had a good chat and shared the waves... he outdid me 2:1 and got twice the length of ride).

I've seen them out at Tom's, Mettams and Grabbers recently... and Cottesloe... they are everywhere.

WA, 24860 posts
31 Mar 2011 1:53PM
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doggie said...

Likes, dislikes. Do you own one?

What do you think of SUPs in general.

Ive had a couple of spins, not my cup of tea.

Im sure Legion has a comment

After the mal riders I was waiting for this one haha doggie

WA, 15849 posts
31 Mar 2011 2:55PM
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62mac said...

doggie said...

Likes, dislikes. Do you own one?

What do you think of SUPs in general.

Ive had a couple of spins, not my cup of tea.

Im sure Legion has a comment

After the mal riders I was waiting for this one haha doggie

Had to be done mac

WA, 24860 posts
31 Mar 2011 3:05PM
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WA, 421 posts
31 Mar 2011 4:23PM
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no place in crowded metro conditions. flat water (river) only or a small reefie where they can play together away from the crowd.
They are everywhere. I think they are here to stay.

WA, 15849 posts
31 Mar 2011 4:41PM
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Ados said...

no place in crowded metro conditions. flat water (river) only or a small reefie where they can play together away from the crowd.
They are everywhere. I think they are here to stay.

Isolators down at Cott is the best spot for em I recon....

WA, 2222 posts
31 Mar 2011 5:01PM
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That will just send the mals elsewhere. God that place sucks.

I'm waiting for the day when one shows up at my local. I'm not sure what I'll do in that situation. I'd like to send them in, but it'll depend on who it is. One guy paddles out from there on his, but he then goes straight out to sea to do whatever they do out there.

WA, 2222 posts
31 Mar 2011 5:03PM
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I'd also be very interested to see what happens when they paddle out at Kearnsy's backyard. I surfed there a lot last winter due to the nonexistent metro banks. There was only one day when it was really big enough to have been difficult on a SUP, otherwise it's perfect for them there. The demographic is just right for them too. They could really ruin the place (moreso even than my aggressive hassling).

WA, 15849 posts
31 Mar 2011 5:04PM
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Legion said...

That will just send the mals elsewhere. God that place sucks.

I'm waiting for the day when one shows up at my local. I'm not sure what I'll do in that situation. I'd like to send them in, but it'll depend on who it is. One guy paddles out from there on his, but he then goes straight out to sea to do whatever they do out there.

Downwinders Im guessing, couldnt think of anything more boring. I saw a ski doing it the otherday, flying along but I think its like surfing a reform on a mal, BORING!!

WA, 2222 posts
31 Mar 2011 5:13PM
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I saw a few up north last year. There were one or two that were fine, paddling to far off peaks by themselves. They also seemed to know what they were doing. I had a run-in with one kook, who I think was upset that I kept paddling into a priority position. It was about 4', with a generally low ability level. I was the best of a bad bunch, so in that situation I abuse my position. I'm not sitting on the shoulder with the father and pre-teen kid, I'm going deep. Anyway, the SUP said something at one stage, but I missed it and ignored him. The body language suggested he was upset at me. He then paddled out a bit further, fell off on the flat water, must've got a bit embarrassed, turned around and paddled deeper then took an in-between wave in and I didn't see him again.

I could see them being useful for the far-off-peak-by-yourself thing. And up north or down south would be the perfect spot for that. But it's a bit harder in the city.

WA, 2222 posts
31 Mar 2011 5:19PM
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I surfed with a couple down at A_____ P____* a couple of years ago. One was very friendly and we chatted a bit. He was a beginner. His friend was better but he was unfriendly. If they'd been on shortboards or even mals they would've struggled to get waves, but as it was they dominated the other people in the spread-out pack. This is my worry - that intermediate people will get dominated and realise they too need to ride a SUP to compete, and eventually I'll get dominated and have to resort to it too. Current SUP people don't really think about this much, but if enough people take it up most of them will lose their advantage and they'll struggle to get waves again. The only way to combat this is if they're not greedy, but that's against our human nature. I fear the lineups of 20 years time.

* I was disappointed with A_____ P____. It was my first time there in years and I remembered many good surfs there when I was younger and first got my license. That day in particular had a local swell of 1.5m dropping to 1.3m but it wasn't big enough down there and it faded so badly that by the end I waited about 45min to get a wave in.

WA, 2222 posts
31 Mar 2011 5:26PM
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I'm sure there are some that I'd get on well with. I could list a bunch of names of people who know what's up from the SUP forum. But there are a whole heap more that obviously don't know a thing about the beach and waves and the water and that scares the hell out of me.

I don't know how I'm going to deal with them as they become pervasive. I was at Kearnsy's one time last winter when a guy dropped in on me on his backhand, saw me, vaguely tried to pull off with some kind of pooman rail grab thing, kooked it, got sucked over the falls and his board hit me in the head as I went past. And then he looked like he wanted to fight me when I swore at him when I paddled back out, like it was my fault. What do I do when the board that hits me is 10' and 150L, and what do I do when the kook that wants to fight me is standing over me with a paddle in their hand?

WA, 2222 posts
31 Mar 2011 5:40PM
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I really don't like the look of some of their maneuvers, especially the ones that use a paddle. Like their "layback" cutback. It seems they can't do a turn on their heelside rail without laying back on the paddle. That seems weak and ugly to me.

I hate how they seem to have to paddle along every single wave no matter how big and powerful. Fine, paddle in, but once you're on it, position yourself so that the wave provides the energy. Even experienced SUPpers do the paddle thing. Is it because they can't harness the wave? Is it because they can't balance without the paddle in the water? Is 150L not enough to float by itself without paddling? Is it so they're always ready to do a "layback"?

I don't like the performance handicap. Despite proponents discussing high performance SUPs, the supposed best in the world are just average amateur level compared to shortboarders. Even though they use their paddle to help them wrench those aircraft carriers around. I'd hate to be resigned to such a slow, heavy beast.

I hate to think of a life without barrels.

WA, 2222 posts
31 Mar 2011 5:42PM
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There ya go doggie, there's a start for you .

1145 posts
31 Mar 2011 5:52PM
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Top of the class for you Legion

440 posts
31 Mar 2011 6:04PM
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I hate them when I'm surfing and they get all the good waves, I love them when I'm SUPn and getting all the good waves, surfing or SUPn I can't tolerate mals

WA, 463 posts
31 Mar 2011 6:34PM
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Ill chime in,

Ive got one and use it in all size waves. I do strongly believe in the idea there is a time and place. I always stay away from the crowd, but if people paddle over to me and sit on the peak Im on, Ill stay there.

If its crowded, I take out the short board, even if I think it would be better on the SUP. The crowded wave north of Perth that has been mentioned would be perfect for it beacuse it is so slow and fat.

I still think if there is a lot of traffic in the water, its best to go somewhere else. Thats why I got one, to get away from the crowd, not to run everyone down.

NSW, 634 posts
31 Mar 2011 9:48PM
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i mostly ride a sup but i also longboard,shortboard,kneeboard whatever, when i was learning on my 11'6 aircraft carrier i tried not to paddle out to a crouded peak, im not talking city crowded, i mean like 2 people crowded, i would try and surf by myself as i asumed that that was just being considerate to other surfers, having suped for a while and getting a smaller board 9'11, i will paddle out in the line up, but not if it's crowded maybe 10 people, i'l find somewhere else to surf, just being considerate i try not to catch a wave every set, i'l sit down between sets and wont sit out further than everyone elso or drop in on people.

i would asume that it would be just commonsense, but because i dont just sup does this give me a different point of view or is i just me?

WA, 2222 posts
31 Mar 2011 7:32PM
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cranky said...

I love them when I'm SUPn and getting all the good waves ...

But you can't do anything when you actually get on the wave? Except big swoopy mal-style bottom turns, barrel dodging, and flat pivots on the tail laying back on the paddle.

I love the feeling of a tight snap off the lip at high speed. I love the feeling of a perfect roundhouse off the rail, losing no speed. I love setting up a barrel, stomping on the tail to get in deep. I don't see any of that on SUPs.

WA, 2222 posts
31 Mar 2011 7:44PM
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Jradedmondo said...

... i try not to catch a wave every set, i'l sit down between sets and wont sit out further than everyone elso or drop in on people.

i would asume that it would be just commonsense, but because i dont just sup does this give me a different point of view or is i just me?

Yeah, that's cool and that's what the majority of the guys on the SUP forum say. But it's cool when it's just you. When it's you and a mate, or you and two mates and there are only a couple or a few good waves per set, suddenly the SUPs get everything and everyone else gets nothing. Now I've got no problem with this if you'd be at the top of the pecking order on a shortboard, whether a longtime local or an expert. But SUPs enable people who'd otherwise be intermediate or even beginner surfers floundering on the inside to suddenly jump up to the top of the ladder, even right above the best shortboarders. We simply can't compete against the paddling power.

Honestly, it doesn't worry me much at the moment because I don't have to deal with them much. I worry about the future because I can see them invading my local spot, other spots that I pretend to be local at, or anywhere that they displace other people. And then once they reach a certain number there'll be no option but to join them, and I don't want to compromise my wave enjoyment that much. I dread the day I'm forced to start to use one.

WA, 1321 posts
31 Mar 2011 9:54PM
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I feel the same way about SUP as I do about Fat chicks wearing bike pants -
"Just stay the hell away from me " !!!!

WA, 15849 posts
1 Apr 2011 8:53AM
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KEARNSY said...

I feel the same way about SUP as I do about Fat chicks wearing bike pants -
"Just stay the hell away from me " !!!!

Hahahaha fn GOLD Kearnsy!!

Hehe Legion is so funny

QLD, 2816 posts
1 Apr 2011 8:20PM
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Don't like em - they are sneaky, evil little fu#kers

WA, 147 posts
1 Apr 2011 11:16PM
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I think someone needs to call a waahhh-ambulance for legion

WA, 1321 posts
2 Apr 2011 2:02AM
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doggie said...

KEARNSY said...

I feel the same way about SUP as I do about Fat chicks wearing bike pants -
"Just stay the hell away from me " !!!!

Hahahaha fn GOLD Kearnsy!!

Hehe Legion is so funny

Yeah , and If I ever see Justin Beiber on a SUP I better make 60 minutes!!![}:)]
You folks wanna see bullying , welcome to the UFPC Bieber.........
(Ultimatefknpainchallenge) and NO I WONT GO AND SEE UR MOVIE[}:)]

WA, 7608 posts
17 Apr 2011 8:59PM
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This SUP rider doesn't use his paddle to surf. In my opinion he rips and more than likely can surf any other board just as good

WA, 18 posts
21 Apr 2011 8:30PM
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No one can own the ocean, it is there for everyone. SUP boards and riders have a place and WA has some great outer reefs and spots for them. Unfortunantly shorebreaks, crowded inner Perth line ups and more heavily surfed areas down south may not be the best. Gelous of their padle power, but it is frustrating watching a sterotype real estate agent drop in on you after fighting your way through ten or more others for a set wave at scabs only to see a paddle and board coming straight at you. I wish them all the best, but hope I am never in a line up with them.

WA, 2222 posts
21 Apr 2011 8:37PM
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I'm not allowed to argue with the SUPGers any more . Laurie has deleted all my posts from today and "asked" me not to post there for a while .


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"SUP riders........" started by doggie