Looking at the possibility of moving interstate from Perth to Sunny Coast, possibly around Coolum.
Perth surf is garbage so no comparison there, but whats it like living and surfing the Sunshine Coast ??
Consistency compared to below Brisbane, Gold Coast, North NSW Coast etc ?
Is the wind worse than further down the coast, the same, ( pain in the ass like Perth ?)
Spent a lot of time surfing from Sydney down to The Gong when I was younger and what an amazing stretch
of coast but thats not an option.
Any feedback is much appreciated ?
Cheers in advance.
Inconsistent yes but cyclone season dec-feb it pumps and everywhere every beach every bay every headland.
theres a couple of gem waves there too.
march April may are a non event but in June July and August you will get some good days still.
one session at some of the places will give you more wave time than in Perth for three months
Cheers guys I've heard the inconsistent thing quite a bit so it's kinda ringing true.
But having said that coming from Perth, well unless you've experienced it yourself you have't introduced yourself
to a whole new world of absolute rubbish.
On the Goldy thing Chrispy I check the Duranbah cam quite often, and a bad day at Duranbah is like all time Perth.
Surfed it a few times in the past and it craps on what we get....but the crowd !!....
But thanks guys for the responses, very much appreciated
Yeah djt91184 I surfed Alexandria Bay very small, and also Sunshine beach very small but the potential looked amazing?
I was there only very briefly but just loved the feel of the place.
Is the wind worse than further down the coast or pretty much the same?
Sunny Coast is a great place to live and with Coolum not far from the Noosa points you cant go wrong. You can expect the S/E sea breeze to be in most days but hey its like everywhere - you get your days where the wind is lighter or offshore especially in winter. There are heaps of options to get out of the breeze but the one thing that has always been lacking is good paying work (depending on your chosen trade). All in all great place to live and definitely warmer than Perth
Cheers for the feedback guys, wasn't meant to turn into a slagging match, but after all this is the internet and someone always has to get their nose out of joint or it's not doing it's job.
I've lived and surfed here long enough to see the reality behind many of those photos, but like everywhere it does have it's days, although few and far between.
Anyway any more constructive feedback is welcome.
That northern end of Sunshine Beach and as I said A-Bay look like it could really turn on?
Also Mt Coolum looks like it is just waiting to be mountain biked in the flat spells.....
A bay picks up the most swell between Noosa and caloundra, sunshine is protected from the summer northerlies therefore popular.
If you're willing to get to the islands as well set ups in abundances
Mt Coolum is a bit rugged for mt biking, there are good tracks in the hinterland maleny montville mapleton
Art Vandelay what takes you to the sunny coast - opening a new branch of Vandelay industries for latex and latex related products?
By the way check the old thread below for some more discussion
I'm actually an Architect. ( Was previously a Marine Biologist, hence my interest in the Sunny Coast )
Seen the new football stadium?? I designed that.
Didn't really take me that long...............
Cheers for the link capt., when I visited it was a flat spell and looking at Noosa was like "how the hell do they get waves in here" but the pics and videos i've seen over the years of course say otherwise"
I am a pretty regular visitor to the Sunshine Coast for family reasons.
It has way more surfable days than Perth, but the waves are far more gutless for any given size than Perth too. I have left a 7'6" mini-mal over there for that reason. Small enough to handle when the swell picks up, but with enough planing area to make small gutless surf do-able. There's a reason longboarding is so much more popular over there - it suits the waves a lot of the time.
you will want a longboard type thing, a fish type thing and an all rounder for when it's firing.
Its like a smaller, slightly less consistent version of the Goldy and it's points aren't as epic either, but still lots of fun. There are also lots and lots and lots of different places to surf rather then the very limited number of places between Mandurah and Lancelin. Over there pretty much everywhere has some surfable wave (varying in quality of course) when the winds and swell are right which is far more often than Perth.
And yes, Perth has its days, but I reckon it's more of a crowded circus than either the Goldy or the Sunshine Coast on those days because of the limited wave options. People are friendlier in the water too.
Cheers thedrip thanks for the response.
I was watching a video of Alexandra Headland today and can see what you mean about the mal thing.
A few shortboards in amongst them pinching a few but the mals were ruling it.
I'd imagine the Sunshine Beach beachies have their days?
I surfed it tiny once but it was still kinda fun and looked like it had lots of potential.
I mean the only way I'm really going to find out is get the f### over there eh.....!!
Nah mazdon no gig lined up, it's just me and the missus ( no kids ) packing up and getting the hell outa dodge and starting up somewhere else. It's a big move for us.
There are things we can do but nothing lined up, so we are expecting a lean period for quite a while but can deal with that.
We visited briefly and just loved the place, but when I say briefly it was a couple of days and a flat spell (the Goldy was also flat at the time, even D-bah when we arrived there ) so the surf is a bit of an unknown from firsthand experience, but it would be hard to be as bad as Perth.
Thats why I'm trying to pick peoples brains re: the surf ............
Alex headland is a mal wave.
Couple of pics on the legions surf report thread page 251/252 by quikdrawMcraw of a well known ledge