I didn't make the meeting but from what i can tell.
The council closed it on a 28 day safety claus. In that time i think they had intentions of closing it for good at last nights meeting. In a vote it went un unanimous so now it has to go to a special meeting in two weeks, the voting members have investigated/educated themselves. The issue is the track must be re opened again in 16 days so they have not left themselves much time to fix it.
Talk is that they will let the road stay but still block access to the actual beach. The meeting was standing room only bulging outside mostly with 4wd owners.
Maybe surfers like the idea of having to walk in, to save on crowds I'm not sure, just passing on what i understand..
There will be a special Council Meeting held at 6pm on Monday, 14 April 2014. The meeting will discuss Dewars Track. Question time will occur at the start of the meeting and no deputations will take place. More details to follow.