Forums > Surfing Shortboards

whos having a sickie in WA ?

Created by synsies1000 > 9 months ago, 29 Apr 2008
3 posts
15 Jul 2008 4:24PM
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keeping an eye on that swell coming this weekend here in WA, shame about the wind, but fingers crossed a few local groynes and protected reefs should get some waves! pity im working lets hhope that wind eases, sunday looks tho go...

WA, 270 posts
16 Jul 2008 8:32PM
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did you say your working sunday? theres always the cough cough couple of hours early knock off sickie,(which normally never contributes to loss of sick hours!) [}:)]

3 posts
19 Jul 2008 11:24AM
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yep, working sunday, working today too! and apparently the surf is firing? Is this true!? im guessing so by the lack of wind around

WA, 270 posts
19 Jul 2008 4:56PM
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i checked it round 12 and is a solid swell with good sets BUT theres very little in the way of banks and the winds still smashing it from the side. all in all its average and to make things worse the tides low this arvo and im sure theres icebergs just beyond the breakers.
anyone else get some action today?

1672 posts
19 Jul 2008 5:46PM
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Not much swell here today (3ft) but plenty of icebergs

WA, 270 posts
19 Jul 2008 7:21PM
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whats the water temp down there brooko? i know, that you know the water temp up here only gets down to 16'c and at the moment its 17'c and everyones winging.
so to keep your breaks safe in vicco all you have to do is tell us how cold it is!

WA, 7608 posts
20 Jul 2008 6:55PM
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synsies1000 said...

Anyone else get some action today?

Yeah some big waves around. I will start a new thread with the photos.

1672 posts
20 Jul 2008 8:11PM
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Think its 11 degrees mate , just bought a new solution gold billabong 4x3 a couple of weeks ago it works well but nothing stops the icecream headaches, and numb toes

WA, 270 posts
21 Jul 2008 9:39PM
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11 degrees? then what the hell do the tasmans surf in then?
you can have the deep south.....i'll go to broome for a couple of cyclones.
can't beat a good wettie, i bought one of those westsuits 3x2 lotus, warmest wettie ive ever owned but ive killed it in under a year. mostly rotted even though its washed out, it just never drys.

WA, 270 posts
21 Jul 2008 9:40PM
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someone must have some sick photos of wa this year to upload, how bout it?

WA, 270 posts
25 Jul 2008 9:23PM
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never been up FAR north of WA because you thought theres no waves?......this is just from 1 island 150 km west from kalumburu (the furtherest most point in WA).

WA, 7608 posts
25 Jul 2008 9:27PM
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Did you surf it?

WA, 270 posts
26 Jul 2008 3:00PM
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i didn't get to surf it, no landing strips........ but i got my name in for the first maiden charter next year.

WA, 7608 posts
27 Jul 2008 12:21PM
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How do I go about putting my name down too?
Whats the cost and details for the trip?
Send me a pm

WA, 270 posts
27 Jul 2008 7:58PM
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smoking johnny cash was all i heard about saturday the 26th on the sw coast of WA. few surfers around in the morning, but where did everyone go in the arvo? sheet glass conditions right along the whole coast with just dribs and drabs of surfers enjoying empty bliss......who said theres a population burst in WA?

WA, 64 posts
27 Jul 2008 9:27PM
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maybe just keep news like that close to ya chest ,then we don,t have to whinge when there is people everywhere !ya bozo !

WA, 270 posts
29 Jul 2008 7:41PM
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you better delete your favourite spots if you don't want anyone going there handi. oh while your there, delete your photos of sw emptyness you bozo.......

WA, 64 posts
31 Jul 2008 3:01PM
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pretty sure the places i have as faves are well known mate,and sw emptiness didnt say when or what day,p.s,i wasnt asking where the crowds were either,just enjoyed every moment!

WA, 64 posts
31 Jul 2008 3:20PM
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dont get me wrong,i love seeing local photos ,un named of course.more often than not you will pick where it is. like you ,i have surfed over 20 yrs,but it is rare these days to have a good session with just your mates, all i say is savour it,keep it to mates,happy surfin !

WA, 375 posts
31 Jul 2008 9:24PM
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Funny that ,cause We went surfing and one mate(Sparno) who lives down south paddled off and we never saw him again.

67 posts
1 Aug 2008 5:09PM
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Handi said...

maybe just keep news like that close to ya chest ,then we don,t have to whinge when there is people everywhere !ya bozo !

Ive got a good idea, DONT WHINGE!!!!!


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"whos having a sickie in WA ?" started by synsies1000