You can find rubber grommets that fit in the track. Gong sell them too.
Just fit them on either side of the nuts.
I did quite some foiling with the Armstrong HS1550 last year, combined with a Horue Tiny with a second set of US-boxes in front of the original ones. It was okay and I would still be riding with that combo if we were not at a pretty gusty spot. The 1550 is lacking some acceleration and has a bit too low Vmax. Every time a gust hits you either open the sail or you need to shift your weight to the back, as the sail accelerates the board but the foil can't cope it. It is doable, but it was not relaxing. I gave up on it, bought a Moses 790 and played with that until recently.
I did a lot of wingfoiling the last 4 months and when I realized, that the 2400 front-wing is just not made for wind-driven sports on gusty spots. First I ordered the HS1850 which has been my favorite wing since then. When the HS1250 came out I immediately ordered it as a high-wind front-end for wing-dinging. A youngster in our club couldn't get access to his gear one day, so I offered him to test the HS1250 with my windfoil-board. And that was sort of a game-changer. The HS1250 is the first Armstrong front-wing I would recommend for windfoiling, unless you are lucky to have constant wind. The 1250 with uni-tail and 0 or +1 shim is really capable. It has tons of lift and great acceleration. The top speed is great for windfoiling and it can keep up with the dedicated free ride windfoils.
I sold the Moses after only a short session with the HS1250 front-wing. Unfortunately I sold my Horue Tiny as well, as I want to build a board that is designed for my needs. But I still have a Smik Hipster with foil-boxes...
If you have a slightly wobbling front-wing, there is an easy fix. I do have a spare fuselage, as I had a similar problem with my first set-up and they just send a new one... I gave it a light rub with grit240, degreased it and shot two or three layers of cheap rattle-can clear-coat. That was already too much, so I had to sand it back a bit, as the wings got stuck on it. I did have around 10 sessions on that fuselage and it is still snug.
Best regards,
I was finally able to try my new CF2400 wing on low windy day. I used -2 degree shim with 80 cm fuselage and 85 cm mast on a Levitator 160 lt board. Compared to HS1850 wing, significantly slower but very stable once it lifts up. I was able to foil on 10-12 mph day with 7.0 Flyer foil sail but I prefer 1850 wing since it is faster. I feel that I will be able to practice jibing on the 2400 wing. In summary, if you are heavy and looking for low wind set up, you may get 2400 or 1850. Another choice may test is Moses 1100 which is likely as fast as the 1850.
In early June I asked Armstrong about whether they are developing a foil for windfoiling. Their reply:
The TCW80 fuselage is under testing. Please keep an eye on our website, and I will let you know when it is ready. We [will] have a TCW80 windsurf fuselage option (extends front foil 100mm forward) or you could use the A+ TC70 fuse if your tracks are far enough forward in your board.
The HS1250 feels pretty good for windfoiling. I used the 1550 V1 for quite a while but it is has to much drag to be good in gusty conditions. The 1250 has plenty of lift and good acceleration which for me is key in gusty winds. I thought about trying the 1125 but didn't have the time to do so. I hope that I will get some good windfoil-days during our vacation.
Been a while since this thread was active. Any updates on using Armstrong foils for Windfoiling?
A 110kg rider in 12-15 mph able to use the 1550 or go for the 2400 ?
anyone used the 80cm fuse?
Hey. I'm new here. Been following the thread. I just got the V1 80cm fuselage. I tried the 70cm on my SS Wizard 130 but the foil just wasn't far enough forward. I have CF 1200 and HS1250 wings, 300 stabilizer, 100 mast. I'm switching from SS hoverglide. My favorite wing is the SS gamma 68 (1050cm2 area) been having a blast on it but had 2 failures, a broken fuselage and a broken mast bolt at the mount plate. I went with Armstrong because the system seems durable. I'm 200lbs (90Kg). I'll report when I get to use it. Late fall winds aren't very dependable around here.
All that lightness comes at the cost of stiffness. I checked out a whole bunch of foils recently. Armstrong was really flexy. Fanatic the stiffest by far.
Did Armstrong updated mast construction, what i saw so far was very soft. Another q to the group, are they the lightest foil on the market?
not a big fan of armstrong foils, they seem a bit too big fish friendly
Happy to report hat I have finally used my Armstrong kit with a sail. Ive used the HS1850 and the CF2400 and its been great. I went for the 70cm fuse (A+) and I use the 300 rear wing.
Ive got it pretty much balanced now but to do it I've had to put the Foil mast as far forward in the tracks as possible (Naish Hover) and the sail mast foot as far back as it will go and Ive moved the front foot straps one hole away from the very rear position.
On the water the 2400 is a light wind beast and gets my 240 lbs up and running in 11 knots and the 1850 from 14 knots.
The last session out I put a 1 degree shim in the front half of the stab and it gave me 2 degrees or negative angle which totally made the back foot pressure go away and balanced the foil under my feet.
The goal was to have one foil set for both windfoil and wing foil and I now have it.
really looking forward to trying the HS1550 with a bit more wind.
I spoke to Armstrong yesterday and they confirmed a 80 cm fuse is being developed but can't confirm any timeline.