Forums > Windsurfing Foiling

Australian Windfoil Championship 2020 - at RQYS

Created by bushfire > 9 months ago, 19 Sep 2019
QLD, 3700 posts
29 Dec 2019 12:39PM
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da vecta said..
It's going to be competitive....

I knew foiling was going to be an arms race.

NSW, 1263 posts
2 Jan 2020 3:43PM
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Sydney Foilers:

G'day... I'm registered for the nationals, and counting the days. Is anyone else around Sydney training for the event?

I've been out about 10 times recently trying to improve my technique, but would also like to sail with a buddy or two!


da vecta
QLD, 2512 posts
15 Jan 2020 7:40PM
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Just a reminder that the entries to the Nationals/Downunder Pro close on the 18th of January. After that there is a $50 late fee.

297 posts
15 Jan 2020 10:54PM
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da vecta said..
It's going to be competitive....

For the win! This is funny!

NSW, 60 posts
19 Jan 2020 12:08PM
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da vecta said..
Just a reminder that the entries to the Nationals/Downunder Pro close on the 18th of January. After that there is a $50 late fee.

I am surprised not to see more names on the entry list as l know of many guys taking up this wonderful new sport. Even in my area at the central coast here are quite a few foilers. Could make a holiday of it at the RQYC even with the family .
come on guys...let's do it !!!

da vecta
QLD, 2512 posts
21 Jan 2020 6:17PM
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Breaking News...the late entry fee of $50 has been lifted to encourage more entries. Thank you kindly to those who have already have already entered.

WA, 3746 posts
24 Jan 2020 3:54PM
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Interesting that one of the entries is:

"Tom Luedecke


Male, Grandmaster, Open



VIC, 8 posts
28 Jan 2020 9:21AM
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Hey Everyone attending, I'm from Vic and coming up to compete, pretty pumped. Do any Brisbane locals reading this reckon they could spare an hour on Thursday night to pick me up from the airport, or know of anyone likely to be in a position to help? I'd be happy to sling you/them some cash for your troubles, it's just that rocking up at the airport with all my **** and waiting for a maxi cab could be troublesome and expensive, and hopefully calling on those who have caught the foiling bug, they'll have a car big enough to fit a couple of sails, masts,boom, board and foil in the back. I'm staying at RQYS so would just need carting there and then I'm good to go.

QLD, 1458 posts
28 Jan 2020 9:25AM
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At what time are you arriving?
Bear in mind everyone in Brisbane is in bed by 8am (no daylight saving here).

VIC, 8 posts
28 Jan 2020 10:46AM
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jusavina said..
At what time are you arriving?
Bear in mind everyone in Brisbane is in bed by 8am (no daylight saving here).

:/, well, if anyone local want's to help, they are going to have to stay up quite a bit past their bedtime if they're usually hitting the sack at 8 o'clock in the morning, I get in at 9 at night! hopefully not too late but late enough that there isn't much traffic.

Mitch Pearson
QLD, 270 posts
28 Jan 2020 2:37PM
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Hi Jack.

I can help you.

send me a DM with your mobile


VIC, 1124 posts
28 Jan 2020 5:44PM
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Impressive fleet numbers well done And good winds !

WA, 3746 posts
28 Jan 2020 4:50PM
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Wishing fair winds and good luck to all competing. Where can we expect to get updates on the racing ? Is there a facebook page with snaps and results and similar that can be followed ?

QLD, 1458 posts
28 Jan 2020 7:37PM
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The photographer who was at the LT National is competing so we won't have as good pictures as you guys got.
We'll try to post the results here.

Mitch Pearson
QLD, 270 posts
28 Jan 2020 8:03PM
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jusavina said..
The photographer who was at the LT National is competing so we won't have as good pictures as you guys got.
We'll try to post the results here.

Unless I break my equipment or myself ;)

NSW, 1717 posts
28 Jan 2020 11:13PM
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RichardG said..
Wishing fair winds and good luck to all competing. Where can we expect to get updates on the racing ? Is there a facebook page with snaps and results and similar that can be followed ?

Unfortunately I can't race because like an idiot I had a big crash on the pushy recently but i'm going up and will try and take plenty of pics/update with results each day as well.

WA, 3746 posts
28 Jan 2020 8:20PM
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CJW said..

RichardG said..
Wishing fair winds and good luck to all competing. Where can we expect to get updates on the racing ? Is there a facebook page with snaps and results and similar that can be followed ?

Unfortunately I can't race because like an idiot I had a big crash on the pushy recently but i'm going up and will try and take plenty of pics/update with results each day as well.

Sorry to hear that CJW and I know you are a very keen foiler and would likely have been a very good contender in the course racing. I hope you recover and heal swiftly and that you enjoy the time off the water to the maximum extent possible. Thanks in advance for your efforts in keeping the news flowing in this very exciting event.

NSW, 1263 posts
30 Jan 2020 11:24AM
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Short video of the location...

QLD, 341 posts
31 Jan 2020 2:53PM
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Live race results here:

2509 posts
2 Feb 2020 4:44AM
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azuli said..
Live race results here:

Sweet heavens when one of your discards is a bullet...

Props to all participating.

NSW, 1263 posts
3 Feb 2020 12:35PM
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Paducah said..

azuli said..
Live race results here:

Sweet heavens when one of your discards is a bullet...

Props to all participating.

Yeah Lloyd was that good, he deserved to win! He was also a super helpful guy, willing to share tuning, racing and foiling tips. I learned so much this week!

NSW, 1717 posts
3 Feb 2020 12:57PM
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Well the drop was a 3rd to be accurate, but impressive none the less. There are some really good pics in the other thread in this section and on the RQYS Facebook page

2509 posts
3 Feb 2020 10:40AM
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CJW said..
Well the drop was a 3rd to be accurate, but impressive none the less. There are some really good pics in the other thread in this section and on the RQYS Facebook page

Sorry, the results page indicated 3 drops. Absolutely agree - the day I drop a third, everyone here will hear about it. I'm more likely to win 100 million in the lottery, though.

QLD, 1458 posts
3 Feb 2020 12:54PM
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3 drops so he dropped a third, a second and a first.

NSW, 1717 posts
3 Feb 2020 2:27PM
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Paducah said..

CJW said..
Well the drop was a 3rd to be accurate, but impressive none the less. There are some really good pics in the other thread in this section and on the RQYS Facebook page

Sorry, the results page indicated 3 drops. Absolutely agree - the day I drop a third, everyone here will hear about it. I'm more likely to win a 100 million in the lottery, though.

Nope, my bad, for some reason I had 'worst drop' in my head....don't mind me

I think 3 drops is overly generous though

2509 posts
3 Feb 2020 1:37PM
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CJW said..

Paducah said..

CJW said..
Well the drop was a 3rd to be accurate, but impressive none the less. There are some really good pics in the other thread in this section and on the RQYS Facebook page

Sorry, the results page indicated 3 drops. Absolutely agree - the day I drop a third, everyone here will hear about it. I'm more likely to win a 100 million in the lottery, though.

Nope, my bad, for some reason I had 'worst drop' in my head....don't mind me

I think 3 drops is overly generous though

All good. Are the drops transferable? Asking for a friend that's never come in first, second or third. If they aren't being used and all...

QLD, 23 posts
3 Feb 2020 7:09PM
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2020 Downunder Pro Aust Windfoil Championship at RQYS - many of the General Rules for this event were adapted from 2019 IFCA Foil Worlds Championship at Silvaplana in Aug 2019.

WA, 3746 posts
5 Feb 2020 10:54AM
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John0 said..
2020 Downunder Pro Aust Windfoil Championship at RQYS - many of the General Rules for this event were adapted from 2019 IFCA Foil Worlds Championship at Silvaplana in Aug 2019.

Thanks. It says " maximum board width of 911mm" in the document you quoted but many sailors were using wider ie 100 cm boards. Is that correct ?

ACT, 544 posts
5 Feb 2020 2:10PM
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RichardG said..

John0 said..
2020 Downunder Pro Aust Windfoil Championship at RQYS - many of the General Rules for this event were adapted from 2019 IFCA Foil Worlds Championship at Silvaplana in Aug 2019.

Thanks. It says " maximum board width of 911mm" in the document you quoted but many sailors were using wider ie 100 cm boards. Is that correct ?

Richard, John said many of the rules not all
Have a look at Bushfires post , 4th in this thread taken from the NOR

QLD, 3700 posts
5 Feb 2020 9:22PM
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This was the last event in the "Manly Summer of Sailing", which I think was made up with 5 seperate National Championship Regatta's. Flying 11's, Flying 15's, Corsairs, Raceboard's and Windfoils. I am pretty sure that every one of those regatta's got their full contingent of races completed. Not a bad summer of sailing. Well done RQYS and thank you the to the staff and especially the volunteers on and off the water for making these regatta's so great to be a part of.


Forums > Windsurfing Foiling

"Australian Windfoil Championship 2020 - at RQYS" started by bushfire