Forums > Windsurfing Foiling

Foiling and footstraps

Created by Adam555 > 9 months ago, 1 Dec 2018
WA, 5 posts
21 Jan 2020 7:39PM
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No one interested??

WA, 493 posts
21 Jan 2020 8:34PM
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Really clever Gary! How has your on-water testing gone?

WA, 1623 posts
22 Jan 2020 3:38AM
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Gary, you should commercialize them. I think they would sell.

Meantime, like some have already said, if you need to get some prototypes out for testing, I would be VERY willing to help.

WA, 162 posts
24 Jan 2020 6:28PM
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garyanja said..
Hi Guys
I have done a prototype with great success. I have made a youtube video to demo.

Hi Gary

This looks extremely interesting be keen to have a look/ discuss further/ assist with testing- do you mind if I give you a call or pm ?

FYI have been using the Velcro style model from the start of this thread now for about 1.5 years + and I found the initial issue that needed resolving wasn't so much the forces from a fall but more so from the loads your foot but on the strap during normal sailing ie avoiding the unexpected strap failure when you lift your own weight by scrunching your foot. Once I sorted this out have found it to work very well and have been trialling on the free ride board as well



WA, 5 posts
27 Jan 2020 6:33PM
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No problem me on 0433557563. I need someone who is good with stainless steel plate to make up a few and we can get more people involved. Lets do it!!!
I am on whatsapp too ....this is better actually
Ive been too slack!!!!!!

I have found the footprint of a normal footstrap screw point provides enough tensile strength but this could be tweeked.
I have a few more samples of the product we can use. It is not velcro BTW.

Regards Gary

513 posts
21 Feb 2020 11:41AM
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Gary, they look great. I'd be really interested in trying a set. I'll text you.

145 posts
7 Mar 2020 7:56PM
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Are foot injuries in footstraps more a problem in windfoiling then in classic wave windsurfing? Just wondered if needing special precaution when venturing into this new field for me or is it more a question about us becoming more fragile old men versus when we were young doing one massive crash from extreme heights/waves/speeds in windsurfing, one after the other without bad foot bone fractures?

30 posts
19 Jun 2020 2:52AM
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You could be interested in that:

It is available.
Patent pending...

688 posts
19 Jun 2020 3:41AM
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Cyber said..
Are foot injuries in footstraps more a problem in windfoiling then in classic wave windsurfing? Just wondered if needing special precaution when venturing into this new field for me or is it more a question about us becoming more fragile old men versus when we were young doing one massive crash from extreme heights/waves/speeds in windsurfing, one after the other without bad foot bone fractures?

I have chosen not to put footstraps on my foil board for that exact reason. I have a blast on foil without using footstraps. Without straps, you just have to find the sweet spots where to place your feet and your set to go. Everytime I ride my foilboard, my feet go to the same spots every time. When I say spots, my feet naturally go to one setting or the other depending if nicely powered or over powered. Back foot always stays the same. My back foot is the lifting power mechanism and my front foot is my ride hight stabilizer. If I'm nicely powered, my front foot is further back on the board. If I become overpowered, my front foot scoots forward 1/2"-1" depending on how much energy is storing up on the front wing. It's all muscle memory now as far as when I need to scoot my front foot back or forward.

QLD, 1356 posts
19 Jun 2020 5:43AM
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I have been testing these on my foilboard the last couple of sessions. They are foam rather than webbing/neoprene which don't grip your foot in a crash. As soon as your foot moves it slides free. I've had quite a few crashes and my feet have come free every time.
They are quite rigid and this is probably the reason your foot falls out easily. They have heaps of adjustment via extra holes so great for booties. I have gained a lot of trust in these and my confidence is growing as I'm now not worried about getting stuck in a strap.

WA, 2031 posts
6 Jan 2021 7:45AM
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Adam, are you still using your reduced Velcro front straps?
If so, what further experience have you gained in the last year i.e. what amount of Velcro is working best?
Thanks for the testing you've done so far

I've experimented with taping out about 80% of the Velcro on a standard strap - I reckon it'll work for me.
I can easily get used to foiling with most foot pressure forward on the edge of my foot (in front and back straps) - very little upward pressure on the straps when up on foil.
If modified straps pop upon a little too eagerly occasionally that would be a good sign they're working, hardly a deal breaker JJ

2776 posts
6 Jan 2021 10:38AM
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Early on I was told by an experienced windsurfer who realized I was new at it to setup my straps so the foot arch did not go in too deep, because otherwise he said you could break your foot. I always wear booties, usually 1.5 mm, the base of my toes are about even with the front edge of the strap, so the main part of my arch is not covered by the strap. I have fallen at slow speeds and while my foot did get stuck in the strap, it was probably due to the bootie, and then it was only the toe area that got stuck, not the arch so just had an awkward moment getting my toes out because the bootie was griping the pad and I was leaning forward of the strap. I have also fallen at full speed a number of times and my foot has never gotten stuck then. I do not use rear straps. Maybe people think to set them up like open toe sandals that cover the arch, obviously not good for ws or wf. Guess I am fortunate the guy took the time to warn me about the foot strap danger, will have to remember to return the favor.

3939 posts
6 Jan 2021 11:02AM
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Don't set your straps like that.
Either tighter for slalom/speed or narrower and much taller for wave and freestyle.

2776 posts
6 Jan 2021 11:09AM
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LeeD said..
Don't set your straps like that.
Either tighter for slalom/speed or narrower and much taller for wave and freestyle.

I just foil now, but had them set the same way for windsurfing. If my foot was any less inward of the strap I would be holding on with just my toes!

2776 posts
6 Jan 2021 11:43PM
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Sandman1221 said..
LeeD said..
Don't set your straps like that.
Either tighter for slalom/speed or narrower and much taller for wave and freestyle.

I just foil now, but had them set the same way for windsurfing. If my foot was any less inward of the strap I would be holding on with just my toes!

And my heel would be over the rail dragging in the water preflight!

WA, 1623 posts
7 Jan 2021 12:29AM
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Either really tight for toe-only, or REALLY loose for a lot of movement. For foiling I have found that my footstraps pretty much serve only to locate my feet for balance. They do not keep me stuck to the board like they needed to do for finning.

Foiling strapless is really easy. You don't lose anything by omitting the straps.

For race foiling, however, you do need the straps in the same way we needed them for formula.

2078 posts
7 Jan 2021 3:01AM
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LeeD said..
Don't set your straps like that.
Either tighter for slalom/speed or narrower and much taller for wave and freestyle.

A rare moment where we agree completely. I prefer the slalom setup for foil but I've run both.
It's the in between setups like the one pictured which break feet.

2294 posts
7 Jan 2021 3:18AM
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Its long but all good, the main foil bit starts at 14.20sec

575 posts
7 Jan 2021 6:39AM
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azymuth said..
Adam, are you still using your reduced Velcro front straps?
If so, what further experience have you gained in the last year i.e. what amount of Velcro is working best?
Thanks for the testing you've done so far

I've experimented with taping out about 80% of the Velcro on a standard strap - I reckon it'll work for me.
I can easily get used to foiling with most foot pressure forward on the edge of my foot (in front and back straps) - very little upward pressure on the straps when up on foil.
If modified straps pop upon a little too eagerly occasionally that would be a good sign they're working, hardly a deal breaker JJ

JJ, hope your knee is having a fast recovery. Was it a strap related injury?

I am looking to change my straps from the stock slingshot ones to something like the dakine premo or new SS straps. The SS straps don't adjust big enough for my size 12s with 6/5 boots on. The goal is to get something stiffer and bigger to allow me to get my back foot closer to the center line of the board for downwinders with bigger sails up to 5.8. Run them freestyle tall and narrow. The original ss straps don't hold up well and like to fall down on your foot; meaning you have to wiggle sometimes to get in them. This strategy seems dangerous. Stiff straps seem the safest.

One excellent benefit from straps is you can put much more force into the foil when pumping with both feet in the straps. I find it's more important with sails above 5m, maybe it's also a counterbalanced thing from a heavier rig in the nose.

2776 posts
7 Jan 2021 9:16AM
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Grantmac said..

LeeD said..
Don't set your straps like that.
Either tighter for slalom/speed or narrower and much taller for wave and freestyle.

A rare moment where we agree completely. I prefer the slalom setup for foil but I've run both.
It's the in between setups like the one pictured which break feet.

With all due respect, I took the time to post a picture, if you two are going to say it is wrong then the least you both can do is post a picture of what you consider right! So where are your pics LeeD and Grantmac?

And by the way, since I have a size 12 foot (US), if my foot was anymore outboard my heel would be over the rail catching the water when not inflight!

And according to the video by Guy Cribb my foot placement in the strap is
correct. Now I am not saying you guys do not know what your talking about, but Guy Cribb was UK windsurfing champ like 9 times and now teaches windsurfing and foiling clinics all over the world so I thinkI will go with him!

3939 posts
7 Jan 2021 10:15AM
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1. Pull your heel inboard, like slalom sailing.
2. Pics are for computer geeks.
3. I have size 11, which is close to your size.
4. We advise to hopefully prevent you from twisting your ankle or breaking your foot.
5. Some experience gained from 35 years on boards smaller than 100 liters.
6. NO expert would say your foot position is safe in any kind of fall.
7. You misunderstood or Guy misunderstood your picture.
8. Even Mark..Aussie, my greatest detractor, would advise against your foot positioning in the straps.
9. You are free to disregard our advice, but after you hurt yourself in a locked in fall, we can say....."I told you so".

2776 posts
7 Jan 2021 11:45PM
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LeeD said..
1. Pull your heel inboard, like slalom sailing.
2. Pics are for computer geeks.
3. I have size 11, which is close to your size.
4. We advise to hopefully prevent you from twisting your ankle or breaking your foot.
5. Some experience gained from 35 years on boards smaller than 100 liters.
6. NO expert would say your foot position is safe in any kind of fall.
7. You misunderstood or Guy misunderstood your picture.
8. Even Mark..Aussie, my greatest detractor, would advise against your foot positioning in the straps.
9. You are free to disregard our advice, but after you hurt yourself in a locked in fall, we can say....."I told you so".

Sorry, Guy Cribb did not look at my picture, I just watched his above video on foiling foot strap settings, and I have mine adjusted just like he showed! So you do not want to post a pic, a pic is worth a 1000 words, but a video by Guy Cribb is priceless!

3939 posts
8 Jan 2021 1:38AM
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You are free to disregard 4 posters advice on strap settings.
Break your foot or twist your knee at your own peril, don't say you were not warned.

NSW, 178 posts
8 Jan 2021 6:42AM
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segler said..

Foiling strapless is really easy. You don't lose anything by omitting the straps.

To break up the above ongoing dispute between LeeD (in the thick of it once again) and Sandman.....

I read this from Segler with interest. Most on the guys here on Lake Macquarie that foil rarely use their rear straps if at all. I on the other hand find them essential for the below reasons;
- Essential for aggressive board and sail pumping in lighter winds to get up on the foil
- Allows for harder carving (like a wave sailor) on rolling swell/waves
- Helps in not getting launched over the handlebars in the event of breach or big gust
- Helps in a breach recovery to stay "locked in"

I should mention I am on very different gear to them.

3939 posts
8 Jan 2021 6:30AM
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I concur on using both straps.

VIC, 1189 posts
8 Jan 2021 2:33PM
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My theory is that the bigger the sail, the more dangerous any footstrap mishap.

664 posts
15 Jan 2021 11:28PM
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The title of the attached post should be changed to strong ankles! I bet her straps were set in the often advised wide and tall freestyle method and she is not wearing booties. Some times crap happens especially when you send it like Oda. I hope she did not get injured.

3939 posts
16 Jan 2021 12:14AM
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"Freestyle" footstrap is NARROW, but extremely tall, so the foot is allowed to roll over in a big crash.
Wide and tall is dangerous.
Wide and low is ok.
Slalom, with only toes showing through, is safest, allowing heel pivot to get the foot out.

WA, 1623 posts
16 Jan 2021 1:01AM
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For foiling I set my straps very very loose so that I have all kinds of movement inside them. When I crash my feet simply come out. With thousands of crashes over 4 years, I have never had an injury. I don't depend on the straps to tie me to the board. Instead they serve only to locate my feet for foil balance. For foiling, you don't need to be tied to the board anyway since most of us have a very upright stance. This is why quite a lot of foilers go completely strapless. And even more foilers use only front straps and leave the rear deck open for unimpeded movement of the back feet.

So, loose? Tight? I don't know. Some people like Ford, some like Chevy, some like Dodge. I do know that loose works for me.

62 posts
23 Apr 2021 5:58AM
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Addam55 how did you break your ankle?
both foots on straps?
Wear boots?

i'm a lit be afraid with foil... only 2 sessions on the pinkie and i think foiling is a bit dangerous...

i will install new footstraps that can adjust it to make it very very large... is it a good tip?


Forums > Windsurfing Foiling

"Foiling and footstraps" started by Adam555