Here's my modest contribution
I was in Tarifa last week for 6 days of windsurfing (yes I know life sucks)
Went to "escuela dos mares" windsurf rental cause I knew they had foils (even though Tarifa is supposed to be windy as hell, you never know)
First two days Poniante wind was howling, was out windsurfing in 5.5, my first time starting from a shore break and in freezing water !
Next days were Levante wind so not as strong (15knts max in gusts) and much smaller break
Got to rent a 122 starboard foil board equiped with the supercruiser.
I knew they had my race foil setup to rent but thought I would give it a go.
so here goes :
uggly as f....
heavy as a pig (mast/fuselage are alloy and front wing is more than 2 cm thick on the angle of attack)
Uphauling was stressing, narrow 75.5 board (as opposed to my 1.00m fat tiki)
Started pumping the 5.5 gator and I was immediatly in the air !!! at ultra low speed (remember I'm 92 kg!)
I was up so fast I didn't have time to fit my rear strap.
Not wanting to fall in fridge temperature water I sailed my first tack with the rear foot between both rear straps, was okayish... but no I way I could go upwind like that.
Still I was cruising easily at 15 knts with no issues at all.
next tack I fitted both straps before take off and then the magic happened !!
Unreal stability, no way to get it to even breach, so reassuring ! I would go upwind and downwind with no issues whatsoever.
Max speed reached was 17knts, but what a comfort, I did a downwind holding the boom with one hand for approx 7 km.
You totally forget the weight once you get going, I tried a jibe close to shore in medium waves, nearly nailed it, the foil sustains flight forever....
After that I went for a another long dw but this time carving (zigzaging) up and down the tarifa swell (did I mention I was in Tarifa ? ) , what a great feeling, unhooked, back foot out, just playing with the foil. Dream session !
Didn't get to try the stab adjustment system, but looks neat and easy.
So all in all a great foil either for beginners (assured to fly in 5 mns !) or if if you're looking for something really comfy and cruisy that you can play with in waves also !
Have to admit if fits the 122 just fine, only needed to adjust my stance.
So mostly pros, only con I noticed is the front wing screws would come undone after each session.
(tel pics sorry !)
Thanks Sean for the review and pics, looks like a good option for superlight wind. Still 17kts speed is not far off race setup or the GT-R I ride.
Thanks so much for the review, Sean. I was wondering what they were like. In your opinion, would you use one of these as an early flying, light wind option in conjunction with the SB race foil set up? Or does the race foil have enough variation to cover the same light wind range?
Thanks again.
It surely flies earlier than the race set up and with a smaller sail.
If you're not after speed and course racing it's a really good set up.
It's a shame that you can't use the same fuselage but I see the point with the wing being so big and just in front of the mast.
So yes if I could I'd get one for those light days and even those days when it's really choppy.
Sean, can you remember at what angle the stabiliser was set and was the front wing mounted on the back 3 screw holes or further forward utilising the more forward screw?
Thanks for the review.
A bud just tried the GlideM after 2 months on Flight S.
Wish you posted you were headed to Tarifa. Friend lives at Goya's warehouse, always wellcoming visitors.
hi, stab was set to neutral and wing was fully back on the fuselage.
Suspect the "extra" hole is for one of the other surf wings maybe ?
I use a torque wrench set to around 9Nm and they are all still at the same tightness when I come off the water.
Indecent exposur you will need to buy the rear wing too as this is different to other starboard rears.
Really stoked to see this review. I have the ultrasonic with the race setup and wanted to try the super cruiser, but wasn't sure it would work with my board. Had the Naish for awhile and it was so back foot heavy due to the short fuselage. After struggling for months realized how important it is to have a foil that is suited for your board.
and now the board to match the supercruiser
Mine arrived todaywill use for "freefoil" windsurfing on SB 122, carving on the swells with small sails, and for SUP
Roll on summer!
I tried today with the stabilizer in the forward position (max lift). It was low wind, 10 knots on hydra 6.0. I didn't really like it, the foil felt pretty unstable, not up and down but more side to side. It felt a little like I'm standing on an inflatable ball in the water, not as bad but this sort of feeling like it's trying to run away from under me. On the swell it had so much lift that I considered standing in front of the mast
I tried it last week with the new foil x 145. For me it felt instable too. I thought it was because the wind was very low and im used to go with the 800 race foil. It was the same thing like the moses vento 85. Probably with more wind would it be easyer to get warm with this style.
I've had two good sessions on the super cruiser now. All I can say is it is super cruisey ????. This style of foil is not fast but is very stable and super easy to gybe. It feels like you can slow down to walking speed before it even thinks about falling off the foil. I have just set the rear wing to the centre location and it feels perfect. When pumping it pops out of the water really early at an incredibly low board speed.
Gybing is a dream and it is super tolerant to small errors
Now had my first session on Supercruiser, out on Melbourne's Bay - not ideal conditions, wind all over the place northerly 5 to 30 knots, small swell, on SB 122 with 4.7 Blade, front wing all the way back, using 95 carbon mast (from my GT and Race sets)
SO much fun, even in such gusty breeze which makes it impossible to get settled - easy, loose, quick and smooth to get airborne even with my 90+kg, fast enough, very controllable in the bullets compared to crazy power of Race foil/fuselage, definitely allows a smaller sail than GT
A real hoot exploring angles and learning the right foot pressure to surf the swells, feather the sail, power the board through the foil instead of the sail - plenty of dropping off the foil in the holes, and plenty of crashes when I *@$#&ed up - unlimited room to keep learning, eg. DarrylG tracks are incredible! So it is a winner for everyone from 1st timer to expert
Inspired to get out in bigger Bay and ocean rollers, and to try it SUP foiling with the same 87 fuselage
Another great contender in the booming "free foil" space
Great reading this thread. I have the Super Cruiser as a first-time foil and have some good sessions on it in light conditions. A friend(very solid foiler - winning races here) who has been using the Starboard slalom version took it out for a spin last night - liked it, but, thought the rear wing was too big and basically killing the manoeuvrability of the foil - I think there is a smaller rear foil. Interested in any comment on this or any other observations. Have also experienced the screws coming loose on the front wing - definitely a thing!
Some thoughts to add, after a session on SB122 with Blade 5.3, loads of wind - out on GT for a while, then switched to Supercruiser
Both work sweet - GT needs a bit more speed to get/stay flying, it's designed to blast along on fast reach - SC is SOOOO easy, flys in a blink with no fuss, plenty loose, encourages continual turns (like a pure wave board), happy going slower than GT which is what you want to stay connected to wave faces - once you can manage the high speed, GT is actually easier to use in rough water if you want to sail in straight lines - SC has tons of lift so it grabs every bit of power from the rollers and changes ride height continually in messy seas, whereas GT relies more on sail power and high aspect wing just punches through chop more evenly once you are blasting along - SC is fast enough, GT is a rocket, and both rip upwind effortlessly
That low aspect lift feature will be mega fun on Supercruiser as I learn better techniques in ocean rollers etc , to flow with the waves, continually using power of the swell rather than the sail, trying to keep consistent ride height, managing the surge in speed, power and lift when riding down wave faces
Both foil styles are so accessible and satisfying, way less technical than full race foil setups - only caveat if you start out your foil journey on the SC, it will be easier in flat water
First time out on SC a couple of front bolts came loose, like others report, but next time I tightened them more and no movement - thread inserts mean OK to really crank them tight before you head out - ditch the dinky spanner they supply and get a T tool
SC is plenty loose under my 92+kg, rear wing seems fine (and angle is adjustable), but lighter riders or Kai Lennys may want to change it ...
Also will be interesting to use SC for SUP foiling, to see if lift and balance of standard bits suit that equally well
Awsome information Peter Hands. As this is my first and only foil experience it is great to get wider perspectives. I think your observation regarding the swell/wave effect on the ride for the SC makes perfect sense and offers a real difference. I am using it on lumpy close chop in around 10 knots - if it hits 11 I am up(with a little chop effect). Looking forward to finding a way to get into a more regular deepwater swell.
I got the SC about 6 weeks ago as another option to use as well as the gtr set up. I used it today in a very gusty 5-25 knots. Even in the strongest gusts I was able to keep it in control and in the water but felt a smaller front wing would be better in these conditions. I would be interested to hear from anyone that has used the 1300 wave front wing and how it performs, also if you use the 370 stab as supplied with the SC or is the 270 stab better with the 1300 wing. FYI I'm 93kg and I'm hoping this wing will be good for 20-30+ knots.
Anyone got more experience on moving the front wing to the front of the fuselage - it is not clear it is a recommended move but for me this makes this foil brilliant. Faster to fly less, up and down skipping and generally fun! Has anyone damaged their foil doing this? I have only been out a couple of sessions with this set up and want to keep using it this way.
I have my SC wing in the forward position too, I feel much more balanced that way. To avoid too much lift I put the rear wing a bit closer to neutral than the mid way point, which by my observation is fairly kicked up at the trailing edge.
im still learning, maybe this is wrong approach, but it seems to be working?
Thanks Stretchy - I use my rear wing in the neural center position. I don't seem to over foil in this position variations in boards and also sail mast position comes into it. I have had a lot of time on this foil now but only a few sessions on the current set up with the front position with the front wing. I will keep and eye on it to see if it looks like cracking, though the first I know about it will be prob when it lets go! :)
Just picked up the 1300 wave wing today to stick on the sc. I didn't get the smaller stab as yet, will wait to see how it goes with the one supplied with the sc. Monday is looking good for a high wind foil Sesh so I will let you know how it goes. That's if we are not in full lock down by then.
Really interested in how the 2000 and 2400 performs in relation to the 1700 if anyone has had experience they can share. I have used the 1700 SC in the forward position quite a bit now and feel it is offers another option for lighter days and it does give more stability.
Any long term reports on running the wing forward? I'm curious if anyone has had issues with cracking the socket etc?