Forums > Windsurfing Foiling

Teflon tape and grease, for each session on the water as written in the manual versus real life?

Created by Cyber > 9 months ago, 26 Jul 2020
2286 posts
31 Jul 2020 11:51AM
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Cyber said..

MagicRide said..
Im in fresh water. The only parts I lube up are the parts I leave connected, which are where the tuttle connects to mast and rear stab connects to switch fuse. I loosen and tighten those bolts once a month. All the rest, I don't lube, as I disassemble the other parts after every session. Never have had a bolt unscrew. I have the SS foil and I tighten all bolts pretty darn snug to where I can barely turn them any more. That's what Wyatt says for SS foils for tightening bolts.

Thank you MagicRide and all other contributors!
So what i read as general approach is: Lube the pieces that you keep assembled for longer, otherwise not. And nobody really uses the teflon tape, as the TefGel appear to do a better job. (Or at least making it easier to accomplish the goal).

Flush the pieces in freshwater after use and keep all clean from sand at point of assembly.

Will look into buying a bucket of that TefGel, as that lanolin grease is truly a nightmare to deal with when having to apply the fidgy teflon tape on top... spreading that greasy sticky stuff further to boom and ropes doesnt make any better...

I use the lanolin/teflon tape and haven't had any issues with seizing screws. I am starting to have some corrosion on the fuselage near the wing after 18 months or so, but I never lubed the wing to fuse connector.

513 posts
31 Jul 2020 12:41PM
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Do the stainless bolts up evenly tight on joins. One tighter than another means the less tight one can wiggle loose - it's happened to me, but didn't cause problems luckily. I have the stainless bolts all lubed with lots of marine grease. Post foiling, I'll back off all the bolts so that the joins are nice and loose, douse with freshwater and leave it for the next sesh. Leaving bolts tight in storage can lead to binding - I've seen this (not mine) and it can be VERY ugly. Once a month or every 10 sessions I'll go through and re-apply marine grease to the threads on the bolts and check for condition. Have had no problems so far for 3 years. Fully replaced all stainless bolts once so far just to be safe. Suspect it's major overkill. Cost less than $20 for new stainless bolts. Cheap insurance.

3939 posts
31 Jul 2020 1:07PM
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Why replace stainless bolts?
It's the aluminum the bolt goes into that wears out, not the bolts.

WA, 3112 posts
31 Jul 2020 4:58PM
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LeeD said..
Why replace stainless bolts?
It's the aluminum the bolt goes into that wears out, not the bolts.

Because stainless bolts can fatigue and snap on you when you least expect it (or want it to happen) especially if theres oppurtunity for wiggle room to develop.

generally its the foil to board bolts you need to watch, but its not an impossibility for the others to snap at the head depending on how they've decided to amalgamate the foil parts.

TAS, 423 posts
31 Jul 2020 7:43PM
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Tefgel is the bomb! But expensive.

Take care not to leave it in the bedside table, it ain't no K-Y

3939 posts
31 Jul 2020 11:51PM
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Good to know, Subsonic.
I was worried the aluminum threading would rip out once they wore out.

145 posts
2 Aug 2020 7:12AM
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AUS 808 said..The Aluminium receptors should have Stainless Steel inserts (helicoils)
Most of the good brands do.

And the Slingshot Infinity is....?

AUS 808
WA, 455 posts
2 Aug 2020 9:58AM
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Cyber said..

AUS 808 said..The Aluminium receptors should have Stainless Steel inserts (helicoils)
Most of the good brands do.

And the Slingshot Infinity is....?

And the Slingshot Infinity is what?

I was responding to LeeD as he seems to be having issues.
The discussion was about aluminium threads wearing out, I'm not sure if Slingshot have Stainless Steel inserts or not.
Are you saying they do or they don't?

QLD, 3424 posts
2 Aug 2020 4:41PM
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or Cyber was asking if slingshot was a good brand?

145 posts
2 Aug 2020 6:12PM
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seanhogan said..
or Cyber was asking if slingshot was a good brand?


( and disclosure: its the foil brand that I use myself. So if just so-so quality, no helicoils etc. Then better invest in plenty of TefGel and stuff it in it. )

3939 posts
3 Aug 2020 12:36AM
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Naish, mine with over 100 times loosening and tightening, maybe 5 times lubed, no sleeve, is loose for the 1st 5 threads, then progressively gets tighter for 10 more, then gets ok tight the final 5 threads...40mm bolts.
My new kitewing uses only 25 mm bolts on it's 90cm alu mast, so I better up my lubing frequentcy.


Forums > Windsurfing Foiling

"Teflon tape and grease, for each session on the water as written in the manual versus real life?" started by Cyber