Forums > Windsurfing Foiling

different technique to get up in 10+ knots versus under 10 knots

Created by Sandman1221 > 9 months ago, 28 Oct 2022
2776 posts
30 Oct 2022 10:45PM
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Oh, and the other thing I noticed I was doing during the successful flights in 8-9 knots is I kept the board close to the surface of the water, that is what felt good and kept me flying. Maybe doing what the pelicans do, they fly low to the water to glide longer because of the ground effect allowing them to float on a cushion of air compressed between their wings and the surface of the water. Keeping the board close to the surface of the water would do the same thing. Of course that applies to flattish water.

2500 posts
31 Oct 2022 11:33AM
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Paducah said..
Me (not today) on balanced 26.5 inch lines, 5.4 and the unrideable wing for smaller sails, AFS F800/1080.

My comment about the AFS F800 was tongue in cheek. It's an amazing wing and has a huge range. Similar to many other highly regarded mid aspect 1100-1400 wings. If I was marooned on a desert island, of all my wing the one I'd like to have.


Forums > Windsurfing Foiling

"different technique to get up in 10+ knots versus under 10 knots" started by Sandman1221