Starting a new thread as the other one was titled about the concept.
Details of the event is here -
Early bird entries are $150 until the 1st December where it goes to $220.
Hopefully see you there it's going to be fun. So far we have 15 entries!
Massive thanks to Jesper Orth a keen windsurfer from 'ORTH STICKERS' in Perth for reaching out and offering to supply stickers and signage for Wave Rally. Please support Jesper for all your quality custom made stickers & vinyl cut signage needs!
If you would like to volunteer at the event please register here -
After some feedback and careful consideration, the finishing line of Wave Rally will be altered. Instead of sailing to the beach and running up the sand to a finishing gate, the new finish line will be on the water perpendicular to the beach as in the image. You'll sail through the finish line. This solves a few issues. This format will make it safer for everyone at the event and less beach will be needed for the infrastructure therefore more space for us to lay our gear on the sand.
Only 52 days to go to the event!! Get your entries in!
We're up to 64 entries now.
Forecast is looking great for Cervantes, Wave Rally & the Oceania Youth Wave Titles so we've got a great few weeks ahead.
See you at Wave Rally on Friday the 10th!