Forums > Windsurfing General


Created by Orange Whip > 9 months ago, 13 Aug 2016
Orange Whip
QLD, 1044 posts
13 Aug 2016 10:32PM
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NSW, 169 posts
13 Aug 2016 10:47PM
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Orange Whip said..

Needs more down haul Kim.

QLD, 4691 posts
13 Aug 2016 11:54PM
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I like the guy second from right getting some angle

Orange Whip
QLD, 1044 posts
14 Aug 2016 12:01AM
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There's definitely got to be be an opening for someone to go top of the class!

Mark _australia
WA, 22380 posts
13 Aug 2016 10:14PM
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None of the guys thought to bring a pink crayon also.

QLD, 4691 posts
14 Aug 2016 12:21AM
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Why am I not in this class ?

1595 posts
14 Aug 2016 3:22AM
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OK that's good now put your ankles behind your head and hold that position...

1972 posts
14 Aug 2016 4:03AM
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A design class using her as inspiration for designing a new bottle opener.

NSW, 1737 posts
14 Aug 2016 2:21PM
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The Art Class was over the moon with the last minute model change from the previous class

QLD, 7428 posts
14 Aug 2016 3:24PM
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Olympic gymnastics: An outstanding "hello boys" has the judges scrambling.

SA, 4032 posts
14 Aug 2016 3:07PM
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Orange Whip said..

The boys didn't need to use the easels they brought their own pop up version

SA, 3589 posts
14 Aug 2016 6:10PM
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Albers beat me to it (sort of)

Artist 2nd from left's impression

1595 posts
15 Aug 2016 3:54AM
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Beaglebuddy said..

Hey Jim, after class wanna go get some Mexican food? I've a craving for tacos.

Magic Ride
719 posts
15 Aug 2016 5:01AM
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Fellow geek squad members, after class we are all loosing our virginity!!

NSW, 1499 posts
15 Aug 2016 7:54AM
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Balancing the sketch pad on their laps proved to be an almost impossible task.

NSW, 1499 posts
15 Aug 2016 7:56AM
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The debate continues whether this fox should have a Tuttle or Power box

1972 posts
15 Aug 2016 7:13AM
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It would have to be a Power box, there's only one bolt hole.

VIC, 96 posts
15 Aug 2016 11:14AM
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The guy 2 from right is thinking " I think I know you "

1595 posts
15 Aug 2016 11:30AM
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Mastbender said..
It would have to be a Power box, there's only one bolt hole.

From my angle I see two holes, must be a Tuttle box, deep Tuttle box.

VIC, 1506 posts
15 Aug 2016 1:49PM
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Definition of INDECISION: hearing it's blowing 25kts+ outside

Magic Ride
719 posts
15 Aug 2016 12:12PM
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Definitely 3 holes on the female fin box.

QLD, 1496 posts
15 Aug 2016 6:45PM
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STI prac always drew mixed emotions for the med students...

TAS, 301 posts
15 Aug 2016 10:56PM
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Seabreeze advert typos had an upside:
"WANTED: Spreader bar maid for stress testing of quick release boom-boom heads."

WA, 3271 posts
15 Aug 2016 8:58PM
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They told me there would be Pokemon here!

2156 posts
16 Aug 2016 12:13AM
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My pants are killing me

VIC, 518 posts
17 Aug 2016 8:44PM
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A kitesurfers girlfriend showing a group of windsurfers what they are missing out on.

QLD, 7428 posts
17 Aug 2016 9:22PM
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Showing the boys what THE DONG looks like.

Mark _australia
WA, 22380 posts
17 Aug 2016 9:39PM
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THE DONG said..
A kitesurfers girlfriend showing a group of windsurfers what they are missing out on.

Look but can't touch?

1972 posts
18 Aug 2016 2:04AM
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Magic Ride said..
Definitely 3 holes on the female fin box.

But on the other side, there is only one bolt (rhymes with ....) hole. Would that make it 4 holes total? Been on a date lately?

It has to be a Power box, but at least it's not politics, even though politics and humor share a lot in common.

Funny how this thread has turned into a physiology thread.

Magic Ride
719 posts
18 Aug 2016 2:14AM
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Lol, 2 holes in front, 1 hole in the back. 3 holes total. That's basic female anatomy, while jokingly putting that on a finbox.

VIC, 518 posts
18 Aug 2016 9:48AM
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NotWal said...
Showing the boys what THE DONG looks like.

Haha suttle


Forums > Windsurfing General

"CC420" started by Orange Whip