I like the guy second from right getting some angle
There's definitely got to be be an opening for someone to go top of the class!
None of the guys thought to bring a pink crayon also.
Why am I not in this class ?
A design class using her as inspiration for designing a new bottle opener.
The Art Class was over the moon with the last minute model change from the previous class
Olympic gymnastics: An outstanding "hello boys" has the judges scrambling.
Albers beat me to it (sort of)Artist 2nd from left's impression
Fellow geek squad members, after class we are all loosing our virginity!!
Balancing the sketch pad on their laps proved to be an almost impossible task.
The debate continues whether this fox should have a Tuttle or Power box
It would have to be a Power box, there's only one bolt hole.
The guy 2 from right is thinking " I think I know you "
Definition of INDECISION: hearing it's blowing 25kts+ outside
Definitely 3 holes on the female fin box.
STI prac always drew mixed emotions for the med students...
Seabreeze advert typos had an upside:"WANTED: Spreader bar maid for stress testing of quick release boom-boom heads."
They told me there would be Pokemon here!
My pants are killing me
A kitesurfers girlfriend showing a group of windsurfers what they are missing out on.
Showing the boys what THE DONG looks like.
Lol, 2 holes in front, 1 hole in the back. 3 holes total. That's basic female anatomy, while jokingly putting that on a finbox.
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