Forums > Windsurfing General

Caption Comp 138

Created by Bondalucci > 9 months ago, 15 Jun 2010
QLD, 1579 posts
16 Jun 2010 1:41AM
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This is the new pic to put a caption to

The idea below wasn't proving that much fun, so please disregard.
(apologies to Evil Panda)

While looking for a photo, I found this:

Surely this can't be true!
Men must know more about women than just #10.

So just for something a little bit different,
I'm going to award this Caption Comp to whoever can come up with the top 3 things men know about women.

(you can post pics to illustrate or support your top 3 if you like)

here's some chronological inspiration of what we're faced with with:


NSW, 7952 posts
16 Jun 2010 10:51AM
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I think the 2nd pic illustrates a mans version of what he sees in the mirror..I think a woman would look like the model version but think she looked like the fatty..

VIC, 1572 posts
16 Jun 2010 11:16AM
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#3. No matter how much she asks you to be honest about how she looks in that dress, its just not worth it.

#2. When she says "Don't buy me anything for my birthday" she doesnt mean it.

#1. (Most) Girls dont have a penis.

QLD, 1496 posts
16 Jun 2010 11:19AM
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The stunning silence verifies your original list I think

QLD, 1496 posts
16 Jun 2010 11:29AM
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Things (I) men know about women:

(3) They are beautiful, sensitive creatures,

(2) They love long walks on the beach and picnics in the countryside, and

(1) They will probably read this Seabreeze post!!! Hello darling

NSW, 9202 posts
16 Jun 2010 11:56AM
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Waterloo said...

Things (I) men know about women:

(3) They are beautiful, sensitive creatures,

(2) They love long walks on the beach and picnics in the countryside, and

(1) They will probably read this Seabreeze post!!! Hello darling

You've got the internet in the kitchen now?

VIC, 1572 posts
16 Jun 2010 12:24PM
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Waterloo said...

Things (I) men know about women:

(3) They are beautiful, sensitive creatures,

(2) They love long walks on the beach and picnics in the countryside, and

(1) They will probably read this Seabreeze post!!! Hello darling

Why did you teach her to read for?

NSW, 272 posts
16 Jun 2010 12:58PM
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(1) They are always right

(2) They are always right

(3) They are always right

WA, 319 posts
16 Jun 2010 10:59AM
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Having a hidden stash of expensive chocolate will save your life on at least one occasion.

VIC, 1572 posts
16 Jun 2010 1:06PM
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They have short tempers and a poor sense of humour.

K Dog
VIC, 1847 posts
16 Jun 2010 1:27PM
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A very brave thread this one.....

Guessing there aren't any or many women windsurfers......

QLD, 4873 posts
16 Jun 2010 2:20PM
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1. They will always tell you what they've got planned, whereas you have to ask them for permission if you've got plans.

2. They tell you 1 hour before said event that you need to attend, whereas they need a minimum of 2 months notice if you've got plans.

3. When they say "Yes, you can go", they really only mean that up until an hour before, then it's "No you can't go"

Learn and understand these three things and life wont be a constant disappointment

WA, 323 posts
16 Jun 2010 2:17PM
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1. "Ithyphallophobia" is a womens morbid fear of seeing or thinking about an erect penis.
2. Women who read romance novels have sex twice as often as those who don't.
3. They are never wrong.

WA, 4014 posts
16 Jun 2010 2:20PM
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sboardcrazy said...

I think a woman would look like the model version but think she looked like the fatty..

That's closer to the truth.
that pic must have been done by a man.
The average woman would be imagining "I'd like to be this slim gorgeous woman",
but see her reflection as being worse than reality.

Not me of course, I'm already a slim gorgeous woman

WA, 4014 posts
16 Jun 2010 2:24PM
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Now, I think only a woman can judge these...

Waterloo said...

Things (I) men know about women:

(3) They are beautiful, sensitive creatures,

(2) They love long walks on the beach and picnics in the countryside, and

(1) They will probably read this Seabreeze post!!! Hello darling

oh absolutely! I was thinking "Who is this gorgeous perceptive man?"
Hi Waterloo!

WA, 4014 posts
16 Jun 2010 2:26PM
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jermaldan said...

They have short tempers and a poor sense of humour.


(Have I just confirmed the statement?)

WA, 4014 posts
16 Jun 2010 2:28PM
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K Dog said...

A very brave thread this one.....

Guessing there aren't any or many women windsurfers......

Not many, but some who are regular readers of, and contributors to caption contests...

WA, 4014 posts
16 Jun 2010 2:32PM
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sausage said...

1. They will always tell you what they've got planned, whereas you have to ask them for permission if you've got plans.

2. They tell you 1 hour before said event that you need to attend, whereas they need a minimum of 2 months notice if you've got plans.

3. When they say "Yes, you can go", they really only mean that up until an hour before, then it's "No you can't go"

Learn and understand these three things and life wont be a constant disappointment

The first two are pretty accurate.
The second one is because if we tell you too long before the event you will just forget anyway.
The third one should be "When a woman says "please yourself" she really means "Do what I want you to do and things will be sweet. OR ELSE."

VIC, 1572 posts
16 Jun 2010 4:42PM
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Windxtasy said...
Not me of course, I'm already a slim gorgeous woman

I demand photo evidence!

QLD, 5610 posts
16 Jun 2010 5:14PM
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self lubricating.????.........

enough of this craziness ! give us a nice safe picture to caption Bondi !!!

QLD, 1579 posts
16 Jun 2010 6:57PM
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Being a man of the people……

If you want a "picture to caption" (traditional style) then Green thumb Ritchies request above.

If you want to continue this "craziness" then red thumb Ritchies request above.

By 8.30 we will see which colour is winning and go from there.
(PS: Evil Panda - you're either a brave man or a single man)

WA, 129 posts
16 Jun 2010 7:01PM
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sausage said...

1. They will always tell you what they've got planned, whereas you have to ask them for permission if you've got plans.

2. They tell you 1 hour before said event that you need to attend, whereas they need a minimum of 2 months notice if you've got plans.

3. When they say "Yes, you can go", they really only mean that up until an hour before, then it's "No you can't go"

Learn and understand these three things and life wont be a constant disappointment

Sounds like someone is still trying to get permission to go to GI speed week

QLD, 7428 posts
16 Jun 2010 9:41PM
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Women have the secret to happiness....

I wish they'd let me in on it <sigh>

WA, 49 posts
16 Jun 2010 7:48PM
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Daimonds are a girls best friend. Duh!

QLD, 7428 posts
16 Jun 2010 10:39PM
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bananalover said...

Daimonds are a girls best friend. Duh!

Are you saying women are venal?

QLD, 4873 posts
16 Jun 2010 11:45PM
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Ian1 said...

sausage said...

1. They will always tell you what they've got planned, whereas you have to ask them for permission if you've got plans.

2. They tell you 1 hour before said event that you need to attend, whereas they need a minimum of 2 months notice if you've got plans.

3. When they say "Yes, you can go", they really only mean that up until an hour before, then it's "No you can't go"

Learn and understand these three things and life wont be a constant disappointment

Sounds like someone is still trying to get permission to go to GI speed week

QLD, 1579 posts
17 Jun 2010 1:51AM
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OK! …..clearly not enough green thumbs, so let's start fresh!

we'll stick with tradition and use a single photo.

Since it's World Cup time let's have a soccer flavour, Here's a photo to caption.

(If you all don't mind, I'll edit the opening post with this photo, so new entrants know what the pic is)

-good luck!

QLD, 5610 posts
17 Jun 2010 8:29AM
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Yeah, they're skidmarks allright...But they're on the OUTSIDE !!!!

QLD, 1496 posts
17 Jun 2010 9:29AM
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Players had to assemble once a year for the annual measurement of the Hopoate Index...

QLD, 1496 posts
17 Jun 2010 9:39AM
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In the year 2031 the world, gripped by fear over Climate Change, required all high methane emitters, such as elite athletes, to have a PFD (Personal Flatulence Deflector)...

Note that the process of carbon capture, via a deep breath in, was still primitive during this period...

Squid Lips
WA, 708 posts
17 Jun 2010 11:51AM
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Forums > Windsurfing General

"Caption Comp 138" started by Bondalucci