Jack Daniels girl's family never showed at her engagement party, they were culturally opposed to mixer-raced marriages...
OK - you guys have surprised me by coming up with funnies for the first one, so I think the best solution is to accept entries to both and decide on which was the best overall caption for both.
Apologies for the double posting.
Wong realised he had over ordered the Jack and Coke when the party came to an abrupt halt as Woo, the only girl in the room, made an inappropriate joke about a female dog sitting on a large short name for a donkey and how the female dog had a lovely affectionate term for a cat on her that looked great when the word for a male chicken was on it.
In another streak of genius the woo-tan triad realised they could hide the coke in the coke.
But Ethel refused to play along. 'Remember that idea you guys had about the crack' she said.
I spy with my little eye ............ something beginning with .............. D .......... D .......... C ......... R ..........
And here we see the communal nurturing of the adult Cokes as they gather around the nursery and indulge in friendly badinage and idle gossip in much the same way as penguins. This is no accident because they are in fact penguins.