The local kids used to think it was hilarious to walk past Habib's stall and throw carrots high into the air...
In ancient Persia the donkey was often used as a unit of measurement, which is how this donkey-scale came to be.
After spending all his lunch hour eating poppies in the field, Trevor the donkey could just never get back to work with the same enthusiasm.
No matter how many times he explained it, Habib's wife would always sit on the back of the cart and never the front!
The War on Terror was swinging America's way. Finally they had found their smoking gun - a "Weapon of ASS Destruction" just seconds prior to launch.
Not being mechanically minded, Ahmed could never understand why he couldn't get any traction on the front. His best friend Abduhl, an expert on these things, insisted that it had something to do with not having the right wheels...
In the constant war on drugs, the Afghani police were training 'sniffer mules' to detect trafficers. At the slight hint of drugs they were trained to give a very subtle signal to their handler.
Where are they now?
Kim Beazley is kiting in Afghanistan.
Some argue that the destruction in Afghanistan is due to the Russians, the CIA or even the Taliban.
In fact it is the populations unnatural love of kite flying that has caused the destruction, social upheaval and chaos. After leaving politics it seemed natural for Kiter Kim to travel to Afghanistan.
"They love kite flying, I love kite surfing, I like making big holes in things as do they.
the winner is konasurfing! Oh hang on, he seems to have disappeared yet again...
In that case the winner is greenleader for:
"roll up, roll up, self serve donkey milk, 10 rupees a cup."
Thanks for all the entries. Some of them I didn't get until I re-read them a second time and they were quite witty. Some of them were pretty funny straight away.
A few I liked off the top of my head were:
"At lunch time , Francis liked to relax with a nice glass of merlot and watch the local market festivities....."
"little did abdul know that he was about to be ass-ass-inated"
"... and so I said to the genie, I want to be hung like a Donkey."
Thanks, and over to greenleader for the next one..
thanks heaps novadude for the thumbs up!
loads of funny stuff with your dokey caper!
looking into the library for a new subject we can sink our teeth into!