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Division 2 board

Created by saltyheaven > 9 months ago, 28 Sep 2015
QLD, 3761 posts
19 Apr 2016 7:57PM
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damaged material removed

hole in the bottom right looks like a manufacturing fault.

foam seems very fragile

173 posts
19 Apr 2016 8:29PM
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Can you, cautiously, further remove gel coat and fiber glass and push the investigation further right and down at bottom right.
Use a cutter to remove it little pieces by little pieces.
Possible there is a larger fault here...

Take a larger picture to show where the damages are situated on the board.

QLD, 3761 posts
19 Apr 2016 10:53PM
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the cavity extends along the rail some distance. I pushed a 4 inch stick up it and it kept going. I don't think removing further material will be beneficial.

QLD, 3761 posts
19 Apr 2016 10:56PM
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173 posts
20 Apr 2016 12:37AM
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Damned....Please put a pic that show the board and damages at a whole and entirely.

The beauty with sandwich epoxy is that we can repair almost everything...We underwent into very extensive damages on D2s that were finally fixed.
So don't give up...not yet

NSW, 1240 posts
20 Apr 2016 6:43AM
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Is that cavity the Hull to Deck join? Kinda looks like a glue join

TAS, 507 posts
20 Apr 2016 9:13AM
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It's a bit hard to tell from the photo's but that looks a lot like blow foam to me - Expanding Polyurethane foam, surfboard foam. That would be unusual but potentially be consistent with the void, which I agree looks like a manufacturing defect.

Regardless - If the board around the area you've opened up is feeling sound and firm then don't go any further.

Maybe you already know this but I'll just flash through it quickly...

. You're obviously pretty good with the grinder so use it to prep an area 2 inches larger than the hole all around. I mean to feather the edge of the glass and remove surface finish. Ideally the feather would ramp out to an inch or so all around but it's tricky with such a thin laminate, just the edge is better than doing a botch job of doing a larger feather.
. Repair the core. Either or a combination of - filling as required with an epoxy/microballoons mix, and removing and replacing foam if some areas are really past it. Dress the repaired core to shape.
. Re-glass to the one inch overlap point. Greentrim the edge with a blade so that it is not such a ridge. (skip the greentrim if you don't know what I'm talking about.)
. Bog and fair.
. Paint.

Happy days. I'm keen to see a picture of the whole board too!

QLD, 3761 posts
20 Apr 2016 10:45AM
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damage is adjacent centreboard case on starboard rail.
Also needs fin box resetting, a new mast track (thinking techno 293 may fit nicely), plus the centreboard is from a lechner and doesn't quite fit so a solution will be needed for that down the track.

sorry about upside down photo I cant get it to load correctly

173 posts
20 Apr 2016 8:46AM
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saltyheaven said..

It's a bit hard to tell from the photo's but that looks a lot like blow foam to me - Expanding Polyurethane foam, surfboard foam. That would be unusual but potentially be consistent with the void, which I agree looks like a manufacturing defect.

Regardless - If the board around the area you've opened up is feeling sound and firm then don't go any further.

Maybe you already know this but I'll just flash through it quickly...

. You're obviously pretty good with the grinder so use it to prep an area 2 inches larger than the hole all around. I mean to feather the edge of the glass and remove surface finish. Ideally the feather would ramp out to an inch or so all around but it's tricky with such a thin laminate, just the edge is better than doing a botch job of doing a larger feather.
. Repair the core. Either or a combination of - filling as required with an epoxy/microballoons mix, and removing and replacing foam if some areas are really past it. Dress the repaired core to shape.
. Re-glass to the one inch overlap point. Greentrim the edge with a blade so that it is not such a ridge. (skip the greentrim if you don't know what I'm talking about.)
. Bog and fair.
. Paint.

Happy days. I'm keen to see a picture of the whole board too!

Yes, we need to see a picture of the entire board with damaged area exposed. It is still unclear to me.

Make sure to size them entirely and have a complete diagnostic before starting work.

NSW, 7 posts
20 Apr 2016 4:35PM
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Hi all. Count me in for Nov. just collected a semi competitive 7.5m sail (circa 2013) so no excuses not to practice and planning a cosmetic rennovation of my Davidson over winter so it is presentable.
Keen to contact anyone around Sydney or south coast for a practice session?????
Cheers Geoff.

173 posts
20 Apr 2016 8:25PM
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walterm said..
Hi all. Count me in for Nov. just collected a semi competitive 7.5m sail (circa 2013) so no excuses not to practice and planning a cosmetic rennovation of my Davidson over winter so it is presentable.
Keen to contact anyone around Sydney or south coast for a practice session?????
Cheers Geoff.

Fantastic Goeff !

NSW, 1240 posts
22 Apr 2016 11:45AM
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I've put an add in a Facebook "Aussie Yachties buy & sell" page to see if I can find any older Div II boards.

My thinking is that those of us that used to race Div II back in the 80's & 90's would be 40+ these days and probably into yachting by now. Some of them might have held onto their boards and still have them.

There were a fair few boards around in the 80-90's, they can't have all gone into landfill, so it will be interesting to see what pops up. Maybe even if they don't want to sell, they might be tempted to get them out sailing again.

TAS, 507 posts
22 Apr 2016 5:32PM
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Good thinking Jethrow.

173 posts
23 Apr 2016 7:55AM
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Karibu said..

walterm said..
Hi all. Count me in for Nov. just collected a semi competitive 7.5m sail (circa 2013) so no excuses not to practice and planning a cosmetic rennovation of my Davidson over winter so it is presentable.
Keen to contact anyone around Sydney or south coast for a practice session?????
Cheers Geoff.

Fantastic Goeff !

It would be nice to record and maintain a list of D2 sailors willing to be at Brisbane...How many are we for the time being?
- Chris
- Goeff
- myself...who else?

Chris 249
NSW, 3334 posts
25 Apr 2016 4:18PM
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Geoff, I'm in Canberra and will be looking to gradually ramp up training. I've just come off contract and will be a gentleman of leisure while I work out whether to stick needles in my eyes, slash my wrists or get another government contract (so far the needle idea sounds a lot more fun) so I'll be able to get down to the south coast for the next little while. Weekdays are best for me.

I've got Lars' old Lechner A390 and 7.3 camber sail, but I'll probably train on an IMCO 7.4 to keep the Lechner sail in good nick.

Chris 249
NSW, 3334 posts
25 Apr 2016 4:19PM
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Karibu, sorry I didn't reply to your PM - apart from the people here I don't know who can go to Brissy.

173 posts
25 Apr 2016 8:38PM
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Chris 249 said..
Karibu, sorry I didn't reply to your PM - apart from the people here I don't know who can go to Brissy.

Hi Chris,

Maybe a bit too early still...Let's to keep talking around us and spread the word.


NSW, 1240 posts
3 May 2016 9:40PM
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I don't know if you'll be able to see this unless you're in the group, but this is the add I placed in the "Aussie yachts buy & sell" Facebook page,

It was my hope that the yachties would see it and decide to move their trophy boards (I guess that's what they are because they aren't sailing) on to people wanting to sail Div II again, but although I've had lots of comments about the good old days, it hasn't yet uncovered any boards. I know there are still boards out there so maybe this means that there are a whole bunch of people waiting for D2 to start again before getting their old boards out of storage.

Anyway, the add will run out soon but I'll keep shaking the tree and see what turns up!

Chris 249
NSW, 3334 posts
4 May 2016 7:41AM
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I know of one yachty who has a Lechner - problem is, he cut the nose off to use the rest of it as a sail storage box.

The board (both parts) may still be available if anyone wants to put it back together. With a bit of grinding back of the skin each side of the join and an inspection port (permanent or temporary) it's not impossible, but it's not a 2 hour job either. Any handymen with a desperate need for a D2 can PM me for the owner's details.

NSW, 1240 posts
4 May 2016 10:16AM
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Oh the humanity!

TAS, 507 posts
4 May 2016 1:26PM
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That's your board Jethrow!

For some reason I have it in my head that you are a shipwright...? Well, if not and you want a bit of guidance with that repair I'm happy to help out. We would have my board to check measurements etc and the actual repair is no big deal, just a bit time consuming.

173 posts
4 May 2016 11:35AM
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Chris 249 said..
I know of one yachty who has a Lechner - problem is, he cut the nose off to use the rest of it as a sail storage box.

The board (both parts) may still be available if anyone wants to put it back together. With a bit of grinding back of the skin each side of the join and an inspection port (permanent or temporary) it's not impossible, but it's not a 2 hour job either. Any handymen with a desperate need for a D2 can PM me for the owner's details.

Seriously Chris, such a repair has been done in France by one of our members...Here is the (scary) story:

The A390 took off from the trailer while they where driving on the highway at night (in France, authorized speed limit is...130 km/h). They saw it flying in the mirror then managed to stop immediately.
Very, very fortunately, there was no one driving behind of them!
Then, he ran in the darkness (dark night, no moon, on a highway in the middle of no where) looking at the board...He saw its shadow in the lights of a car coming up fast...The board was in the middle of road!
He had just enough time to grab it and pull it aside of the road. Imagine the worst if ...

Anyway, the board flew (well) but landed on the nose that was literally pulled off, about 10-15 cm from the front.

They ultimately managed to repair it, using a mold inserted inside to join and to support both parts.
(For a short period of time, that A390 was suddenly compliant with RB Class rules )

Soon after (2 weeks), 2 boards on the roof of two other members car took off again on the highway...flew and landed still bundled together on the side one was injured this time, again!

Conclusion: Always secure your board(s) to the car (or to the trailer) also from the nose and add a security line that goes into the car or around the trailer.

173 posts
4 May 2016 11:38AM
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Jethrow said..
I don't know if you'll be able to see this unless you're in the group, but this is the add I placed in the "Aussie yachts buy & sell" Facebook page,

It was my hope that the yachties would see it and decide to move their trophy boards (I guess that's what they are because they aren't sailing) on to people wanting to sail Div II again, but although I've had lots of comments about the good old days, it hasn't yet uncovered any boards. I know there are still boards out there so maybe this means that there are a whole bunch of people waiting for D2 to start again before getting their old boards out of storage.

Anyway, the add will run out soon but I'll keep shaking the tree and see what turns up!

Hi Jethrow,

Thank you very much for this initiative. This is certainly a good idea. The most difficult is to motivate these sailors to return on the D2.
Would an Oceanic Championship be sufficient? Likely not if they are not trained.
We would need to bring them back on water first.

If you know some of them, best it to contact them one by one...

NSW, 1240 posts
4 May 2016 2:18PM
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Hi Salty

No, not a shipwright, just an ex-sailmaker that builds boats for fun.

I have the ability to repair the board but unfortunately I'm very time poor at the moment due to my uni studies. That was the main reason for getting a long board, so I could walk it down to the water when I had a hour to spare and just settle the mind a bit with a quiet sail.

I have a formula board and all the gear but sailing the Formula out through 200m odd of moorings in a notoriously fickle bay is just horrendous. I need something that points and points well!

No rush, something will turn up...

TAS, 507 posts
4 May 2016 5:52PM
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Gotcha. Cool.

WA, 24 posts
11 May 2016 11:44AM
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I would like to come to Brissie, have Davidson in good condition - but no sail. All my IMCO sails have delaminated - holes etc.

Trying to find a 7.5 sail for light winds looks difficult - a 7.8 would allow more choice - i.e. RS One, Bic Techno etc.

What are others doing sail wise?

173 posts
12 May 2016 5:29AM
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I think you should be able to find a 7.5 or 7.3 RB sail...There are plenty, North, NP V6, V8, Art, Gaastra 7.5, Aerolite, Aerotech ...that work well

We will be few D2 so best if we show up with same size of sails, to be fair between us...

Worst case scenario, you take a T293 7.8 sail, slightly bigger.

No stress

Chris 249
NSW, 3334 posts
12 May 2016 7:57AM
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I've got some IMCO 7.4s I got off Jess and Laney (US Olympic rep) and you could use on of those in Brissie. The best one is still in very good nick (ie was 2nd and 3rd in its last couple of Raceboard nats). That way you could train on an old one and borrow one of my good ones.

All I ask is that you run Dennis down a few times each race to give me a chance.

WA, 24 posts
12 May 2016 11:27AM
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Thanks - may well need to take you up on that offer.

NSW, 1240 posts
13 May 2016 10:39AM
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I've been shaking the tree on various electronic media and in person, looking for Div II boards around Sydney. I've have found a few but none for sale.

Looks like they're a lot rarer than I expected. I may have to bite the bullet and go for a race board if I'm to get out on the water.


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Division 2 board" started by saltyheaven