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Feral kids on the beach - rant

Created by Waiting4wind > 9 months ago, 19 Jan 2009
NSW, 1871 posts
19 Jan 2009 8:58AM
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I think I'm going to have to drown a few of these #*%^#n 'feral' kids at Kyeemagh beach, or better still drown their parents. Quite often when I leave my board on the beach, while taking the sail up, they decide to jump all over it. I find their grubby sandy foot prints on the deck.

Last week I found my best (most expensive) speed fin totally jammed to the hilt in the sand. When I pulled it out it had a nice big scratch on it. Yesterday, again foot marks on the new slalom board. Picked it up found two indents on hull, obviously from rocks / junk in the sand.

This real s**#s me. Some people have no respect for others property.
But I really can't blame the kids it's the parents that need the rocket.

What disgusted me even more than having my gear damaged was watching one of the parents smoking like a chimney with a 3 yo in their lap. That is sick, I pity the poor kid. IMO we need tougher laws to prevent this sort of abuse.

NSW, 1499 posts
19 Jan 2009 9:22AM
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I've had some of those little f'ers run over the top of my sail as I'm rigging it!

QLD, 466 posts
19 Jan 2009 8:24AM
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I cant believe that someone would let their kids touch let alone damage some one else's property in full view. The kids at Kyeemagh even try to crowd around you when you are launching and coming back to the beach. I always have to yell at them to keep away.

Des, you looked very comfortable with the 9.0 on the Isonic yesterday. Looked like a good combination.

NSW, 78 posts
19 Jan 2009 9:41AM
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This might not be totally fair... but ethnic kids and parents seem to think your gear is their gear!

I had some leb wanker hit my car with his hand for no reason then when i approached him he didnt know anything about it and cowered...

It ****s me to tears to watch their behaviour, some kids were sliding a mistral/naish white wave board down a concrete drain the other day... When we approached them they told us they were given the board when they bought a car lol... no one claimed the board when asked...

Yes it makes me mad when i get there and see them all... Why cant they sit in their own corner and dump their rubbish there and feed the seagulls there instead!

WA, 1104 posts
19 Jan 2009 8:14AM
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Take a deep breath and count to 3 ....

Thank god I left for Perth, I almost came to blows with a Jet ski rider down there years ago and once ... (better left unsaid)
Sounds like it's just getting worse

FYI. Standing on a board when it's not in the water is a hanging offence [}:)]

NSW, 9029 posts
19 Jan 2009 10:33AM
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I haven't been to Kyeemagh often however when I have been there on the weekend I really feel a "them and us" mentality. Some of them probably resent windsurfers coz we take up so much room with our gear. Some of us resent them for the above mentioned reasons.

Last time I sailed there I walked my sail down the path. A young teenage boy and his mate were coming the other way. I was under the sail, balancing it on my head. I saw him punch the sail then yell out "Ow! you hurt me!" I didn't say anything and just kept walking and that was that.

What can be done? I'm not sure. We can continue down the path where there is little communication between the groups. The fact is as time goes by there are probably going to be more and more people going there. Perhaps windsurfers need to get a bit organised, approach the local council and try to establish some rules there and get some enforcement though that may be counter productive depending on how the council takes it.

Meanwhile it was very relaxing and peaceful with a good summer vibe at Narrabeen Lake yesterday.

NSW, 1871 posts
19 Jan 2009 11:02AM
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I think we need to be careful, the council could easily mandate a no windsurfing policy and then were stuffed. The other day a lady got whacked on the head by a sail. One complaint like that could do it.

Although I had to laugh at seeing a bit of 'karma' in play. Just before she got wacked she dumped all her garbage across the lawn.

Dave Frey suggested the other day that we should post up some guidelines on windsurfing safety, eg. right of way rules, tethering your gear while unattended etc. I thought this was a great idea and creating some leaflets or makeshift signs would be good. Thinking along those lines the notice should include advice for non windsurfers as moving out of the way when you're carrying a 9m sail in 20 knots.

Katapult - yeah had a good light wind session on the 9m/Isonic, got the sail dialed in nicly now.

NSW, 1499 posts
19 Jan 2009 11:04AM
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I've said it once before - Introduce parking meters, this would thin the crowd by 90% - even though I would hate to pay its a small price for restoring normality - else its a drive to Kurnell.

This sort of stuff use to happen at the end of Burwood road - Canada Bay - Boat ramp. One one occassion the police went down to try restore some order and they had their car overturned and set alight (documented-not urban myth) - The introduction of parking meters and banning of jet skis has restored this park and other water side parks in the municipality back to 'normality'.

NSW, 1871 posts
19 Jan 2009 11:16AM
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DavMen said...

I've said it once before - Introduce parking meters, this would thin the crowd by 90% - even though I would hate to pay its a small price for restoring normality - else its a drive to Kurnell.

This sort of stuff use to happen at the end of Burwood road - Canada Bay - Boat ramp. One one occassion the police went down to try restore some order and they had their car overturned and set alight (documented-not urban myth) - The introduction of parking meters and banning of jet skis has restored this park and other water side parks in the municipality back to 'normality'.

I'd hate to say it but it would probably work. Mind you councils get greedy very quickly. If they charged you $8-10 like Mosman council....I'd probably be spending $50-60 / week in parking.

I wrote a letter to council a few weeks ago asking them if they could put up anti litter signs in multiple languages, with a fine. ie. like the no dog on beach sign (I wouldn't even let my dog on that beach!)
I got a confirmation for the request and a tracking number..surprised, we'll see what happens.

NSW, 2005 posts
19 Jan 2009 11:35AM
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I've had little mongrels step over my equipment at Narrabeen and Balmoral (never at Wonda nor northern beaches nor Sanderingham). Stupid friggin' parents would let them play around and on the board.

Once one of the mothers came to me and told me her kid got hurt and that I could be sued. This is not a joke. Stupid bitch hosebag bushpig, she sounded like one of those recent migrants that let the kids ** in the water.

Ouf, feels better now...

NSW, 1499 posts
19 Jan 2009 11:36AM
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They could limit the parking meters to weekend charges or a minimum $5 charge for weekdays and/or sell yearly tickets. This would cover the costs for the mess they have to clean up.

NSW, 160 posts
19 Jan 2009 12:24PM
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I think windsurfers (and kiters) should ahve a lot more rights than we do. Doesn't the Government want to increase fitness and reduce obesity....

NSW, 160 posts
19 Jan 2009 12:26PM
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....although Narrabeen is generally a crap place to sail (short runs, gusty winds) at least the only other people there are windsurfers

Rad Lad
226 posts
19 Jan 2009 10:58AM
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Ironic really that although there are no kiters at Kyeemagh which should make it a perfect place to windsurf you get other obstacles like wild little kids, jet skiers and other tools.

No one has mentioned the dog not on a leash deciding to go for a walk on your rigged up sail.

VIC, 600 posts
19 Jan 2009 2:42PM
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HA HA i had a kid come up to me and say whats that i said a windsurfer dude then he started smacking my sailboard with his scooter he hit me jp 3 times

QLD, 2081 posts
19 Jan 2009 2:03PM
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Sounds like you fellas need to develop 'the look'.

A once off glance at them and they won't dare to come anywhere near you. I've perfected it; as well as the glance to the 2 year old child that says 'STOP CLIMBING ALL OVER THOSE CHAIRS IN THE DOCTORS SURGERY' and they look at me, sit down and behave.

Rad Lad
226 posts
19 Jan 2009 1:16PM
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I did something similar once on a train, where a little boy was being a noisy pain in the a@#! and his mother couldn't control him. He turned and looked a me and I pulled a face and poked my tongue out at him. Next thing he does is turn to his mum and in a loud enough voice so everyone on the train could hear says "mummy, that man poked his tongue out at me". You can imagine my horror. I was wearing a suit at the time and it was quite embarrasing, little sh@#.

892 posts
19 Jan 2009 1:30PM
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elizabethb said...

Sounds like you fellas need to develop 'the look'.

Do teachers have a secret handshake like the Masons? Or is the secret 'look' enough for all children everywhere to know that you're one of "THEM"?

Lad - you shoulda just owned it. Maybe winked at the mum!

QLD, 2081 posts
19 Jan 2009 2:31PM
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555 said...

elizabethb said...

Sounds like you fellas need to develop 'the look'.

Do teachers have a secret handshake like the Masons? Or is the secret 'look' enough for all children everywhere to know that you're one of "THEM"?

Oh the look is enough. Most children would look at me and see me as a 17-25 yo (I currently have braces so can make it difficult to tell my age), but it has taken 4 years to develop 'the look'.
Unintentionally, but oh-so useful in those situations where the mother does absolutely nothing.

NSW, 625 posts
19 Jan 2009 3:33PM
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I really feel sorry for you guys the city. I sailed Thursday and Friday at a huge lake behind the beach - 20knots all day both days. Not one single person around.

Saturday (18knots) i had to share the lake with two other sailboards.

Clocked close to 20 kilometres. Grassy rigging area, tall shady gum trees. Glad I appreciate it.

QLD, 7428 posts
19 Jan 2009 2:43PM
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Rad Lad said...

You can imagine my horror. I was wearing a suit at the time and it was quite embarrasing, little sh@#.

There goes your cred Rad Lad.

WA, 3183 posts
19 Jan 2009 1:52PM
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Rad Lad said...

No one has mentioned the dog not on a leash deciding to go for a walk on your rigged up sail.

once at elwood beach , a BIG dog ran over my sail and put 2 big tares in 2 pannels ;the owner just called him and walked off, no apologies

it was an NP sail though, monofilm the same thickness as Rizzla blues (dont know what the tallyho equivalent is) [}:)]

WA, 7671 posts
19 Jan 2009 2:05PM
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elizabethb said...
Most children would look at me and see me as a 17-25 yo


When I was a youngster adults was adults... Old adults were grandparents - good for lollies

Rad Lad
226 posts
19 Jan 2009 2:23PM
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NotWal said...

Rad Lad said...

You can imagine my horror. I was wearing a suit at the time and it was quite embarrasing, little sh@#.

There goes your cred Rad Lad.

Ahhhh, good pick up but not good enough. You see I didn't mention what sort of suit did I? If you must know it was a Spiderman suit. There you go, cred is back.

NSW, 9202 posts
19 Jan 2009 4:35PM
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I've had some of those little f'ers run over the top of my sail as I'm rigging it!

I always have to yell at them to keep away.

some kids were sliding a mistral/naish white wave board down a concrete drain the other day

Why cant they sit in their own corner and dump their rubbish there and feed the seagulls there instead!

Just before she got wacked she dumped all her garbage across the lawn.

Once one of the mothers came to me and told me her kid got hurt and that I could be sued. This is not a joke. Stupid bitch hosebag bushpig, she sounded like one of those recent migrants that let the kids ** in the water.

God I miss Sydney.

NSW, 160 posts
19 Jan 2009 4:41PM
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Pugwash said...

elizabethb said...
Most children would look at me and see me as a 17-25 yo


When I was a youngster adults was adults... Old adults were grandparents - good for lollies

I rememeber when I was young I thought an 18 year old would be treated and was essentially the same as a 30 year very wrong I was

QLD, 2081 posts
19 Jan 2009 3:48PM
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lalalamort said...

Pugwash said...

elizabethb said...
Most children would look at me and see me as a 17-25 yo


When I was a youngster adults was adults... Old adults were grandparents - good for lollies

I rememeber when I was young I thought an 18 year old would be treated and was essentially the same as a 30 year very wrong I was

No no. Sorry.

My point was that if someone thought I was 17, why would they listen to me!? Compared to a 25 year old?

Once you have 'the look', your age is irrelevant and they just know.

VIC, 398 posts
19 Jan 2009 5:15PM
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Yeah, If he wasn't my son i woulda kicked him.
Instead i was proud as punch and got the camera...
Naish Force by the way.

VIC, 600 posts
19 Jan 2009 5:58PM
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there is to many little jimmys running around now

264 posts
19 Jan 2009 5:49PM
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Yes well when it is a nice warm sunny day there will always be people at the beach enjoying themselves, but unfortunatly there are those few that will do the unbelievable and yes if the parent does not acknowledge their behaviour then it is very disturbing.
However if the parent is very appolagetic and embarassed then you can accept the accident because you can see the parent is on top of their children.

It might be better to venture further down the Grand Parade to one of the car parks in the middle there we can be hassle free and feel that it is somewhat our little area to windsurf or is it called sailboarb?


NSW, 184 posts
19 Jan 2009 9:06PM
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i dont understand parents who think its a great idea to take there kids for a swim in the waves while we are wavesailing. its just stupid and dangerous.


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Feral kids on the beach - rant" started by Waiting4wind