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Forums > Windsurfing General

Helmets ?

Created by mob dog > 9 months ago, 14 Oct 2021
164 posts
7 Nov 2021 10:24PM
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Gath helmet user for a few years. Looks like the current SFC model. I ride without the ear covers. Fits my head as close to perfect as you can expect. Don't even really notice it after a few moments of wearing. Really lightweight compared to most helmets. Bike, skate, other watersport helmets. Designed not only to provide some protection against multiple impacts, but also with issues that may arise from plowing your head through water. Unlike most cycling helmet that are designed for single impacts. Raced road and mtn bikes for almost 20 years. Helmets were one crash use for a reason.

Use to wear only for F5 or greater days. Now a days I wear it all the time for foiling and even lighter day windsurfing sessions. Similar to the cycling days after USCF required hardshells. Started wearing the helmet even for training rides even though you felt a bit like a nerd. Helmet has saved my head, but not my face in one incident. Helmet took enough of the blow that I only ended up with a cheek contusion, black eye and laceration. Without? This past summer took a blow to the back side of the crown (occipital region). Sort of felt it even with the helmet on. Without? Smash in the occipital and sever the brainstem. Dead before you realize it.

Obviously fit is important for function and comfort. Considering the investment costs. I would try before buying. Looked online to purchase a new Gath this past April/May. Inventory issues. Was considering the Forward ProWip 2.0 as an alternative. Lot less money and in stock at most online retailers. Lightweight, but was not sure about fit.

WA, 2331 posts
10 Nov 2021 4:45PM
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mob dog said..
Hi all I am contemplating getting a gath helmet. I have been sailing for 20 years and never hit my head on anything but a lot of windsurfers seem to wear them. I tend to find I am most comfortable when wearing as little as possible out there, I wasted money on 2 floatation vests and hated them and don't bother with them anymore just wondering if it would be the same story with a helmet. I only sail on flatwater in the same location and can't seem to bust through the 27kt barrier so nothing death defying there. just wondering what experience other sailors have had with them.

Find a helmet on gumtree or marketplace. Sell again if you don't like it.

QLD, 2062 posts
11 Nov 2021 10:38AM
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BSN101 said..
mob dog said..
Hi all I am contemplating getting a gath helmet. I have been sailing for 20 years and never hit my head on anything but a lot of windsurfers seem to wear them. I tend to find I am most comfortable when wearing as little as possible out there, I wasted money on 2 floatation vests and hated them and don't bother with them anymore just wondering if it would be the same story with a helmet. I only sail on flatwater in the same location and can't seem to bust through the 27kt barrier so nothing death defying there. just wondering what experience other sailors have had with them.

Find a helmet on gumtree or marketplace. Sell again if you don't like it.

Or... your heath is more important than your gear... if you hate the helmet, it is sweet-FA compared the to purchase cost of your gear.

SA, 20 posts
12 Nov 2021 9:28PM
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Rigid plastic Gath helmet positives;
- good head protection,
- some sun protection and
- can mount a Go-Pro.

- wind noise is more pronounced
- bit uncomfortable around ears.

I use mine when it's really windy and/ or higher chance of crashing . Recommend overall.

100 posts
12 Nov 2021 9:40PM
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I switched to one of the 2 Ensis helmet. First is the one, Balz M?ller is using (the Balz Pro modell) and the second one is a very light one, <350 gr. I really prefer it due to the lightness.

80 posts
12 Nov 2021 11:19PM
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Gath does not have front protection for your forhead.

That's why I use (if I use) a skateboarding helmet. I can send you my gath if you want...

164 posts
21 Nov 2021 12:39AM
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t36 said..
I switched to one of the 2 Ensis helmet. First is the one, Balz M?ller is using (the Balz Pro modell) and the second one is a very light one,

Ensis Balz Pro looks almost identical to the Forward ProWIP helmet. Shape, vent shape and positions. Maybe from the same manufacture? Is the fit for different head shape relatively accommodating?

The Gath Gedi does have hard shell frontal protection. The old model that I use that looks like the SFC model has some frontal protection. Do use a skate specific helmet (NutCase brand) when esk8 and probably should when surfsk8. On the too heavy side. Might be due to the design for multiple impacts against hard surfaces.

100 posts
21 Nov 2021 12:49AM
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OldGuy3 said..

t36 said..
I switched to one of the 2 Ensis helmet. First is the one, Balz M?ller is using (the Balz Pro modell) and the second one is a very light one,

Ensis Balz Pro looks almost identical to the Forward ProWIP helmet. Shape, vent shape and positions. Maybe from the same manufacture? Is the fit for different head shape relatively accommodating?

The Gath Gedi does have hard shell frontal protection. The old model that I use that looks like the SFC model has some frontal protection. Do use a skate specific helmet (NutCase brand) when esk8 and probably should when surfsk8. On the too heavy side. Might be due to the design for multiple impacts against hard surfaces.

Yes, the must be some cooperation between Ensis and WIP - and the Balz Pro looks identical.

I bought the other one due to its weight - 180 gr less than my Mystic XK8

164 posts
5 Dec 2021 12:14AM
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Huge difference in weight. Interesting comment by Antoine Albeau. Why he doesn't wear a helmet when speed sailing. Basically the helmet potentially causing more leverage when hitting the water at the speed these guys are moving.

SA, 4086 posts
6 Dec 2021 2:07PM
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OldGuy3 said..
Huge difference in weight. Interesting comment by Antoine Albeau. Why he doesn't wear a helmet when speed sailing. Basically the helmet potentially causing more leverage when hitting the water at the speed these guys are moving.

Don't know, if that was the case then water speed skiers definetly wouldn't wear a helmet or maybe they have better helmets?

VIC, 3453 posts
6 Dec 2021 9:14PM
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choco said..

OldGuy3 said..
Huge difference in weight. Interesting comment by Antoine Albeau. Why he doesn't wear a helmet when speed sailing. Basically the helmet potentially causing more leverage when hitting the water at the speed these guys are moving.

Don't know, if that was the case then water speed skiers definetly wouldn't wear a helmet or maybe they have better helmets?

Correct , Antoine's wrong.

QLD, 3235 posts
7 Dec 2021 8:55AM
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OldGuy3 said..
Huge difference in weight. Interesting comment by Antoine Albeau. Why he doesn't wear a helmet when speed sailing. Basically the helmet potentially causing more leverage when hitting the water at the speed these guys are moving.

There might be something in this. The only time I've suffered a mild concussion windsurfing, were two occasions while wearing a helmet. Both times during a catapult, where I rotated onto my back in mid air and hit the water back first. On both occasions my head whiplashed back as my body decelerated. I think the extra weight of the helmet accentuated the whiplash. Racing car drivers are protected against this type of injury with head rests and helmet restraints. We don't travel as fast as racing cars, so I still wear my helmet to protect against hitting my head on my boom, mast or board.

NSW, 8078 posts
7 Dec 2021 10:12AM
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ojperks said..
Rigid plastic Gath helmet positives;
- good head protection,
- some sun protection and
- can mount a Go-Pro.

- wind noise is more pronounced
- bit uncomfortable around ears.

I use mine when it's really windy and/ or higher chance of crashing . Recommend overall.

My old Gath used to be noisy. The new one with the ear vents closed is much better.

VIC, 3453 posts
7 Dec 2021 10:17AM
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John340 said..

OldGuy3 said..
Huge difference in weight. Interesting comment by Antoine Albeau. Why he doesn't wear a helmet when speed sailing. Basically the helmet potentially causing more leverage when hitting the water at the speed these guys are moving.

There might be something in this. The only time I've suffered a mild concussion windsurfing, were two occasions while wearing a helmet. Both times during a catapult, where I rotated onto my back in mid air and hit the water back first. On both occasions my head whiplashed back as my body decelerated. I think the extra weight of the helmet accentuated the whiplash. Racing car drivers are protected against this type of injury with head rests and helmet restraints. We don't travel as fast as racing cars, so I still wear my helmet to protect against hitting my head on my boom, mast or board.

Repeat the two crashes without a helmet and see if you have the same injury ..

QLD, 3235 posts
7 Dec 2021 12:46PM
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kato said..

John340 said..

OldGuy3 said..
Huge difference in weight. Interesting comment by Antoine Albeau. Why he doesn't wear a helmet when speed sailing. Basically the helmet potentially causing more leverage when hitting the water at the speed these guys are moving.

There might be something in this. The only time I've suffered a mild concussion windsurfing, were two occasions while wearing a helmet. Both times during a catapult, where I rotated onto my back in mid air and hit the water back first. On both occasions my head whiplashed back as my body decelerated. I think the extra weight of the helmet accentuated the whiplash. Racing car drivers are protected against this type of injury with head rests and helmet restraints. We don't travel as fast as racing cars, so I still wear my helmet to protect against hitting my head on my boom, mast or board.

Repeat the two crashes without a helmet and see if you have the same injury ..


I have had many similar crashes prior to purchasing my helmet, without getting this type of injury.

Despite this, I still believe it's worthwhile wearing the helmet, to protect my head against hitting solid objects.

164 posts
9 Dec 2021 2:03AM
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Windsurfing TV clip. +70kt gusts. Next day was sailable. Antoine Albeau filmed wearing a helmet.

Are not the Gath helmets designed to penetrate the water similar or better than a bare head?

Purchased the Gath helmet after a helmet-less head injury that sent me to the ER via ambulance. Not a mark on the skull. Still ended up with a concussion. Another incident while wearing the Gath. Took a flier off the board during a speed run. GPS noted max speed in the 30's during the flight. Not modern standard fast. But bouncing across the water was not an enjoyable experience. Head and neck felt fine. Another incident. I think it was boom or mast face hit. One laceration, one contusion on cheekbone, and one black eye. Without helmet it would have been uglier. The partial hit on the helmet absorbed some of the energy of the impact. Last season bonked my head on I think the mast. Felt the bonk through the helmet. Would have been painful without.

I don't care if I look geeky. Starting to wear the helmet almost always. Getting old and reflexes, coordination must be diminishing. Should wear it always.

SA, 4086 posts
9 Dec 2021 4:20PM
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Wow someone had done the testing

VIC, 3453 posts
9 Dec 2021 9:10PM
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Good find Choco.

VIC, 6152 posts
10 Dec 2021 1:57AM
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Great find Choco!

Interesting read for sure.

My biggest observation about this is that almost all of my big crashes in speed windsurfing have been at speeds around 20-24 m/s,
(38-44 Knots). In every case I can remember, (yes, "remember" that is a big qualification! ) I landed more or less on my back and BOUNCED and skimmed/rolled over the water for a while. A cant say I have ever had a fall where my head pierced the surface, at least until I had slowed considerably. (I have worn a Helmet, either a canoeing or a Ski/Skate helmet for almost all my windsurfing 40+ years).

And yes, I can say after a few of those crashes I woke up the next morning with quite sore, front of neck muscles from the muscles resistance to my head being thrown back as I hit the water on my back, or possibly because my body was jerked by my attachment to the harness and boom as they inevitably broke!!. But I would be very surprised of the helmet made any significant difference to that.

On the other hand, I have experienced quite a lot of times where my head has slammed hard into the mast or sail. I was very glad to have the impact protection in those cases.

Bounce/skim example where Mat crashed at 41 Knots! loving the excuse to share this again!


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Helmets ?" started by mob dog