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Forums > Windsurfing General


Created by Chilla > 9 months ago, 7 Oct 2012
WA, 136 posts
7 Oct 2012 6:05PM
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Hi, what type of helmets do people wear windsurfing? Pros and cons? Any advice, information appreciated, thanks.

WA, 87 posts
7 Oct 2012 6:30PM
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Gath is good - not sure about any others. They have a couple of models - I have the standard.

Gives you some protection from a mast in the head, etc (obvious I know).
Gives you some sun protection.
Easy to attach your GoPro to.
The lighter coloured ones (white is common) make you more visible when you're in the water.

A bit more difficult to hear people. (Not a biggy).

I know a guy who reckons his helmet saved his teeth once - so he swears by them. When the wind gets up I always wear mine. Recommended.

VIC, 456 posts
7 Oct 2012 9:39PM
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Skateboarding pro tec. Solid. Cheap. About $70. Make sure you don't get one with water absorbent lining. Lasts ages.

WA, 38 posts
7 Oct 2012 6:54PM
Thumbs Up <<< get a visor and maybe a cammera mount

WA, 136 posts
7 Oct 2012 7:36PM
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I came across a company called Bern who do a H20 helmet it sounds good, does anyone know anything about them or maybe have one they could provide some advice /information on? Thanks.

Garry M
NSW, 27 posts
7 Oct 2012 11:06PM
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Photo below is a good reason for wearing a helmet. I have been useing a Gath helmet with wisor for years. Mainly for sun protection at first plus the safety factor, have had a few occasions when I have been hit on the head by the mast. Glad I had the helmet on.

WA, 8769 posts
7 Oct 2012 8:58PM
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THERMO said...
Photo below is a good reason for wearing a helmet. I have been useing a Gath helmet with wisor for years. Mainly for sun protection at first plus the safety factor, have had a few occasions when I have been hit on the head by the mast. Glad I had the helmet on.

That's My helmet Nº 2 Got a nice dent in my head from that one (99.999999999% certain that it saved my life)

Just purchased helmet Nº 4 after stuffing Nº 3 with another catapult into the mast.

There's a reason why I use safety equipment

WA, 38 posts
7 Oct 2012 9:31PM
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Elmo, just curios,
what were you doing/how fast were you going when you managed that?! :S

WA, 8769 posts
7 Oct 2012 11:20PM
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dring44 said...
Elmo, just curios,
what were you doing/how fast were you going when you managed that?! :S

Surprisingly, not very.
Wave sailing session out a km of shore at Avalon with a 4.5m wave sail (it was windy) just gybed got into the straps when a bullet hit us, because I wasn't going very fast the bullet slammed me, got catapulted into the sail with the shoulder, flicked the head into the mast which I hit with the back of the head.

QLD, 1667 posts
8 Oct 2012 11:29AM
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I've got a Gath helmet that I've been wearing for many years, and I'm pretty sure it saved my life when I broke by neck several years ago. I figure there was enough padding to absorb some of the shock and save my life.

Since then I have had some cracks on the head by the mast and boom as Elmo has had. I recommend that all sailors were helmets, I find it hard to understand why they dont, they dont cost a lot and once you get used to them they are very comfy and you feel maked without them ........ and they stop your head from getting sunburnt of your are a little hairless like me

QLD, 663 posts
8 Oct 2012 4:06PM
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I wear the Gath with sunvisor too! Nice to get the head a little sun protection and while I haven't managed to crack the helmet, I have definately rattled my skull a few times trying to headbutt the mast!

Definately worth the small cost!

1595 posts
8 Oct 2012 5:07PM
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Some fellows in the US use a baseball batting helmet, it has a visor and can come with a face guard.

WA, 38 posts
8 Oct 2012 5:35PM
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elmo said...
dring44 said...
Elmo, just curios,
what were you doing/how fast were you going when you managed that?! :S

Surprisingly, not very.
Wave sailing session out a km of shore at Avalon with a 4.5m wave sail (it was windy) just gybed got into the straps when a bullet hit us, because I wasn't going very fast the bullet slammed me, got catapulted into the sail with the shoulder, flicked the head into the mast which I hit with the back of the head.

Wow, I assume bullet means massive gust.
Just finished ordering a gath... lol. especially after haggar's story

pedro e
VIC, 257 posts
8 Oct 2012 9:59PM
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I agree about the importance of wearing a helmet.....although, I was wearing a helmet last year when I smashed my nose. Some hard bit of my gear smacked me across the nose and eye socket just under the helmet. If I had been hit lower I would probably be a gummy old bugger now having to wear false teeth. I felt safe in the helmet until that point.

I too have split a helmet, although it was a bike helmet when I stacked on my bike and head planted the pavement. A lucky save that one I think.

I now wear an ice hockey helmet from which only cost $49 but the postage from the US was $70. It has a polycarbonate visor which is designed to take force of a hockey stick or puck so should be strong. Now my slightly left leaning schnoz and teeth are protected. As are my ears from sun damage and causing extra drag.

WA, 67 posts
8 Oct 2012 7:15PM
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pedro e said...
I agree about the importance of wearing a helmet.....although, I was wearing a helmet last year when I smashed my nose. Some hard bit of my gear smacked me across the nose and eye socket just under the helmet. If I had been hit lower I would probably be a gummy old bugger now having to wear false teeth. I felt safe in the helmet until that point.

I too have split a helmet, although it was a bike helmet when I stacked on my bike and head planted the pavement. A lucky save that one I think.

I now wear an ice hockey helmet from which only cost $49 but the postage from the US was $70. It has a polycarbonate visor which is designed to take force of a hockey stick or puck so should be strong. Now my slightly left leaning schnoz and teeth are protected. As are my ears from sun damage and causing extra drag.

Thats cute. This one should protect your cheekbones too

pedro e
VIC, 257 posts
8 Oct 2012 10:36PM
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WA, 1104 posts
9 Oct 2012 7:51AM
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pedro e said...
I agree about the importance of wearing a helmet.....although, I was wearing a helmet last year when I smashed my nose. Some hard bit of my gear smacked me across the nose and eye socket just under the helmet. If I had been hit lower I would probably be a gummy old bugger now having to wear false teeth. I felt safe in the helmet until that point.

I now wear an ice hockey helmet from which only cost $49 but the postage from the US was $70. It has a polycarbonate visor which is designed to take force of a hockey stick or puck so should be strong. Now my slightly left leaning schnoz and teeth are protected. As are my ears from sun damage and causing extra drag.

Is that visor getting foggy? Can it be tinted?

QLD, 3424 posts
9 Oct 2012 4:50PM
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helmets ?? are we doing the same sport ??

ps : okay for extreme wave riders and top end speed sailors... but what's next.... airbags ?

QLD, 634 posts
9 Oct 2012 7:40PM
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Now that's a helmet

QLD, 555 posts
9 Oct 2012 8:05PM
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Anyone had a go at those Aldi ones on special at the moment, said to be for rock climbing. Feel pretty light, so may be comfortable while sailing?
Only $15. Quess that says it all....

WA, 136 posts
10 Oct 2012 4:28AM
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seanhogan said...
helmets ?? are we doing the same sport ??

ps : okay for extreme wave riders and top end speed sailors... but what's next.... airbags ?

Or a wetsuit that inflates Sumo like upon impact?? I've had concussion and facial injuries from being whacked by mast and boom, wouldn't wear a helmet in ten knots on a sunny day at a crowded beach but in 20+ on a cold day, deserted beach??? Apparently Darwin may have cannot swim while unconscious.

QLD, 3424 posts
10 Oct 2012 6:56AM
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Know of anyone knocked inconscious and drowned while sailing ?
I don't...

But to each their own....

1421 posts
10 Oct 2012 6:32AM
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I know windsurfers whose eyesight isn't too good.

VIC, 5000 posts
10 Oct 2012 9:42AM
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I wear a Gath...I look a little silly in it, but I'm also pretty reckless & have a tendency where "my ambition outweighs my ability" and need a bit extra protection. I've hit my head a few times and even have a small crack in the helmet so will update it soon.

Also as mentioned above - protects the dome from sunburn.

NSW, 1104 posts
10 Oct 2012 9:45AM
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terminal said...
I know windsurfers whose eyesight isn't too good.

Fark, that is scary! Dunno whether a helmet would make any difference if they collided? Maybe easier to find your head... Scary stuff.

WA, 6975 posts
10 Oct 2012 7:07AM
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seanhogan said...
Know of anyone knocked inconscious and drowned while sailing ?
I don't...

But to each their own....

Boujmaa Guillol

- fortunately he had 20 cameras and 30 sets of eyes watching his every move as he tried to pull triple loops and monster airs

perhaps I don't go quite as big, but also perhaps not as many people are watching my antics.

WA, 8769 posts
10 Oct 2012 8:24AM
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seanhogan said...
Know of anyone knocked inconscious and drowned while sailing ?
I don't...

But to each their own....

Yes to the first part, no to the second part as she had just bought herself a PFD a couple of weeks earlier.

Going back to stats though, it is a miniscule chance that you'll hit your head and hurt yourself (unless you're me) each time you're out sailing.

And you're right, It is "each to it's own" it's our own choice as an individual is to put a value on ourselves and whats in our head's.

Personally I've taken way TOOO many hits to the head and need to protect my 2 remaining brain cells

QLD, 3424 posts
10 Oct 2012 12:00PM
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elmo said...
Personally I've taken way TOOO many hits to the head and need to protect my 2 remaining brain cells

Maybe I'm far beyond this point, nothing left to protect....

WA, 136 posts
10 Oct 2012 4:48PM
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seanhogan said...
Know of anyone knocked inconscious and drowned while sailing ?
I don't...

But to each their own....

No...never known anyone knocked inconscious....

WA, 899 posts
10 Oct 2012 5:41PM
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i split the skin on mu skull before, not life threatening or serious but, could have done without the incovenience

59 posts
10 Oct 2012 5:48PM
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Protec Wake - Has removable ear pads.

Initially had a soft helmet (like a rugby helmet) for warmth and relief from surfers ear. Nice and light - it blew away down the beach when I came in for a break and was never seen again

Certainly saved me from a few bruises and realised when looking for a replacement that hard shell gives so much more protection. Also rdm masts hurt a lot more and I have been saved a few times since. Saying that, it didn't protect me from a broken nose a few weeks back.I have managed to catapult into the boom nose first.

As someone said you can't swim when unconscious and it only takes one lung full to drown, and yes I'm pretty sure I bought a board off a guy that drowned a few years later on Auckland harbour - coroner believed most likely from being knocked out - very experienced sailor too.


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Helmets" started by Chilla