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Installing footstrap inserts

Created by sausage > 9 months ago, 2 Nov 2012
WA, 14670 posts
4 Nov 2012 7:37PM
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keef said...
FormulaNova said...
Just out of interest, has anyone tried to lay carbon over an insert? Is there an easy way to find the hole afterwards? With glass you can see it.

I resorted to using toothpicks, to stick out a little bit, but there must be another way.

dale if your coming down tomorrow or tuesday ill show you, if not what you need to do is get some carbon and chop it up then mix some resin and use a fiberglass wheel and spreed it over the insert, then get some wide green painters tape and stick it over the carbon and onto the board , then get a nail and poke the tape with it you will soon find the holes , wait for it to cure and take the tape off

Ahh, that makes sense, use a nail.

Painters tape? What is that? Is it just masking tape? Wouldn't that stick to the epoxy?

Yeah, I'll probably be there tuesday! Hopefully the wind will be too!

NSW, 2016 posts
4 Nov 2012 11:13PM
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yes you can really put some pressure on the green stuff, it doesnt break so easy, and the epoxy wont stick , the bom says 20 to 30 hopefully a few PB'S

Mark _australia
WA, 22377 posts
4 Nov 2012 8:14PM
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FormulaNova said...
Just out of interest, has anyone tried to lay carbon over an insert? Is there an easy way to find the hole afterwards? With glass you can see it.

I resorted to using toothpicks, to stick out a little bit, but there must be another way.

any size machine screw (bolt thread) that will screw in tight (like a 4mm ish) with a coating of Kiwi or Nugget shoe polish on it. Paste type old school shoe polishes are soooo damn close to normal mould releases like PLP8 wax that they are just fine. Just 1/3 the price!
Saves trying to snap / detach bits of matchstick and toothpick :)

After it sets you can just screw out the insert and countersink the hole and you're done, no drilling

EDIT: I have no idea what Keef is talking about with chopping up carbon and mixing with resin, I though we were laminating mat over the inserts...???

WA, 14670 posts
4 Nov 2012 8:17PM
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Mark _australia said...
FormulaNova said...
Just out of interest, has anyone tried to lay carbon over an insert? Is there an easy way to find the hole afterwards? With glass you can see it.

I resorted to using toothpicks, to stick out a little bit, but there must be another way.

any size machine screw (bolt thread) that will screw in tight (like a 4mm ish) with a coating of Kiwi or Nugget shoe polish on it. Paste type old school shoe polishes are soooo damn close to normal mould releases like PLP8 wax that they are just fine. Just 1/3 the price!
Saves trying to snap / detach bits of matchstick and toothpick :)

After it sets you can just screw out the insert and countersink the hole and you're done, no drilling

So, you just coat the screw, and then screw it in, through the carbon weave?

NSW, 1489 posts
5 Nov 2012 12:21AM
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No worries Keef, i was just explaining how professional Board builders and repairs do it..

Mark _australia
WA, 22377 posts
4 Nov 2012 10:28PM
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FormulaNova said...
Mark _australia said...
FormulaNova said...
Just out of interest, has anyone tried to lay carbon over an insert? Is there an easy way to find the hole afterwards? With glass you can see it.

I resorted to using toothpicks, to stick out a little bit, but there must be another way.

any size machine screw (bolt thread) that will screw in tight (like a 4mm ish) with a coating of Kiwi or Nugget shoe polish on it. Paste type old school shoe polishes are soooo damn close to normal mould releases like PLP8 wax that they are just fine. Just 1/3 the price!
Saves trying to snap / detach bits of matchstick and toothpick :)

After it sets you can just screw out the insert and countersink the hole and you're done, no drilling

So, you just coat the screw, and then screw it in, through the carbon weave?

No I was screwing it into the insert, setting insert in board then laminating the carbon and glass over (obviously just a bit of warp/weft stretch to pop it over the bolt head)
Neat result........ but I guess if doing 35 inserts like that red and blue thing it might take too long

NSW, 2016 posts
5 Nov 2012 10:03AM
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Mark _australia said...
FormulaNova said...
Just out of interest, has anyone tried to lay carbon over an insert? Is there an easy way to find the hole afterwards? With glass you can see it.

I resorted to using toothpicks, to stick out a little bit, but there must be another way.

EDIT: I have no idea what Keef is talking about with chopping up carbon and mixing with resin, I though we were laminating mat over the inserts...???

mark ill do a tread one day on how to use a fiberglassing wheel, here is a few pics , the first one is a finbox i made for sailing far nth qld, the problem is when you hit coral you pull the front screw through the top of the box and smash the back of the box out, so there is a sleeve in the screw holes that enables you to use smaller screw heads, the back of the box is a couple of cm longer than the chinook ,so when the back of the fin smashes the box the core is watertight

you will also notice on the back screw hole there is still a bit of green tape, the front pic is also chop carbon you will notice there is no bog

the carbon art job i cut the pads and wheeled in some chop and inserted the plugs they have never leeked and there level with the deck

you will see the wood fins, thruogh the base the foil and the front screw hole is chop carbon, i could woffle on for ever about fiberglassing wheels but gustbuster phill wants to go sailing
forgot to mention the cutouts (silica ) didnt have to remove the pads

QLD, 4873 posts
5 Nov 2012 10:13AM
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Okay I thought a quick sketch would explain how I think it can be done without PVC sandwich around insert. I'm proposing to bevel the PVC layer on edge of insert opening so I can fold recessed layer of glass onto deck as Kimba suggested and then layer over. Any comments still appreciated.

SA, 4032 posts
5 Nov 2012 11:35AM
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sausage said...
Okay I thought a quick sketch would explain how I think it can be done without PVC sandwich around insert. I'm proposing to bevel the PVC layer on edge of insert opening so I can fold recessed layer of glass onto deck as Kimba suggested and then layer over. Any comments still appreciated.

all your missing is abit of fluff around that snags

SA, 453 posts
5 Nov 2012 2:08PM
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sausage said...
Okay I thought a quick sketch would explain how I think it can be done without PVC sandwich around insert. I'm proposing to bevel the PVC layer on edge of insert opening so I can fold recessed layer of glass onto deck as Kimba suggested and then layer over. Any comments still appreciated.

Spot on Snags!
If you are using 4oz I would go 2 under and 3 on the deck with the largest patch first(on the deck) so you are flushing the borders of the patches and not just sanding through the top layer.

If you can use twill (2x2)weave under the insert it will help form the cloth on the deck, if not you might need some slits to help the glass form to the insert and flatten on the deck.

QLD, 4873 posts
27 Nov 2012 2:43PM
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Made a start and everything going to plan. Plugs with 2 layers of 6oz cloth fit snuggly into rebates. As some existing plugs will be near new glass or even glassed over, can I fill the holes with candle wax to eliminate resin intrusion or do I just fill with shoe polish as Mark suggested. I plan to do it in two steps 1. set plugs in & just have small glass overlap onto deck and then 2. glass over the plugs with 3 layers. Comments appreciated - especially if anyone thinks I don't have enough surface area for overlay of plugs.

SA, 453 posts
27 Nov 2012 9:54PM
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Looks good so far. What is the go with the front strap, are you using the existing outer insert?

NSW, 2016 posts
27 Nov 2012 10:54PM
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sausage said...
. I plan to do it in two steps 1. set plugs in & just have small glass overlap onto deck and then 2. glass over the plugs with 3 layers. Comments appreciated - especially if anyone thinks I don't have enough surface area for overlay of plugs.

are you planning on overlapping the glass onto the deck that you have used to glass the plugs

QLD, 4873 posts
27 Nov 2012 11:09PM
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Kimba said...
Looks good so far. What is the go with the front strap, are you using the existing outer insert?

The existing front plug is 75mm off the edge as opposed to 50mm with my iSonics as a guide so I haven't done the front two. Won't know how much this may affect stance but can always add later if problematic.

keef said...
are you planning on overlapping the glass onto the deck that you have used to glass the plugs

Yeah I wrapped the plug in a double layer of glass and layed a long piece over rebate then pushed in the plug. This gave me a pretty decent overlay onto deck but only in one direction in reality. I then used the little threaded roller over some peel ply and taped it down hard.

Tomorrow night I'll put the 3 deck layers on over the top.

NSW, 2016 posts
28 Nov 2012 9:37AM
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sausage said...
Kimba said...
Looks good so far. What is the go with the front strap, are you using the existing outer insert?

The existing front plug is 75mm off the edge as opposed to 50mm with my iSonics as a guide so I haven't done the front two. Won't know how much this may affect stance but can always add later if problematic.

keef said...
are you planning on overlapping the glass onto the deck that you have used to glass the plugs

I then used the little threaded roller over some peel ply and taped it down hard.

sounds good snags, glass is hard to bend to a 90deg , now you have a wheel you can move on to the next level
in a few weeks ill be doing a thread on how to chop an old slalom down to a 40knt speed board "for the big guys"

QLD, 4873 posts
12 Dec 2012 2:51PM
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Just a few photos of finished product. Took it for a spin about 2 weeks ago and it felt really good although I have since added two outer plugs right at the front as front foot couldn't twist off at 45deg comfortably. Have thoroughly enjoyed doing the inserts although I'm a long way from being interetsed in building a whole board (just yet).

Going to take it out this arvo and see how it goes now I've added front plugs as well.

NSW, 2016 posts
12 Dec 2012 10:54PM
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real professional job there Brian, im going to have to give up giving advise

WA, 14670 posts
12 Dec 2012 8:06PM
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keef said...
real professional job there Brian, im going to have to give up giving advise

Nah, not enough inserts by half There should be at least double the number he added, and they should be double inserts too.

Some more up the front for the GPS, and maybe one or two for a nose protector. Maybe one in the middle somewhere for the car keys?

Seriously though, it is good when you can change something that is almost right, and make it perfect for your needs. I added an extra insert on my s-type too, although I routed out the existing four and added a block of 5, for my wide bootie-clad feet.

I modded a board that I absolutely hated sailing, and put the inserts where I figured they should be, based on other boards I like, and now I love it! Beats buying another board and finding out it doesn't work for you either.


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Installing footstrap inserts" started by sausage