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Forums > Windsurfing General

JP Excite Ride 110 versus Jp supersport 109

Created by sboardcrazy > 9 months ago, 22 Aug 2013
NSW, 8093 posts
22 Aug 2013 9:04PM
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Would the supersport be much harder for a lightweight intermediate to ride in chop than the excite ride? Decided on a 110 ltre board but doesn't seem to be a lot of choice in freeride boards around that size - 2010 onwards..

NSW, 1500 posts
22 Aug 2013 9:40PM
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I'm 73 kg I have the SS109 and use to have the Xcite110.
The SS feels like a bigger board compared to the xcite.
I am a little surprised that somebody your size would want to ride a board that big in choppy conditions.
I had the SS out on Sat. At Kurnell before the wind picked up, it was a little lumpy but not choppy, even then it felt biggish.
I think if that is the size board you really want, the xcite will be a softer ride in the chop for you.

SA, 2523 posts
22 Aug 2013 9:36PM
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I own a 109 SS (avatar). Very locked in feeling, and it's a pig to gybe in ocena chop (flat rocker)... but perfect for moderate wind sailing on a lake.

WA, 847 posts
23 Aug 2013 1:03AM
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Hey Sue,

What about a Fanatic Hawk around 110L, have you considered one of those? Quite a fast board and beautiful to gybe but also handles chop well due to being a bit narrower than comparable boards in that size range.

74 posts
23 Aug 2013 4:55AM
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I have the 110 hawk 2012..I am 95kgs tho..but I find its great through big chop which is a constant here in wgtn nz...seems better/smoother the faster you go..I use it with 36cm c3 venom, planes super early and can gybe very tight arcs if you want it to...Is a good option...I also used to have a 2007 jp supercross 106 which I though was possibly one of the best boards I had ridden ( should never have sold it ) your weight is the 110 too big tho ???

NSW, 8093 posts
23 Aug 2013 8:37AM
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Thanks. I have a 125 & 95 Rocket and want a board inbetween. The place I sail has lake chop , can be lumpy / steeper than other parts of the lake I sail.I want the board for 10-18kts with larger sails ( 7.2m). Sometimes it can be blowing 10kts for about 1km then 18kts in a certain area where it can be flatter. I don't want to be restricted to sailing over there .I still want to be able to travel and explore. It's for those days where the NE never really comes in properly.
I currently use the 125 but it feels like a tank over in the stronger stuff - great in the lighter.
Any other 110 ltre freerides around that are good in chop , user friendly , go upwind well ..?

VIC, 5000 posts
23 Aug 2013 10:20AM
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Tabou S3 - great for bump'n'jump & going upwind.

91 posts
23 Aug 2013 8:52AM
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Hi sboardcrazy!
My first choice would be CA Art Board, if it is in you budget, or i will go with Fanatic Ray 112 or the Fanatic Hawk 111.
The ray 112 has a big range up to and 8.6 and the sweet spot is 7.0 to 7.5.
You can't go wrong with the Falcon if you don't wan't to go with Carbon Art.
I had the Ray 2011 115, loved this board early plaining, it jibe super nice, very comfortable from foot straps to stance, it go over chops like a dream.
Good sailing.

WA, 1381 posts
23 Aug 2013 8:56AM
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105 Rocket, Sue! Don't stray away from what you know, it'll cost you heaps to find out that there's only a p**fteenth difference between one make and another in relation to freeride/freerace. I've traded so many boards in on a (better) model by a different brand only to turn full circle and return to my beloved Rockets, realising that one knot is not going to make a huge difference in my overall top end speed. But the fact that I'm comfortable will eventually show on the gps.

QLD, 555 posts
23 Aug 2013 3:09PM
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Hi Sue, I have a JP Xcite ride 110L and I really enjoy it. Haven't sailed the Supersport though! I sail in bay conditions probably similar to you. I find it a good all round board. Have a look at this clip of it from last year.

Cheers and good luck in finding something to your liking.

QLD, 455 posts
23 Aug 2013 4:00PM
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106 JP Allride pro edition. Smoother ride than an X-cite ride and will handle chop a bit better. Throw a 36 cm fin in it and will will hold up around a 7.0 sail and be quite fast. Run it single strap on the rear though and it will feel fairly lively and responsive. Twin set up kills the feel a bit I recon. Makes the board feel a bit dead. Really good all round board though.

VIC, 873 posts
23 Aug 2013 7:37PM
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sboardcrazy said..

Would the supersport be much harder for a lightweight intermediate to ride in chop than the excite ride? Decided on a 110 ltre board but doesn't seem to be a lot of choice in freeride boards around that size - 2010 onwards..

I would recommend the 2011 and onwards if you found a Supersport that suited as they have the slight double concave in those models that made a much softer ride.

WA, 1369 posts
23 Aug 2013 6:19PM
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I use to have a s type starboard 109 litres if I remember it was great in chop open ocean sailng. Wish l still had it if you find one in good con'd grab it.

NSW, 4521 posts
23 Aug 2013 8:50PM
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pepe47 said..

105 Rocket, Sue!

I think this is a good call. The Excite and Super Sport are opposite ends of the spectrum, and the rocket is a nice compromise between the two. The 105 rocket is my low wind board. I use a 38cm fin and 7.5m sail for my 12 knot sailing.

QLD, 1100 posts
23 Aug 2013 10:56PM
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They go great, here's one I prepared earlier...this is a an old 7.8m Raf Slalom sail in 12 knts....think there might be a board just like this for sale in buy and sell????...maybe

Mark _australia
WA, 22870 posts
23 Aug 2013 9:19PM
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Given you weigh bugger-all, I still wonder why you are buying slalom / freerides. Have a 125L freeride to get out in light winds yes... but then a 100L and 70L FSW will help you greatly in chop.
You will still plane earlier than 90% of us and also have control.

Your 95L Rocket is a BIG board for a 65kg (?) person.

Yes it is an easy handling board compared to dedicated slaloms - but bear in mind it is 80 - 100kg blokes talking about how it soaks up chop.

NSW, 8093 posts
24 Aug 2013 1:06PM
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gregwed said..

Hi Sue, I have a JP Xcite ride 110L and I really enjoy it. Haven't sailed the Supersport though! I sail in bay conditions probably similar to you. I find it a good all round board. Have a look at this clip of it from last year.


Cheers and good luck in finding something to your liking.

I can't buy an Excite now someone overtook you.. Thanks.Looks good. What year did they stop making the 110 Excites? I notice they only have larger excites now.

NSW, 8093 posts
24 Aug 2013 1:11PM
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The days I want it for you can have 5 min lulls so I want a board where I don't have to waste energy balancing with a big heavy 7.2m cambered sail..I'd love a 105 rocket but I figure its a bit close to the 95ltre and the 115 is a bit close to the 125?
Also not sure of slogging around for extended periods on a 105 with the heavy sail + uphauling it.I imagine a 7.2m for my weight and strength at 64kgs is probably like a 9.2m for an 80kg sailor - would you want to use a 9.2m sail on small board in subplaning conditions?
If we had nice consistent wind I'd go smaller but if its 15kts consistent upwards I'll be on my 95 anyway.

QLD, 14481 posts
24 Aug 2013 1:33PM
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to me your biggest issue here is the big sail.

try a 5.3m

also agree with mark. fsw are designed for the conditions you are talking about.

NSW, 8093 posts
24 Aug 2013 1:46PM
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You beat me to it Gestalt I was going to delete part of my above comment. Sorry if it comes across as a bit testy... But what about conditions where you have leftover chop but bugger all gusty wind? I'm not keen on trying to keep my balance on a small board and I want the large sail so when it reaches 12kts I can try & plane..

QLD, 14481 posts
24 Aug 2013 2:00PM
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you don't need a large sail to plane in 12 knots when you weigh 60kg. in 12-18 knots i'm on a 6.4 and I weigh 110kg or more.

15-20 and i'm on a 5.8
20-25 and i'm on a 5.3

sure you may fall off the plane in the lighter end of each range but your comfortably powered the rest of the time.

if it's gps sailing you're into then race sail is the go but maybe try a size down and a lighter model.

NSW, 8093 posts
24 Aug 2013 4:35PM
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What's the latest year they made 110 ltres Excite rides? I can find a reference in 2009 but can't find any more info after that - 2012 I think they'd stopped.

NSW, 381 posts
24 Aug 2013 5:48PM
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Yep - they only do Excites down to 120-ish these days but they do bigger freestyle waves to 110-ish to compensate. I'm with Mark and Gestalt. I think it is a FSW you seek. I have a FSW and an Excite and they both were born for the conditions you describe

NSW, 8093 posts
24 Aug 2013 6:20PM
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I've been told FSW don't go well with 7.2m fully cammed racesails?

VIC, 873 posts
24 Aug 2013 6:41PM
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Gestalt said..

you don't need a large sail to plane in 12 knots when you weigh 60kg. in 12-18 knots i'm on a 6.4 and I weigh 110kg or more.

15-20 and i'm on a 5.8
20-25 and i'm on a 5.3

sure you may fall off the plane in the lighter end of each range but your comfortably powered the rest of the time.

if it's gps sailing you're into then race sail is the go but maybe try a size down and a lighter model.

You weigh 110 or more and can plane in 15 knots on a 5.8?? You must be very efficient!
But I get the point you are making.

QLD, 14481 posts
24 Aug 2013 6:53PM
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maybe it's my gear that's efficient.

anyways, when I go out in 15-20 on my 5.8 i'm only struggling in the 15 knots and that's with a 24cm fin. put in the 32cm fin and that problem goes away.

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Jman said..

Gestalt said..

you don't need a large sail to plane in 12 knots when you weigh 60kg. in 12-18 knots i'm on a 6.4 and I weigh 110kg or more.

15-20 and i'm on a 5.8
20-25 and i'm on a 5.3

sure you may fall off the plane in the lighter end of each range but your comfortably powered the rest of the time.

if it's gps sailing you're into then race sail is the go but maybe try a size down and a lighter model.

You weigh 110 or more and can plane in 15 knots on a 5.8?? You must be very efficient!
But I get the point you are making.

QLD, 14481 posts
24 Aug 2013 7:01PM
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sboardcrazy said..

I've been told FSW don't go well with 7.2m fully cammed racesails?

whoever told you that has given you bad advice. for starters. it depends on the fsw board. some lean towards freeride and other lean towards freestyle and other lean towards wave. the rrd fsw board at 108lt suits sails up to 7.3m. doesn't really matter if it's a no cam sail or a cam sail.

I think the issue is more about how the sail is rigged. I had a look through your images and you seem to over downhaul your sails and set them very flat. don't you have a 6.6? that should get you going on your current boards in 10-18 knots.

if you still find your boards with the 6.6 to big then by all means get a fsw or similar smaller board but buying a board to suit one sail that may or may not be rigged correctly is crazy.

NSW, 4521 posts
24 Aug 2013 7:29PM
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Sue, it depends on which year Rockets you are looking at.

The 95 and 125 rockets are 58cm and 69cm wide.

The 105 and 115 used to be 61cm and 64cm wide, but in 2012 they became 64cm and 66cm wide.

So a later model 105 rocket that is 64 cm wide might fit the gap between your 95 and 125 nicely. That's some handy width for early planing and stability at your weight.

NSW, 8093 posts
25 Aug 2013 8:46AM
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Harrow said..

Sue, it depends on which year Rockets you are looking at.

The 95 and 125 rockets are 58cm and 69cm wide.

The 105 and 115 used to be 61cm and 64cm wide, but in 2012 they became 64cm and 66cm wide.

So a later model 105 rocket that is 64 cm wide might fit the gap between your 95 and 125 nicely. That's some handy width for early planing and stability at your weight.

Mmm might be worth looking at.Thanks.The more I look around the more confused I get!

WA, 1381 posts
25 Aug 2013 10:53AM
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My confusion has cost me around $11,000 so far!
Had I stuck to the Rockets, I could have bought a new car to put them in.

NSW, 9029 posts
25 Aug 2013 1:20PM
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If the JP Australia/Neil Pryde trailer is coming around this year perhaps you could try out these boards. I have an older Rocket 105 and its fine with my 6.6m sail. It feels good. It feels a bit small with a 7.3m sail. I think its 61cms wide.


Forums > Windsurfing General

"JP Excite Ride 110 versus Jp supersport 109" started by sboardcrazy