Forums > Windsurfing General

Kauli and his quad

Created by divaldo > 9 months ago, 4 Jun 2009
SA, 2878 posts
4 Jun 2009 8:02PM
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This gives you and idea of how the quads work

WA, 4082 posts
4 Jun 2009 6:43PM
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Does that mean if I buy a Quad I'll be able to wavesail like that? Or will I still wavesail like the Overweight Middleaged Try Hard that I am

WA, 3183 posts
4 Jun 2009 7:25PM
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SA, 896 posts
4 Jun 2009 9:44PM
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Very quick through the sections

WA, 8726 posts
4 Jun 2009 8:26PM
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Holy snappin duck poo that things quick

NSW, 1019 posts
4 Jun 2009 11:35PM
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Impressive the sheer speed and spray produced along with lightning quick yet powerful gouges !
Looks super loose off the back foot once pushed hard... be interested to hear what quads are like to ride for mere mortals !

Reflex Films
WA, 1446 posts
4 Jun 2009 10:10PM
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i am not so sure - there seems to be a lack of pop out of the lip - its all slide and less projection

obviously quite loose- and obviously he is an awesome sailor - no argument there

but in the physics of what i am seeing on this vid:

kinda looks like his front rail is a little bogged down through the lip - or it looks like he is sailing with his boom 4 inches lower than he is used to - a real downward pressure into the rails kind of look. doesnt look weightless and free

it may be that the wave just doesnt have the punch to launch the guys

Impressive takas and goitres - but have seen jaeger punt them cleaner and more out the front on widows and singles.. again - maybe the location doesnt have the punch in the lip to show the set up in its best light.

WA, 3469 posts
4 Jun 2009 11:26PM
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what you are seeing in this video in my opinion is the closest I have seen wave sailing to look like a cross between surfing, skateboarding and snowboard. Actually coming to really think about it... I would say this is so much like free riding a gully on a snowboard it's not funny.

I think the slide at the top of the lip is definite design choice to suite his riding ability. The '09 JP twinny does that to a lesser extend as well.

SA, 2878 posts
5 Jun 2009 8:04AM
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Oh and a new 2010 pryde as well...

SA, 3025 posts
5 Jun 2009 8:48AM
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Reflex Films said...

i am not so sure - there seems to be a lack of pop out of the lip - its all slide and less projection

obviously quite loose- and obviously he is an awesome sailor - no argument there

but in the physics of what i am seeing on this vid:

kinda looks like his front rail is a little bogged down through the lip - or it looks like he is sailing with his boom 4 inches lower than he is used to - a real downward pressure into the rails kind of look. doesnt look weightless and free

it may be that the wave just doesnt have the punch to launch the guys

Impressive takas and goitres - but have seen jaeger punt them cleaner and more out the front on widows and singles.. again - maybe the location doesnt have the punch in the lip to show the set up in its best light.

Friggin amazing you can assess "rail dig" and 'pop" that through 5 minutes of video.

Spare us all the assessment and just admit it - it aint starboard but it looks friggin impressive!

If Jaeger is pulling them off cleaner which he may well be as he is an awesome sailor - then he needs to do it when it counts as well - in the heats and finals and in front of the camera so we all can compare!

dan berry
WA, 2562 posts
5 Jun 2009 7:57AM
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I think alot of people don't realize that kauli rides customs that are about 2 ft long, always has. Regardless of the number of fins. I think any lack of pop is due to a crumbly wave more than the board, which was shaped by keith, unquestionably one, if not the, best shaper of custom boards in the world.

SA, 2878 posts
5 Jun 2009 10:29AM
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Maybe I will film a short interview with Keith next week if he agrees? I would love to get his feedback on the pro's and con's of quad boards,

Maui 5 days and counting

Reflex Films
WA, 1446 posts
5 Jun 2009 9:17AM
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"Friggin amazing you can assess "rail dig" and 'pop" that through 5 minutes of video.

Spare us all the assessment and just admit it - it aint starboard but it looks friggin impressive!

If Jaeger is pulling them off cleaner which he may well be as he is an awesome sailor - then he needs to do it when it counts as well - in the heats and finals and in front of the camera so we all can compare!"

5 minutes is more than enough to see what is going on - I just dont like seeing a board bogged down in the water - it looks stuck - a similar look to an underfinned board where it just isnt gettting lift from the fins to lift free of the water. Maybe its the short board thing.

Got nothing to do with brands

i have stated that i thought Kauli's sailing was good - he just doesnt have my favourite style - a bit stuck in the water with very little pop.

Its a forum - opinions are here to be aired.

WA, 2331 posts
5 Jun 2009 9:23AM
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Its interesting to see different schools of thought.

I notice that Kauli's quad has larger fins at the rear, whereas the starboard info the other week had the larger fins in the forward position.

So many combo's .... will it be toooo much for the average punter??

SA, 2878 posts
5 Jun 2009 11:10AM
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I have seen that some of the pros are using long and short fins on the quads and twins depending on the tack they are on, ie longer fins on inside rails for Hookipa (starboard tack) - Still many thoughts on the way these boards are set up.....

SA, 3025 posts
5 Jun 2009 11:26AM
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Reflex Films said...

Its a forum - opinions are here to be aired.

Touché' - exactly what we all have done!!!!

QLD, 6481 posts
5 Jun 2009 12:21PM
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it's something to do with that jasonpryde combo that makes him sail like that

WA, 567 posts
5 Jun 2009 10:26AM
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Wow what can I say......
How cute did he look in that white wetsuit.

I didn't like the contrasting back harness I think that held him back a bit.
Obviously the white wetsuit made him sail like a demon, the white reflecting the extra warmth of the sun yet still offering him enough warmth for those moves without overheating, the other guys in black wetsuits were sailing no where near as good.

WA, 346 posts
5 Jun 2009 11:15AM
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I agree with rider5, in that if he was using say a harness in white there would have been better camoflage in the white water. This would have given the appearance of the board and sail sailing themselves which would in turn mean that - if the board works this well by it self it must be awesome with a rider on it - and therefore they would sell many more boards and sails.

In defence of Kauli though, the wave does look like it is lacking in punch and the wind quite cross-off. So projection is lacking. We can see that the wave doesn't have much size to work up and down in big power U-turns.
Kauli is also so much faster on the wave than the other guys, but I put this down to him being the top class sailor that he is and the other guys are just weekend warrior class. The extra speed and ability is often seen by good guys at a regular break when compared with the majority of sailors.
It is the same question I ask when reflex turns up at the local spot to outclass the rest of us. "How does he get that speed, those turns, etc.."
In reflex's defence he does know a bit of what he is talking about.

For me personally I am not seeing much difference to when Kauli was on his twins or his old singles, on these kind of waves. The difference is how he stays in the pocket on the larger stuff like cabo verde. In the small stuff he has always sailied awesome and with more speed than most others. Reminds me of when Polakow hit the big time and was so much faster than the rest for so long.

There seems to be a real split between those that like the polakow / angulo big turn, big hit type of riding versus the surfing in the pocket shallow turn style of Kauli.

WA, 1144 posts
5 Jun 2009 11:34AM
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i didn't know what to think of the quad idea for a while but after getting a quad surf board. and understanding how they work and the theory behind them, i think they are really well suited for wavesailing.
not sure about jumping. but on the wave it should be good.
should offer more drive yet remain really loose..
can't wait to try one out

WA, 567 posts
5 Jun 2009 2:21PM
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Hey Paul I too noted how much faster he was than the other sailors and also he seems closer to the rig, positioned further forward on the board, his board seems to sit flatter in the water. Whereas the other guys seem to be riding further back on the tail of their boards and turning off the tail of their boards. I think that K's boards have got so much more rocker and are shorter so that they fit into the curve of the wave giving him more speed. The other guys boards are a bit flatter which would be faster on bigger waves but in this place would be a bit like trying to put a square peg in a round hole. Oh and the four fins they probably look good like his wetsuit.

NSW, 8019 posts
5 Jun 2009 4:53PM
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Whatever happened to mere mortals? Anyone for antidepressants? If I was sailing & saw that guy Id tuck my tail between my legs & slink home...only jokingI'd be too busy watching.Im glad I wont ever be going back into the least i dont have to try & keep up with the likes of him!I can plead old age!

Reflex Films
WA, 1446 posts
5 Jun 2009 3:51PM
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just watched the vid again - geez he's an awesome sailor ! Love the takas and goitres

Def some sick turns in there - no doubt. The underfinned in the water look is there about 60% of the time - but some classy hacks int here too

i think it probably has more to do with the lack of punch in the wave

NSW, 9202 posts
5 Jun 2009 9:49PM
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******* FANBOY ALERT *** FANBOY ALERT ********

Haircut said...

it's something to do with that jasonpryde combo that makes him sail like that

******* FANBOY ALERT *** FANBOY ALERT ********

(still waiting for my order)

WA, 6277 posts
5 Jun 2009 9:47PM
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Is it just me, or does it look like the aspect ratio is way out?

This would make him appear to sail much quicker (but would also make the waves appear smaller)...

Pet hate, sorry

QLD, 14393 posts
6 Jun 2009 9:22PM
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in the first part of the vid i noticed what i thought were shorts over his wetsuit.

it's all ok though. it was his wet shirt hanging down really low.

Wet Willy
TAS, 2316 posts
8 Jun 2009 11:46PM
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That's all very well, but how does it perform on flat water in 8 knots?

WA, 685 posts
9 Jun 2009 9:27PM
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nebbian said...

Is it just me, or does it look like the aspect ratio is way out?

This would make him appear to sail much quicker (but would also make the waves appear smaller)...

Pet hate, sorry

What is with the red thumbs for this?

WA, 6277 posts
9 Jun 2009 10:11PM
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evets said...

What is with the red thumbs for this?

Maybe it's people with big expensive widescreen TV's who are used to watching pictures that have had the living daylights warped out of them? Doesn't matter anyway.

I bet Kauli would rip waves apart even on my gear... the man's a freak

WA, 567 posts
12 Jun 2009 10:50AM
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Interesting after watching the 08 twin vid side by side with the 09 quad vid, He is more flowing in the 09 vid yet seems more dynamic in the 08 vid.
Which style do you prefer ?

Al McLeod
VIC, 633 posts
12 Jun 2009 6:45PM
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Rider5 said...

Interesting after watching the 08 twin vid side by side with the 09 quad vid, He is more flowing in the 09 vid yet seems more dynamic in the 08 vid.
Which style do you prefer ?

his style is 'slashier' with the twin fins, i dont think it looks as controlled as with the quads, which appear to be better for cranking around the cutback on the rail. but in the 2008 vid the waves are much better formed at he has a lot more wind power as well so perhaps it is all down to the different conditions.


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Kauli and his quad" started by divaldo