Forums > Windsurfing General

Kite Numbers

Created by Rad Lad > 9 months ago, 11 Nov 2010
VIC, 672 posts
13 Nov 2010 10:50PM
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I've never had any problems with kiters, however from reading posts their growing numbers seems to be more of a problem for them than us. They really don't appear to like each other too much, while many of them seem to display a lot of hate to beginner kiters.

Thankfully the windsurfing community is pretty friendly across the board.

NSW, 2005 posts
14 Nov 2010 2:40AM
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Was windsurfing like that in the early days? No.

As a youngster who took up the sport in the early 80s, I was splitting my time between Australia and North America. It wasn't in either place.

Yes, there were a few idiots then who would sail between swimmers, but that was restricted and it fixed itself quickly. We also had a few dorks who would litter, but that also fixed itself (I remember us damaging someone at Dolls Pt once over this...).

And very few if ever would endanger the local crowd with the gear, as kiters do all the time. And never would we monopolize an entire beach, as they do with their stupid lines.

The kiting crowd is much, much worse: they litter a lot, they park the wrong way around or double-park, they park on grass when not allowed, they take entire beaches, and they have caused entire spots to be closed. In restricted areas, they occupy the launching points for minutes at a time, disentangling lines. Never seen that with windsurfers. Learners take 50 meters with their lines and ** floating around.

Locals are afraid to walk their dogs around the lines. I believe it's the same new-sport-gee-looks-like-fun crowd we have 25 years ago in the heydays, but with the modern me-myself-screw-the-others attitude.

Now in all fairness, they are trying to police themselves - they know of the problem and the closed beaches. It's in their fora, and at the beach. I've seen them get on the case of idiots who littered, at my request. Was real fun to watch too.

VIC, 4982 posts
14 Nov 2010 12:04PM
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Littering? Parking? It's a bit of a stretch to pin the ills of the modern world on kiteboarding.

Lines all over the place, maybe. Dangerous, ignorant behaviour, probably.

I'm not sure about the self-policing thing. I have seen people doing dangerous things and offered them help and instruction and it's been taken in the spirit it was offered. I have also been ignored.

Windsurfing was way different to kiting and it started from a different place in a different world.

Windsurfing was more like sailing and was viewed with suspicion by the yachting crew. They were not happy when their kids demanded sailboards instead of dinghies. A mates board, stored at the yacht club, was vandalised.

Sailboards were outrageously expensive. I got a Wayler ($800) because it was cheaper than a Windsurfer (normally over $1000) at a time when I was earning less than $10,000 a year. That's the equivalent of a month's pay, say $5000-6000 in today's dollars for one crappy board and sail. You needed a car to transport it. There was no way a kid could buy one or transport one.

The young and the foolish can easily get their hands on a kite and board. You can transport yourself to the beach on a skateboard or bike, or mum can drop you and your mates off to spend the day hanging on the beach.
(Sounds more like a Sydney grommet lifestyle, and they had their battles with the clubbies.)

The image thing didn't really exist in the 80s. You just did stuff because it was fun. Surfers of the day were quite happy to have a go at windsurfing. Breaks were not crowded and it was easy to find a wave for yourself.

Now image is everything to some people. You are gay if you ride the wrong kind of gear, in the wrong way, in the wrong place, wearing the wrong clothes, etc etc etc. Gays had only just been invented in the 70's. Before that they were bachelors who were good at cooking and flower arranging.

WA, 1243 posts
14 Nov 2010 9:09AM
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I can't see how the sport won't implode on itself due to the ever increasing numbers. I think initially there was this animosity between poleys & kiters now it seems to be kiters v kiters, or more specifically noob kiters. The sport is cheap, easy to learn, you can kite in 15knots vs windsurfing = expensive, need lots of wind, pain in the a$$ to learn. Some overweight, non ocean going MLC noob can be kiting in a week... numbers will just get huge, there will be more accidents, followed by restrictions/banning. It's inevitable.

VIC, 1214 posts
14 Nov 2010 3:25PM
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kiting not expensive you say??? well you wont get me paying 2000 grand for a bag never.

Windsurfing has changed now my friend, the boards have all gone real wide and fat, even the small wave boards. They all seem to handle light wind better thease days. I have a mate who can wave sail in under 15 knots on his 95 litre jp thruster with a 5.0 sail.

TAS, 1973 posts
14 Nov 2010 3:51PM
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it all depends on what you want..... on seabreeze i have seen brand new 2010 model boards going for just $1100 bucks and there slalom boards!!! dont even get me started on sails too.

QLD, 79 posts
14 Nov 2010 4:08PM
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QLD, 6481 posts
14 Nov 2010 6:28PM
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i thought new kites (no board) had dropped under $1000 over the last few years but was surprised to find out that new ones are substantially more than that.

if we think we are getting ripped off on the price of windsurf boards, go check out the materials/technology v pricing ratio of a new production built kiteboard considering what they get, it is insanely expensive

(maybe the prices are set by Jerry Harvey)

NSW, 2005 posts
14 Nov 2010 11:49PM
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I'm surprised that a kiter would think that windsurfing requires that much wind, and is that expensive. Choices are made to buy new all the time, or buy last year's. And choices are made to buy 25-knot only gear (and whinge), or get a wider range.

As to the argument that the kite gear is smaller, true, but I've seen very few school students get to the beach with their bike. It's still a wage-earner's activity. School students cannot be such a big market or argument for kiting.

True that kiting is faster to "learn", and requires less effort. No argument there. If minimal effort is what floats one's boat, and it really seems to be the case in that crowd, then I don't want to see someone with that attitude on a windsurfer anyways. Belongs to kiting, macrame, or just watching TV.

True too what the dude was saying: there was no image then - everyone had the same dumb triangle sail... and just having fun. These days are different...

I didn't find the $1000+ for a new board that expensive in the early 80s, even as a student. We'd get out from 5+ to 20+ knots, which allowed in my early days in Sydney easily 200+ outings a year.

Chris 249
NSW, 3336 posts
15 Nov 2010 12:10AM
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Gorgo said...

Windsurfing was more like sailing and was viewed with suspicion by the yachting crew. They were not happy when their kids demanded sailboards instead of dinghies. A mates board, stored at the yacht club, was vandalised.

That wasn't the case around Sydney. Clubs here were a bit unhappy to lose kids to windsurfing, but any sporting club is unhappy to lose kids to another sport or discipline. In general, they were about as willing to let windsurfers in as any other class.

A list of the early names in windsurfing in Australia is full of dinghy sailors, and many of the best of them always sailed both and always respected both.

One thing that's for sure - when we cocky young windsurfer kids said that we didn't need their club infrastructure to help keep the sport strong, we were wrong. The boat sailors have maintained their numbers much better than the windsurfers have around here, anyway.

VIC, 1124 posts
16 Nov 2010 12:04PM
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we wrong ?
not all of as thought that way

WA, 2960 posts
16 Nov 2010 10:01AM
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Do the numbers, it is scary:

Assuming there are 80,915 Jehovah's Witnesses in Australia, and every weekend they speak to 30 Australians each. And say out of every 30 people spoken to just one is converted, then there will be 160000 Jehovah's Witnesses by next Monday. Assuming the next weekend these 160000 Jehovah's Witnesses also speak to 30 citizens each over the next weekend, and again each convert just one person each then there will be 320000 Jehovah's Witnesses the following week…. I have already done the calculations, and in 2 months time we all will have already been converted to a Jehovah's Witness…

This concerns me as a windsurfer as I am worried I will not have any time to windsurf because my weekends will be spent saving souls of my fellow brethren..Under biblical command, will be instructed to devote as much time as possible to preaching activities and are also required to provide a monthly report on our 'witnessing' activity.

Is this the end for windsurfing in Australia??

How the heck is this going to play out??

K Dog
VIC, 1847 posts
16 Nov 2010 1:22PM
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barn said...

Do the numbers, it is scary:

Assuming there are 80,915 Jehovah's Witnesses in Australia, and every weekend they speak to 30 Australians each. And say out of every 30 people spoken to just one is converted, then there will be 160000 Jehovah's Witnesses by next Monday. Assuming the next weekend these 160000 Jehovah's Witnesses also speak to 30 citizens each over the next weekend, and again each convert just one person each then there will be 320000 Jehovah's Witnesses the following week…. I have already done the calculations, and in 2 months time we all will have already been converted to a Jehovah's Witness…

This concerns me as a windsurfer as I am worried I will not have any time to windsurf because my weekends will be spent saving souls of my fellow brethren..Under biblical command, will be instructed to devote as much time as possible to preaching activities and are also required to provide a monthly report on our 'witnessing' activity.

Is this the end for windsurfing in Australia??

How the heck is this going to play out??

I think your on to something! Just this morning there was a girl from JW handing out WatchTower pamphlets at the train station....

VIC, 4982 posts
16 Nov 2010 2:12PM
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K Dog said...

I think your on to something! Just this morning there was a girl from JW handing out WatchTower pamphlets at the train station....

Was she hot?

K Dog
VIC, 1847 posts
16 Nov 2010 2:45PM
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Gorgo said...

K Dog said...

I think your on to something! Just this morning there was a girl from JW handing out WatchTower pamphlets at the train station....

Was she hot?

In a librarian kinda p04no way..... yes.....

VIC, 1214 posts
16 Nov 2010 10:40PM
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should of got her number k- dog and taken her out dancen

WA, 6650 posts
16 Nov 2010 9:38PM
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In 1974 there were 200 Elvis impersonators in the world
In 1984 there were 20,000 Elvis impersonators in the world
In 1994 there were 200,000 Elvis impersonators in the world
In 2004 there were 2 million Evis impesonators in the world

By 2044 everybody on the planet will be a kiting instructor in an Elvis suit trying to convert each other to Jehovah Witnesses.

Mark _australia
WA, 22380 posts
16 Nov 2010 9:57PM
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Carantoc said...

In 1974 there were 200 Elvis impersonators in the world
In 1984 there were 20,000 Elvis impersonators in the world
In 1994 there were 200,000 Elvis impersonators in the world
In 2004 there were 2 million Evis impesonators in the world

By 2044 everybody on the planet will be a kiting instructor in an Elvis suit trying to convert each other to Jehovah Witnesses.

.. with an iPhone, HD TV and blu ray (even though they only ever watch 1980's sitcoms) and a computer capable of running the space program even though they just use MS Word and email. Cos u have to keep up wth the Jones' (well, the Presleys at the local JW hall)

NSW, 1714 posts
17 Nov 2010 12:53PM
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An interesting thread folks but I feel there are a few falacies and prejudices surfacing that distort the argument.

I windsurfed for 10 years and loved it. Made great friends, many are still friends. Now I kitesurf and have been doing so for 8 years. It is an all consuming passion. I have found that the people who windsurf and kitesurf are very similar in their approach to life and I really don't undersand the level of animosity I find here.

Through both sports I have found people who have a love of life, a positive attitude, a certain irreverence and are risk takers. This appeals to me.

When you go to work on a Monday morning I bet we all have had a better weekend than most, especially when the wind has been blowing.

Life's to short to fill your head with the negatives or has windsurfing changed since I left the sport.

SA, 3025 posts
17 Nov 2010 1:25PM
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For some reason when you sail gusty cross off waves the kites never seem to be around. thank god for cross off wave sailing.

Who cares how many kiters there are - bit of mutual respect on the water never goes astray - theres dickheads on both sides - at least with so many around they're subsidising the wind sport shops and keeping them open - without them we may be in trouble and things may just get more expensive.

king of the point
WA, 1836 posts
18 Nov 2010 10:11PM
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Kite numbers a dropping.......... thank good in the real wind and when its really light .....surfing surf conditions...........

i carnt remember completly loosing a complete windsurfing rig or board for that matter? (touch wood) ..........but it must be after its happened i.e. you been pick up by a dragon slapped and had your bladder let go......... kiters seem to be a little more slaye the dragon ........electing to freestyle or ride 1 to 2 foot beachies but hey as long as your shreeding in your own lunch box and getting the buzz (freedom fighter)

Also...... i thought yous would be hidding the numbers on your kites by now ...........there big enough as it is , then on the other hand ..........

At least when you put your kite up with extra numbers ..... you could confuse others ......or....... hang on ull only confuse your self

VIC, 1214 posts
19 Nov 2010 11:07AM
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hey king of da point welcome back son, whats been happpening in Wa? .......hang ten now kid we have not heard frm da hissing dragon for a while?? keep it real now. I met a chick while i was in WA king of da point my should be proud of me.. you never told me the women were better in Wa than VIC thanks buddy for keeping it a secrete they are super freindly the girls in WA... me and brother were amazed

.....I should of asked her if she knows...... DA FAMOUS KING OF DA POINT.....................

NSW, 9202 posts
20 Nov 2010 12:58AM
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Haircut said...
Considering you don't see them at the beach or on the broadwater, where do all these other mysterious local people who took up kiting more than 3 years ago go to?


Haha, only kidding. Hospital.

NSW, 9202 posts
20 Nov 2010 1:01AM
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lotofwind said...

^^^^^^ yep totally agree,,
If you want to get on the water powered by the wind but want a really safe option,,,windsuring is the go.
Anyone wanting to try kitesurfing,,,,dont....
Way too dangerous,,,
buy a dancing rig if you want to keep your bones held together with out metal plates and screws,

Your old jokes get old.

WA, 331 posts
19 Nov 2010 10:21PM
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Haircut said...

i thought new kites (no board) had dropped under $1000 over the last few years but was surprised to find out that new ones are substantially more than that.

if we think we are getting ripped off on the price of windsurf boards, go check out the materials/technology v pricing ratio of a new production built kiteboard considering what they get, it is insanely expensive

(maybe the prices are set by Jerry Harvey)

It's not the price of the kites and boards that makes their sport expensive. It's those designer sunnies, brand label surfwear, hair gel and fake tan that costs!! A bottle of cologne costs more than my skanky old Bali boardies and my Target rashie and my year old sunnies that I found at work put together!

QLD, 14393 posts
20 Nov 2010 1:50AM
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kites don't wory me so much unless they dangle into me which gives me the ****s.

i'm with russh

there never seems to be any kiters around up here when it's either really blowing or not the perfect direction for them.

winter in brisbane other than a few south africans that understand strong wind there are only windsurfers out.

SE nuking winds same again, no kiters.

problem days are when it's 10-20 knots. buggers are everywhere.

biggest problem at the mooment is complete lack of wind.

king of the point
WA, 1836 posts
21 Nov 2010 12:06PM
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Flipper get
Keeping with the numbers theme , so how may wa girls ?
WA just dosnt provide wind wind and hissing spitting huge dragons as you discovered .(fantastic my friend , you know , they got a think for Vico land / euros , vb and da dreams of da melbourne cafe strips (dont forget hot AFL foot ballers ....and.......dont for get the crown casino, i bet that was in your spell and then the big one a fkn free ride over the nulubour

Some how i dont think talking up brighton beach would have cut the mustard on the WA girls

Nothing better than playing the numbers game on all those hot hot hot tanned g string wa babies. ............oh thats right kiting hotties with da big old numbers.

Like issue like 12 c 14DD 18 TRIPPLE E , 8-4-3

WA, 1243 posts
22 Nov 2010 10:33AM
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You've just got to have a read of the Kiting forum & you can see how there's been a shift in attitudes. It's no longer Kiters vs Poleys, it's Kiters vs Kiters. Everyday there's a complaint about some noob kiter, some irresponsible instructor, someone messing up etc etc. The smart ones are realising that there is a section of the kiting community that will stuff it up for them if they're not careful. The huge numbers taking up the sport is going to hurt Kiters more than it is Windsurfing.

VIC, 1124 posts
22 Nov 2010 3:32PM
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cashed up bogans will keep the numbers down

Mark _australia
WA, 22380 posts
22 Nov 2010 1:54PM
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Zed said...

You've just got to have a read of the Kiting forum & you can see how there's been a shift in attitudes. It's no longer Kiters vs Poleys, it's Kiters vs Kiters. Everyday there's a complaint about some noob kiter, some irresponsible instructor, someone messing up etc etc. The smart ones are realising that there is a section of the kiting community that will stuff it up for them if they're not careful. The huge numbers taking up the sport is going to hurt Kiters more than it is Windsurfing.

It is very unfortunate that those who realise what is happening and can see the writing on the wall try and speak about the problems and get slammed on the forum. Thye are experienced kiters who have surfed or whatever for 20yrs and when they try to help fix problems before they get too bad, they get flamed.

And kiters v kiters - geez their forum is a disgrace. I'm sure it is only 10% but the young bucks don't have a lot of politeness skills.
Every second thread has comments like "And??!!!" or "yeah so what" posted as replies to legitimate discussions or noobs asking for help etc.


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Kite Numbers" started by Rad Lad