Forums > Windsurfing General

Lake George 2020 (hey, somebody had to start the conversation that's surely on everybody's mind)

Created by eckas > 9 months ago, 15 Nov 2019
VIC, 3376 posts
2 Jan 2020 11:53PM
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I ran my Mistral One design there 2 years ago. Worked well, a LT will struggle as usual

NSW, 349 posts
3 Jan 2020 3:07PM
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This thread is not about the perennial lake between Collector and Canberra? Has anyone windsurfed NSWs Lake George?

QLD, 14306 posts
3 Jan 2020 4:15PM
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kato said..
I ran my Mistral One design there 2 years ago. Worked well, a LT will struggle as usual

haha! its the

VIC, 6088 posts
4 Jan 2020 12:16AM
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Wollemi said..
This thread is not about the perennial lake between Collector and Canberra? Has anyone windsurfed NSWs Lake George?

I think you meant Non-Perennial (or ephemeral) Has it had any water in the last 10 years??

VIC, 6088 posts
4 Jan 2020 12:18AM
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Gestalt said..
you should do it... just do it
lt is fastest with no centreboard

Alas, I only have the CB. The actual board is long gone.

But I am guessing the standard original OD fin would snag a LOT of weed.

VIC, 6088 posts
5 Jan 2020 1:29PM
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Another teaser. I am not sure if my 'summer thermal' modification (bottom line) will work at this time of the year in these conditions, but if it does, we are in for some real fun.

VIC, 6088 posts
5 Jan 2020 11:27PM
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Holey Moley! Whats going on? I was going to go back home on Thursday.

I might be stuck here for a while.....

VIC, 6088 posts
7 Jan 2020 9:05AM
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QLD, 2445 posts
8 Jan 2020 11:42AM
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Hey Sailquik, cool vid. Judging by vid water state isnt all that smooth. Vid usually makes chop look smaller, but looks quite choppy in your vid. What wind strength n board speed are we looking at?

VIC, 6088 posts
10 Jan 2020 10:14PM
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I guess it depends on your perception of 'smooth'.

On the speed run is is quite flat but not glassy. 4-8cm ripples? Max speeds were around 35-36 knots. Upwind speeds behind the island up to 26-27 knots. Nowhere are the small waves more than 15" to 25". Large areas less than 10cm. Wind was 20-25 knots.

It is early in the season for LG. There are large areas where the weed is 5 to 10cm below the surface. When, and if, the level drops over summer by 10cm+, there will most likely be very extensive areas of glass smooth. I did a 32 knot Nautical mile right across 'Kevs Bay' to the spit, rattling over small ripples quite comfortably during the 35 knot peaks.

VIC, 6088 posts
10 Jan 2020 10:17PM
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I dont think there would be many places in Australia (or anyhwere) where one could go and have a forecast for a week or more like this at a flat water, enclosed, relatively safe, easily accessible venue and very smooth, steady wind. I hope this pattern holds up all summer!

SA, 219 posts
18 Jan 2020 9:09AM
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tbwonder said..
So here we are in 2020 and a possible (well most likely) trip to LG only a month away. Is anybody going to be there in January to give us an update on conditions?
I don't think it's any good

SA, 4024 posts
18 Jan 2020 1:36PM
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The Lake is looking good but for the wind speed yesterday gusting up to 28knts the times didn't reflect this but for all round sailing it's excellent.

SA, 219 posts
29 Jan 2020 9:17AM
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sailquik said..
I dont think there would be many places in Australia (or anyhwere) where one could go and have a forecast for a week or more like this at a flat water, enclosed, relatively safe, easily accessible venue and very smooth, steady wind. I hope this pattern holds up all summer!

Andrew, what forecast readings do you consider the most accurate, GFS, Icon or GDPS. They all show different forecast and direction.
( Looking at todays chart for the next week ).

VIC, 6088 posts
29 Jan 2020 10:16AM
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I dont have scientific answer for that, but I have observed that the GFS forcasts for LG (the spit) have been quite reliable in the past, especially in the short term (4-5 days out).

As I understand it, ICON is a higher resolution model run by the same USA Met service. It does not forecast as far ahead and has seemed to vary more from reality. It often starts to agree much more closely with GFS in the short term (as a day gets closer)

GDPS is new to wind guru. I have only noticed it's presence in the last couple of weeks. It is a Canadian Global forecast. I have no idea of how it goes with LG forecasts yet.

I usually compare the GFS (windguru) with the BoM's Meteye forecasts. These are a seperate models so if they show a strong agreement I have more confidence. My observation of Meteye, is that it often seems to slightly under estimate wind strength for the S/SE winds at LG, but is otherwise very reliable, especially for the short term especially ( 3-4 days out).

It would be interesting to get the perspective of a real meteorologist on this topic.

NSW, 342 posts
30 Jan 2020 9:02AM
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Looking like some nice days for the queenslanders coming down

NSW, 1674 posts
30 Jan 2020 9:29AM
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Artur and me will be there on Sunday, looking forward !

NSW, 7960 posts
30 Jan 2020 9:42AM
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powersloshin said..
Artur and me will be there on Sunday, looking forward !

Looks like you'll get a great week!

VIC, 6088 posts
1 Feb 2020 11:39AM
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QLD, 3094 posts
5 Feb 2020 6:12AM
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It was a big day yesterday with 23 sails on the water from 5 states. More to come over the next 2 days.

VIC, 3376 posts
5 Feb 2020 7:44AM
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Lucky buggers, one more trip to the fires and then I'll be there. See ya on the 16th

Tony Polony
NSW, 338 posts
5 Feb 2020 1:20PM
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Leave some wind for the "first timer" please ??. See you Saturday!

NSW, 1674 posts
6 Feb 2020 9:40PM
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bring a 140 lts board and 8.6 sail with 52 cm pointer fin, board shorts and singlet .

NSW, 1251 posts
8 Feb 2020 8:47PM
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Is there anyone coming to Lake George from Sydney in the next couple of days that could bring a mast for me???

NSW, 1674 posts
10 Feb 2020 9:34AM
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and if anyone has found a harness bar with black lining at 5 mile rigging area it was lost by me.

thanks !!!

NSW, 1674 posts
18 Feb 2020 10:08PM
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Going back home tomorrow. Wish to congratulate everyone sailing here , good choice !
Thanks again to Jamie and Penny for their friendship.
See you all next year for more good times

VIC, 738 posts
19 Feb 2020 5:21PM
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powersloshin said..
Going back home tomorrow. Wish to congratulate everyone sailing here , good choice !
Thanks again to Jamie and Penny for their friendship.
See you all next year for more good times

Was good to see you again George

WA, 3145 posts
19 Feb 2020 9:06PM
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red said..

powersloshin said..
Going back home tomorrow. Wish to congratulate everyone sailing here , good choice !
Thanks again to Jamie and Penny for their friendship.
See you all next year for more good times

Was good to see you again George

Yep a real pleasure meeting you George

jimbob SA
SA, 992 posts
20 Feb 2020 8:37PM
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powersloshin said..
Going back home tomorrow. Wish to congratulate everyone sailing here , good choice !
Thanks again to Jamie and Penny for their friendship.
See you all next year for more good times

Thanks for the pesto pasta

WA, 3145 posts
20 Feb 2020 6:50PM
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The spit 19th Feb


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Lake George 2020 (hey, somebody had to start the conversation that's surely on everybody's mind)" started by eckas