Forums > Windsurfing General

Lancelin Ocean Classic 2016

Created by AUS1111 > 9 months ago, 17 Jan 2016
WA, 3619 posts
17 Jan 2016 3:41PM
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Any results, news, stories??

WA, 675 posts
17 Jan 2016 4:13PM
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Patience grasshopper

WA, 6415 posts
17 Jan 2016 4:55PM
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10-30 am too early for me!

My tip PD followed by SA followed by James Dinsmore.

240 posts
17 Jan 2016 5:25PM
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Cyril M taking the bullet?

WA, 217 posts
17 Jan 2016 5:38PM
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Yes Cyril 1st windsurfer, a few minutes behind the 1st 3 kites
It dropped off right before start so i think many sailboards would have been underpowered.

QLD, 2433 posts
17 Jan 2016 7:42PM
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How did IzzyMyster go?

mr love
VIC, 2352 posts
17 Jan 2016 10:13PM
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WA, 6415 posts
17 Jan 2016 7:43PM
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What were the wind conditions?

WA, 6277 posts
17 Jan 2016 9:31PM
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Wind was OK until about an hour/30 minutes before the start when it dropped off.

I was feeling OK about things until ten minutes before the start of the race when I noticed that my boom was just about to fail. Luckily Bender saved the day with a frantic rush to his trailer, so we were ready to go with less than 2 minutes before the start.

The first leg was horrible, I slogged for at least half the first leg, and then when I got planing the replacement boom clamp cleat let go so I had to stop and repair it. My arms were getting tired, my race fitness was pretty much nonexistent, I seriously considered just turning around and going back to Ledge.

The next few legs were only slightly better: get planing, drop off the plane, pump, lather, rinse, repeat. By the fourth leg the wind had filled in, and I'd tied a knot in the boom clamp rope so that it couldn't let go again. I passed loads of people once I got planing, but still finished in 1:20 or so.

Not my best result by a long shot, but a great feeling to finish the race when I'd considered pulling out twice.

WA, 1121 posts
17 Jan 2016 9:38PM
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Ditto for what Nebbian wrote, except my new carbon boom worked great. Very disappointing to almost have great wind, which then faded. Good to push on and still finish though, which is always an achievement with this great event.

Mark _australia
WA, 22364 posts
17 Jan 2016 9:44PM
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Yes I think the start was a bit early but when it is 15-16kn ish, cloudy (and raining in Jurien to Leeman area!) it is hardly a predictable seabreeze sort of day.
My 10 y/o was stoked, he watched from a crayboat about turn 3 or 4 and got all enthusiastic about windsurfing again maybe
As for me, no wind meant some amazing SUP, paddled around the island with a juvenile seal jumping over my board and playing with my leggie for 15mins one day, SUP main break with reef sharks everywhere the next day, and 3 parties made for a great weekend.

I see the headline news is "strong" winds on the last day saved it, media really have no idea do they

Waves news anyone?

WA, 346 posts
17 Jan 2016 11:06PM
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1st pro Jaeger Stone, 1st Woman Jane Seaman, 1st Open Jonah D.
Some quick pics, these are a bit rough - I'll post more once the Official photos have gone up from JC.

Mark _australia
WA, 22364 posts
17 Jan 2016 11:09PM
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^^ rough pics you reckon? No way, that is brilliant! Nothing on the website yet....

WA, 351 posts
17 Jan 2016 11:25PM
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Great photos and great effort to run all events on the same day.

From the photos above, it looks like Proffitt needs a sponsor to chip in for a new wetsuit before that hole gets any bigger!!

WA, 238 posts
18 Jan 2016 12:00AM
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how much wind during the marathon?

WA, 3619 posts
18 Jan 2016 1:00AM
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petermac33 said..
10-30 am too early for me!

My tip PD followed by SA followed by James Dinsmore.

Scared of sailing on the ocean more like it

WA, 6415 posts
18 Jan 2016 2:57AM
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AUS1111 said..

petermac33 said..
10-30 am too early for me!

My tip PD followed by SA followed by James Dinsmore.

Scared of sailing on the ocean more like it

Absolutely Chris--- those rolling swells scare the fark out of me if you must know the truth.

Scared too of the nearly 2 hr drive due to sleep deprivation.

Looking at the graphs of Garden Island and Ocean Reef the wind surprise,surprise picked up constantly throughout the afternoon.

Next year I reckon a 3pm start,2-30 pm at the absolute earliest--- it is WIND surfing after all.

WA, 1461 posts
18 Jan 2016 7:16AM
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That poor guy on the simmer looks a bit confused he's on the wrong side of the sail facing the wrong way.

NSW, 1489 posts
18 Jan 2016 10:23AM
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Did the kites have a flying start?

SA, 1160 posts
18 Jan 2016 9:58AM
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R1DER said...
That poor guy on the simmer looks a bit confused he's on the wrong side of the sail facing the wrong way.

Might of had a big night....he will come good

WA, 120 posts
18 Jan 2016 8:04AM
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If you have a GPS watch, G31 etc.
Get your GPS Track loaded to a RaceQs Account and it will be added to yesterday's RaceQS event

WA, 3271 posts
18 Jan 2016 9:22AM
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petermac33 said..

AUS1111 said..

petermac33 said..
10-30 am too early for me!

My tip PD followed by SA followed by James Dinsmore.

Scared of sailing on the ocean more like it

Absolutely Chris--- those rolling swells scare the fark out of me if you must know the truth.

Scared too of the nearly 2 hr drive due to sleep deprivation.

Looking at the graphs of Garden Island and Ocean Reef the wind surprise,surprise picked up constantly throughout the afternoon.

Next year I reckon a 3pm start,2-30 pm at the absolute earliest--- it is WIND surfing after all.

Give up Pete, it's a tired old argument, it could have been run later but given the slowest competitor was getting near 3 hours finish time, plus an hour or more for the boats to sweep the course for stranded competitors - a 3pm start would have had the last competitors and boats coming off the water an hour before sunset. Hardly a good time to start a search if someone is unaccounted for.

Perhaps it could work if you were eliminated and sent to the beach if you couldn't get to the second marker before the front runners have finished...

Anyway, it was a bloody spectacular start standing up on the groyne with the poleys on the left and kites on the right. Thumbs up to the organisers and volunteers for shifting everything back to the Sunday.

WA, 1121 posts
18 Jan 2016 12:08PM
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The wind at about 10 am was easy planing weather, 15-18 knots. Many had a warm up run and were feeling confident. It then dropped to about 10-16 for the race. Some changed up, others like myself were stuck with their biggest gear already, 7.9m 107l 94kg.

WA, 6 posts
18 Jan 2016 12:31PM
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Great event and well done to the organisers. Dare I say it, but I think the inclusions of the kites and paddles are a good thing.... And thankfully we had a reserve day this year!

The hellcat 7.2 with the 118 magic ride was feeling good before the start, but with the dropping wind changed to a hellcat 8.2 with 20 mins to go. It was the first time out of the bag for the 8.2 and it rigged well on a borrowed boom. Didnt have time to have a good sail before the start or change to a bigger fin.

Struggled off the start, but after that it was ok and a nice cruise down the coast. Dropped a couple of gybes, struggled to run deep to a couple of boats, pumped a lot, realized I'm not very fit, had a lot of fun and finished 29th.

The JP Magic ride and Neil Pryde hellcats are a nice combo and a lot easier than the race gear I had, as I'm lacking time on water.

Great event and I will be back next year.

Mark _australia
WA, 22364 posts
18 Jan 2016 12:45PM
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I had to leave early and missed the waves - was it normal waves format or an expression session?

WA, 120 posts
18 Jan 2016 12:54PM
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MaxVMGRacing said..
If you have a GPS watch, G31 etc.
Get your GPS Track loaded to a RaceQs Account and it will be added to yesterday's RaceQS event

Has been updated for a Windsurf & kites Division

WA, 14 posts
18 Jan 2016 1:57PM
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Hi there,
Any idea who I should contact regarding the results?
I passed the finish line at 1h and 1 minute but I see my ranking as did not finish.
Ok it is not the best result ever but I would not mind keeping that result for the record.
Bit weird. Near the end I sailed back upwind to main break because I had my car up there. I think maybe a boat saw my number at that stage and disqualified me. Not sure what happened.

Nicolas Alberto

Mark _australia
WA, 22364 posts
18 Jan 2016 10:00PM
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Nick, did you cross the line with your ankle bracelet that actually records your time? :/

MaxVMGRacing can you draw that map with a south to north datum line up the guts, and have a pic from above, so we can see the exact angles?

WA, 120 posts
18 Jan 2016 10:06PM
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Mark _australia said..
Did you cross the line with your ankle braelt that actually records your time? :/

MaxVMGRacing can you draw that map with a south to north datum line up the guts, and have a pic from above, so we can see the exact angles?

Map now pointing due north. Hows this?From the tracks race distance is a touch over 20km, not 26km as stated in the official result used to calculate the avg speeds. That wind angle is a only a estimate based on the software calculations.

WA, 346 posts
18 Jan 2016 10:21PM
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Forums > Windsurfing General

"Lancelin Ocean Classic 2016" started by AUS1111