Forums > Windsurfing General

New Jump Move

Created by Rad Lad > 9 months ago, 3 Mar 2011
Rad Lad
226 posts
3 Mar 2011 1:56PM
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This is one Rad dude (Boujmaa).

QLD, 1927 posts
3 Mar 2011 4:20PM
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cheeseroll into backloop?

VIC, 456 posts
3 Mar 2011 5:35PM
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a loopy cheesroll or scrolie-mite

NSW, 6451 posts
3 Mar 2011 6:42PM
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Could be impressive,I guess,If he could actually land it,otherwise its just looks like a spinny out of control "woops" moment.
Maybe an eggroll.

WA, 647 posts
3 Mar 2011 4:17PM
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lotofwind said...

otherwise its just looks like a spinny out of control "woops" moment.

just like every kite jump i have ever witnessed

NSW, 1737 posts
3 Mar 2011 7:30PM
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swoosh said...

cheeseroll into backloop?

Correct and he lands it at 0:28!


Ps: He also landed a stock air jump at Hookipa measured by Shadowbox at 62' = 18.9 metres!

NSW, 1718 posts
3 Mar 2011 7:37PM
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Sweet, the cheese roll is boss! I reckon the Cheese roll to forward loop is another possible move

WA, 2960 posts
3 Mar 2011 4:42PM
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next will be the pushloop into bakie. The ending of the cheeseroll and pushie are similar but people can get pretty high with pushies.. heard it here 1st

NSW, 6451 posts
3 Mar 2011 8:22PM
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albers said...

swoosh said...

cheeseroll into backloop?

Correct and he lands it at 0:28!


Ps: He also landed a stock air jump at Hookipa measured by Shadowbox at 62' = 18.9 metres!

Im not bagging it, dont start the borring kite V's poledancing crud,gazza
but seriously, you cant honestly call landing on your back,sail flat on the water,,no momentem, then water starting,,,,,,,landing it?????

In every other sport surfing,gymnastics any freestyle moto,bmx ,well all sports,, points are deducted for falling off and starting again.Its considered a fail.

Or is it like gAyFL , where even when you miss,,you still get a point just for trying
Just my 2 cents

WA, 281 posts
3 Mar 2011 5:47PM
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NSW, 6451 posts
3 Mar 2011 8:55PM
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Spocktek said...


Chill out man,once again,Im not bagging it.Was just asking if that is considered "stomping it" or its as close as achievable till the gear improves in the future making moves like that makable??????

Is it imposiable to leave the water at a 45% angle,instead of straight up,so as he would land with forward momentem so he could land it????

Have the poledancers progressed faster than the gear will allow them????

NSW, 1737 posts
3 Mar 2011 9:13PM
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lotofwind said...

albers said...

swoosh said...

cheeseroll into backloop?

Correct and he lands it at 0:28!


Ps: He also landed a stock air jump at Hookipa measured by Shadowbox at 62' = 18.9 metres!

Im not bagging it, dont start the borring kite V's poledancing crud,
but seriously, you cant honestly call landing on your back,sail flat on the water,,no momentem, then water starting,,,,,,,landing it?????

In every other sport surfing,gymnastics any freestyle moto,bmx ,well all sports,, points are deducted for falling off and starting again.Its considered a fail.

Or is it like gAyFL , where even when you miss,,you still get a point just for trying
Just my 2 cents

He still had both hands on the boom, he still had both feet in the footstraps, he landed so deep in the water, that it took a few seconds to get into a position so that he could waterstart away.

NSW, 6451 posts
3 Mar 2011 9:25PM
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Ok,cool,if your feet are in the straps and you dont let go,you made it.
Can it be done leaving the lip at 45% so he could land with speed and not sink and have to start again??Would look like he nails it then.

WA, 2960 posts
3 Mar 2011 6:31PM
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lotofwind said...

albers said...

swoosh said...

cheeseroll into backloop?

Correct and he lands it at 0:28!


Ps: He also landed a stock air jump at Hookipa measured by Shadowbox at 62' = 18.9 metres!

Im not bagging it, dont start the borring kite V's poledancing crud,
but seriously, you cant honestly call landing on your back,sail flat on the water,,no momentem, then water starting,,,,,,,landing it?????

In every other sport surfing,gymnastics any freestyle moto,bmx ,well all sports,, points are deducted for falling off and starting again.Its considered a fail.

Or is it like gAyFL , where even when you miss,,you still get a point just for trying
Just my 2 cents

Just shut up, you homophobic douche. Do you also try and spread all your advice all over gay forums?, try tell them they are doing it all wrong.

And no he didn't land it, We'll call that a wet landing, or 'waterstarted out of X'... Reason this video was posted on the net is cause everyone knows it will soon be landed clean.

NSW, 6451 posts
3 Mar 2011 9:39PM
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barn said...

lotofwind said...

albers said...

swoosh said...

cheeseroll into backloop?

Correct and he lands it at 0:28!


Ps: He also landed a stock air jump at Hookipa measured by Shadowbox at 62' = 18.9 metres!

Im not bagging it, dont start the borring kite V's poledancing crud,
but seriously, you cant honestly call landing on your back,sail flat on the water,,no momentem, then water starting,,,,,,,landing it?????

In every other sport surfing,gymnastics any freestyle moto,bmx ,well all sports,, points are deducted for falling off and starting again.Its considered a fail.

Or is it like gAyFL , where even when you miss,,you still get a point just for trying
Just my 2 cents

Just shut up, you homophobic douche. Do you also try and spread all your advice all over gay forums?, try tell them they are doing it all wrong.

And no he didn't land it, We'll call that a wet landing, or 'waterstarted out of X'... Reason this video was posted on the net is cause everyone knows it will soon be landed clean.

Hey, no need for pesonal attacks,,,,WTF???
And no,Im not homophobic,sorry if the gAyFL comment offended your lifestyle,it honestly was not ment to offend.Is that what you were talking about?

I didnt say he was doing it wrong?????Just asked if he would be able to leave the water at 45% so as to land without sinking deep and water starting.

BTW , Thanks albers for the mature answer .

NSW, 1737 posts
3 Mar 2011 9:43PM
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lotofwind said...

Ok,cool,if your feet are in the straps and you dont let go,you made it.
Can it be done leaving the lip at 45% so he could land with speed and not sink and have to start again??Would look like he nails it then.

To my way of thinking, if both hands are attached to the boom, and both feet
are in the straps, and you can sail away, you are in control of your equipment. Just watch any high jump backloops.

If you have a problem with evaluating windsurfing moves, why don't do try and analyse less visually challenging sports such as kiteboarding.

NSW, 6451 posts
3 Mar 2011 9:52PM
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albers said...

lotofwind said...

Ok,cool,if your feet are in the straps and you dont let go,you made it.
Can it be done leaving the lip at 45% so he could land with speed and not sink and have to start again??Would look like he nails it then.

To my way of thinking, if both hands are attached to the boom, and both feet
are in the straps, and you can sail away, you are in control of your equipment. Just watch any high jump backloops.

If you have a problem with evaluating windsurfing moves, why don't do try and analyse less visually challenging sports such as kiteboarding.

I guess I said thanks for the mature answer a bit too

WA, 2960 posts
3 Mar 2011 6:57PM
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lotofwind said...

Hey, no need for pesonal attacks,,,,WTF???
I didnt say he was doing it wrong?????Just asked if he would be able to leave the water at 45% so as to land without sinking deep and water starting.

BTW , Thanks albers for the mature answer .

There is no need for you to attack windsurfing (and now the AFL) at every chance, but you do.

Leave the water at 45 degrees?.. eggroll?.. I'm just gunna go over to the kite forum and ask why they don't fill their kites up with Helium.


He didn't 'land it', his head was under water, and there was no wind in the sail.. 'sailed away' or 'wet' maybe.. Boujmaa wouldn't have claimed it as anything apart from those either.

NSW, 390 posts
3 Mar 2011 10:09PM
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As barn said its only a matter of time before they are nailed. A very hard move considering the laws of physics. Forward then backwards momentum in one move. Mister barrel roll, Dan Berry, will be very keen to have a go at this one.

NSW, 6451 posts
3 Mar 2011 10:16PM
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Albers opinion is he did land it, as long as his feet are in the footstraps and both hands on the boom which seems logical.
I havent bagged it at all.
What I mean by 45% is with forward momentum instead of straight up so as to land with speed so not to sink.Like a wakeboarding move,I guess.Can that be done?

1979 posts
3 Mar 2011 7:19PM
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Landed or not, good effort Boujmaa.
Now it's time for an off topic personal attack on Lotofwind. You are a complete ****wit. You are not brave enough to allow others to see who you are and you talk complete ****. I don't think you can kite or surf . The trolling you do seems like a full time job. I can't imagine it leaves much time to get on the water.
No need to reply to this I just wanted to tell you that I think you're a wanker.


NSW, 6451 posts
3 Mar 2011 10:25PM
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hoop said...

Landed or not, good effort Boujmaa.
Now it's time for an off topic personal attack on Lotofwind. You are a complete ****wit. You are not brave enough to allow others to see who you are and you talk complete ****. I don't think you can kite or surf . The trolling you do seems like a full time job. I can't imagine it leaves much time to get on the water.
No need to reply to this I just wanted to tell you that I think you're a wanker.


Was actually trying to ask a legit question.Was not trolling at all.
If you think that of me,thats cool,we are all allowed our own opinions.
I dont think your a wanker for posting your opinion and will no way hold your personal attack against you,,,hell,I dont even know you.

QLD, 1927 posts
3 Mar 2011 9:26PM
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hoop said...

Landed or not, good effort Boujmaa.
Now it's time for an off topic personal attack on Lotofwind. You are a complete ****wit. You are not brave enough to allow others to see who you are and you talk complete ****. I don't think you can kite or surf . The trolling you do seems like a full time job. I can't imagine it leaves much time to get on the water.
No need to reply to this I just wanted to tell you that I think you're a wanker.



what we were all thinking but weren't eloquent enough to express.


Mark _australia
WA, 22378 posts
3 Mar 2011 7:40PM
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lotofwind said...

hoop said...

Landed or not, good effort Boujmaa.
Now it's time for an off topic personal attack on Lotofwind. You are a complete ****wit. You are not brave enough to allow others to see who you are and you talk complete ****. I don't think you can kite or surf . The trolling you do seems like a full time job. I can't imagine it leaves much time to get on the water.
No need to reply to this I just wanted to tell you that I think you're a wanker.


Was actually trying to ask a legit question.Was not trolling at all.
If you think that of me,thats cool,we are all allowed our own opinions.
I dont think your a wanker for posting your opinion and will no way hold your personal attack against you,,,hell,I dont even know you.

Maybe a legit question, but worded in such a way as to be critical so maybe borderline troll?

I'll ask a legit question too then.

Got any video's of kiters above their gear? No, not where they do a jump and then steer the kite lower than the board - I mean a real end over end rotation?

You see, when windsurfers jump they are not dragged into the air (thus not having all that lift)
so sometimes the landing is wet and it kinda resembles a waterstart after the landing.

As I've said before - when windsurfing you are the pilot. Kitesurfing, you're the passenger.

NSW, 6451 posts
3 Mar 2011 10:49PM
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Thats cool Mark,Im not trying to compare it to kiteing and turn it into kiteV's pole like you have posted.
Im just asking,again, can a move like that be done at speed with forward momentum,say off a lump of swell instead of a vertical lip.
So the rider is moveing forwards instead of straight up,so to land with speed, kind of like wakeboarding?
I didnt think it was a hard question or a bagging question.

WA, 2960 posts
3 Mar 2011 7:52PM
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I still think he did it, close enough.. buuut its not clean, and there must be a difference between a perfect landing and a wet one.. otherwise when he 'stomps' it, there will be nothin to crow about in the bar.

Bouj at 29seconds

Mark _australia
WA, 22378 posts
3 Mar 2011 7:53PM
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lotofwind said...

Thats cool Mark,Im not trying to compare it to kiteing and turn it into kiteV's pole like you have posted.
Im just asking,again, can a move like that be done at speed with forward momentum,say off a lump of swell instead of a vertical lip.
So the rider is moveing forwards instead of straight up
,so to land with speed, kind of like wakeboarding?
I didnt think it was a hard question?

In that case, no

Because we don't have lift like you fellas, we need a vertical section of wave and forward speed to give lots of height and/or a vertical takeoff.

Many moves like a full back loop or tabletop require a very vertical section.

But it did sound like you were belittling the rider or windsurfing - and he is the most progressive insane air rider ever...... having seen him in person and sailed next to him I can tell you it is humbling and an awesome watch

NSW, 6451 posts
3 Mar 2011 10:59PM
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Mark _australia said...

lotofwind said...

Thats cool Mark,Im not trying to compare it to kiteing and turn it into kiteV's pole like you have posted.
Im just asking,again, can a move like that be done at speed with forward momentum,say off a lump of swell instead of a vertical lip.
So the rider is moveing forwards instead of straight up
,so to land with speed, kind of like wakeboarding?
I didnt think it was a hard question?

In that case, no

Because we don't have lift like you fellas, we need a vertical section of wave and forward speed to give lots of height and/or a vertical takeoff.

Many moves like a full back loop or tabletop require a very vertical section.

But it did sound like you were belittling the rider or windsurfing - and he is the most progressive insane air rider ever...... having seen him in person and sailed next to him I can tell you it is humbling and an awesome watch

finally got a answer,that was exausting.

Ok, so what about off a ramp like I saw a pic of.
That would give the extra lift while keeping forward speed.

SA, 565 posts
3 Mar 2011 10:47PM
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that's crazy. it goes way beyond my comprehension how he manages to swing the momentum mid air to go into a different rotation...skillz!!!!

so where did you sail with him Mark? how did that come about?

Mark _australia
WA, 22378 posts
3 Mar 2011 8:36PM
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Trousers said...

that's crazy. it goes way beyond my comprehension how he manages to swing the momentum mid air to go into a different rotation...skillz!!!!

so where did you sail with him Mark? how did that come about?

Roger - about 5 yrs ago if anyone said you could do any move with one roatation finished then initiate another rotation in the opposite direction I'd have said B.S .... but everything he does seems impossible and then you see him do it!!!

I watched him at a Starboard photoshoot at un-named location and then sailed at a unnamed location at another shoot - not with him but only afew guys out at same break so was pretty close up.
He is insane to watch - just as you get proud of your big jump you almost/barely landed, he flies over the top of you mega tweaked, doing what you never thought possible, smiles and then sails off

NSW, 6451 posts
4 Mar 2011 9:54PM
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lotofwind said...

Mark _australia said...

lotofwind said...

Thats cool Mark,Im not trying to compare it to kiteing and turn it into kiteV's pole like you have posted.
Im just asking,again, can a move like that be done at speed with forward momentum,say off a lump of swell instead of a vertical lip.
So the rider is moveing forwards instead of straight up
,so to land with speed, kind of like wakeboarding?
I didnt think it was a hard question?

In that case, no

Because we don't have lift like you fellas, we need a vertical section of wave and forward speed to give lots of height and/or a vertical takeoff.

Many moves like a full back loop or tabletop require a very vertical section.

But it did sound like you were belittling the rider or windsurfing - and he is the most progressive insane air rider ever...... having seen him in person and sailed next to him I can tell you it is humbling and an awesome watch

finally got a answer,that was exausting.

Ok, so what about off a ramp like I saw a pic of.
That would give the extra lift while keeping forward speed.

Like this ramp,
Surly if you hit that at 80kms an hour you would get enough height,with forward speed, to land it clean????


Forums > Windsurfing General

"New Jump Move" started by Rad Lad