Forums > Windsurfing General

Poleys can't do short tacks.

Created by waveslave > 9 months ago, 23 Nov 2010
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WA, 4263 posts
23 Nov 2010 8:34PM
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Poleys have to do these ridiculously long tacks way out to sea into the shipping lanes...
just so they can gain some kind of ground.
It's a freaking joke.
That's because those stupid sails are so inefficient.

SA, 724 posts
23 Nov 2010 11:09PM
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at least we can go out in the water, kiters seem to be scared to leave the beach

NSW, 9029 posts
23 Nov 2010 11:42PM
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Yeah check out this for short tacks and getting up wind.

VIC, 1214 posts
23 Nov 2010 11:46PM
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waveslave you little bugger! how come laurie never kicks you off? you little crook! please no one answer him, this guy is a troll, dont take the bait

WA, 1395 posts
23 Nov 2010 8:48PM
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waveslave = failed poley
Don't feed the trolls

Wood Duck
157 posts
23 Nov 2010 8:50PM
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dont feed the TROLL !

WA, 4263 posts
23 Nov 2010 8:58PM
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You see this. ^^^
He's beating harder upwind than you poleys could ever do.

WA, 4263 posts
23 Nov 2010 9:36PM
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waveslave said...

Poleys have to do these ridiculously long tacks way out to sea into the shipping lanes...

My post was initiated from that absurd notion by poledancers that kiters are required to get into some stupid poley queue to ride waves.
No we don't.
You dudes are irrelevant.
Kiters don't need to ride out to the shipping lanes.
We follow our own paths.

3777 posts
23 Nov 2010 10:13PM
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ease up on the sleding were all wind lovers and no matter the dicipline were out on the water.
hey i might even save your life oneday. i have rescued your boards and people countless times.
You seem to be acting like a frill neck lizzard defencive with its neck armour out .
Ill remember this when your lines are tangled and you cant bodydrag for your board tryn to get help of a poley.

you may be an idiot but dont wreak the bond and love for the water we both share.what your doing is placing a knife in the back and dividing the sports of which we will contiue to share.
we share the water we share the wind this topic is noncence

all you are doing is destroying that relationship between windlovers just remember there is not many boats out in 25 knots if you get into trouble.
another words..
dont cut your saftey net and divide the community we support each other.

WA, 6277 posts
23 Nov 2010 10:21PM
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WA, 4263 posts
23 Nov 2010 10:34PM
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waveslave said...

My post was initiated from that absurd notion by poledancers that kiters are required to get into some stupid poley queue to ride waves.

Now why would kiters base their riding principles on what poleys do ? ^^^
That would be so dumb.
Kites are so much more efficient than sails so naturally we have more refined methods.

Mark _australia
WA, 22364 posts
23 Nov 2010 10:47PM
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Waveslave take it the whole way, go all out man. For example let's use your logic (if we can call it that)-

Now why would windsurfers base their right of way principles on what boats do ? That would be so dumb.

Now why would wavesailors base their riding principles on what surfers do do ? That would be so dumb.

FYI - Probably because other people exist and it is polite to respect them and consider their needs.

Ooh here is an idea, next time a faster or more manouvreable aircraft is released, we will forget the right of way rules and the pilot can ignore the control tower and they just race to be the first to land. Cos we just ignore the old conventions when something new comes out don't we? Let's cause crashes!

Hey, just f^&k everyone else, that's right isn't it Waveslave?

(By the way, love the fact that after no replies for a few mins you felt the need to quote yourself to stimulate discussion. Twice. Get back on your medication)

WA, 4263 posts
23 Nov 2010 11:00PM
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busterwa said...

ease up on the sleding were all wind lovers and no matter the dicipline were out on the water.
hey i might even save your life oneday. i have rescued your boards and people countless times.
You seem to be acting like a frill neck lizzard defencive with its neck armour out .
Ill remember this when your lines are tangled and you cant bodydrag for your board tryn to get help of a poley.

you may be an idiot but dont wreak the bond and love for the water we both share.what your doing is placing a knife in the back and dividing the sports of which we will contiue to share.
we share the water we share the wind this topic is noncence

all you are doing is destroying that relationship between windlovers just remember there is not many boats out in 25 knots if you get into trouble.
another words..
dont cut your saftey net and divide the community we support each other.

Dude, I think you are missing my point. ^^^
You went off on a tangent with your post.
You keep on talking about saving my life.
Hey, thanks anyway but I don't need your help.
But back to my point:
If you ever find yourself out in the waves with a bunch of kiters, don't expect them to behave like poleys.
That's because we aren't dancers.
Don't expect kiters to jump on the poley conveyor-belt for a long ride to the shipping lane.
It's a bit out of our way.

WA, 4263 posts
23 Nov 2010 11:14PM
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Mark _australia said...

Now why would wavesailors base their riding principles on what surfers do do ?

They don't. ^^^
The two sports couldn't be more different.

WA, 7608 posts
23 Nov 2010 11:56PM
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Next time that Im heading out, and your heading in Wavesnake, Im gonna continue to point higher upwind. Sorry but I dont give way to dopes dangling from ropes
Btw Im being sarcastic

WA, 7608 posts
23 Nov 2010 11:58PM
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waveslave said...

Mark _australia said...

Now why would wavesailors base their riding principles on what surfers do do ?

They don't. ^^^
The two sports couldn't be more different.

Just like windsurfing and kiteboarding?

3777 posts
24 Nov 2010 12:56AM
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ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
24 Nov 2010 8:25AM
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it might be something with a generation x vs generation y thing.. but if we'd left waveslave to his single post then he would have looked like a dick on the forum as well

WA, 7608 posts
24 Nov 2010 6:06AM
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ginger pom said...

it might be something with a generation x vs generation y thing.. but if we'd left waveslave to his single post then he would have looked like a dick on the forum as well

Wavesnake is a pensioner

shear tip
NSW, 1125 posts
24 Nov 2010 9:10AM
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waveslave said...

Poleys have to do these ridiculously long tacks way out to sea into the shipping lanes...
just so they can gain some kind of ground.
It's a freaking joke.
That's because those stupid sails are so inefficient.

^^^^ (required by kiters to denote a response to the above message)
LOL (also required to show they're having more fun then you)

Righto MrSlave let's whip em out. You are after a pi$$ing contest right? I'll show you mine if you show me yours.

QLD, 5610 posts
24 Nov 2010 9:21AM
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mclovin said...

at least we can go out in the water, kiters seem to be scared to leave the beach


NSW, 762 posts
24 Nov 2010 11:41AM
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Heres my runs the other day!!!

VIC, 4981 posts
24 Nov 2010 11:54AM
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What's happening on the red track?

Just my two cents:

I can't understand why poleys ride in a straight line kilometres out to sea. Why do they do that?

Sailboards and kites can go upwind about the same. It's really the rider who chooses to go upwind. I love to go upwind and blast back down again. It was the same over 20 years of poleboarding and I do it now kiting. I never saw poleboarders going upwind in the past and I rarely see anybody doing it now. It's a personal choice thing.

Last year I paced myself against the RS:X world championship women on my recreational kite gear. I could keep up on the upwind legs and run away from them on the downwind leg. It was fun. They were hot. ;-)

Yesterday I did an upwind run against a pro (I think) on a kite race board. I'm no slouch but he went from Brighton to St Kilda and back in less time than it took me to get less than half way to Elwood. I make that about 6 times faster than me around the course. I was probably faster downwind but we were not even on the same page upwind. I was on the same gear that I could match speeds and angles with the RS:X women.

VIC, 1214 posts
24 Nov 2010 12:31PM
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VIC, 1214 posts
24 Nov 2010 12:35PM
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king of the point
WA, 1836 posts
24 Nov 2010 10:03AM
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WAVESLAYER .......GOOD make me laugh
1 Get the windsurfing 2 dvd and update your brain.............sorry kiting in waves has been left behind
2 ive never been out pointed by a kite
3 One goes out the back i.e(shipping channel) to find ones own dragon to slaye i.e sail past everyone comming in , now if you want to gyb on the inside of everyone your welcome to take to scraps and puss , but understand one thing your quickly demmed in the line up(by others) as a complet fk wit your continuely noted on the inside and cutting in on some one coming in i.e

i suggest sailing at kite beach locations or down wind of windsurfers and you can tangle your dangle cut each other off drop in and do short poxy in and out runs with as may as your commorads as you want.

What you think windsurfers have to sail out the back all the time.


Its Called lining up unfortunatly everyone carnt take every wave YOU want or gyb infront of someone else comming in ..........sorry if it doesnt suit kiters but its the rules of the road the more people on the water the further out to sea one needs to sail to aviod cutting in on some one else.

Obviously there are times, where there is enough room i.e when you got the line up to your self . you can do what you fkn want.

So practice increacing your distance sailing or learn to ride a floater board.

Overtaking on double white lines is going to cause grief sooner or later.

Slave to the wave ............with your your knowledge and experience as an ex polie .........if this is the attitude, no wonder the new breed of kiters are so loved.

PS Anyway......... when was the last time you saw some flying fish get out the back and enjoy.
Theres a good boy back to your kite fourm

NSW, 4188 posts
24 Nov 2010 2:14PM
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Mmm I love the smell of red thumbs in the morning!

WA, 4263 posts
24 Nov 2010 12:10PM
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Gorgo said...

I can't understand why poleys ride in a straight line kilometres out to sea. Why do they do that?

They do that cause their dumb sails are so inefficient and stupidly ineffective. ^^^
If those poor power-starved poleys ever experienced the instant grunt generated from a brutal downstroke of a kite...
they'd freak out and have a kitegasm.

SA, 3025 posts
24 Nov 2010 3:34PM
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You funny - full of sh!t but funny.

shear tip
NSW, 1125 posts
24 Nov 2010 4:15PM
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waveslave said...
They do that cause their dumb sails are so inefficient and stupidly ineffective. ^^^
If those poor power-starved poleys ever experienced the instant grunt generated from a brutal downstroke of a kite...
they'd freak out and have a kitegasm.


SA, 3025 posts
24 Nov 2010 4:40PM
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Inefficient = 10m kite Vs 5m sail

Where's the efficiency in that - you have half the efficiency as you need the equivalent of twice the sail area to get your speckled board shorts moving - poor slavey he gonna have to think real hard now

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Forums > Windsurfing General

"Poleys can't do short tacks." started by waveslave