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Forums > Windsurfing General

Robby Naish The Gentleman

Created by Bonominator > 9 months ago, 26 Oct 2012
VIC, 5477 posts
26 Oct 2012 3:12PM
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Some reflection and insights from the legend of our sport.

(Warning: no amazing action sequences)

NSW, 1600 posts
26 Oct 2012 6:16PM
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Windsurfing is extremely lucky to have a guy like Robby as one of its leaders. So many sports nowadays have outspoken and brash athletes who can taint it for the majority but in guys like Robby we are in safe hands. The Roger Federer of windsurfing. Great interview of a gracious and humble man.

TAS, 1651 posts
26 Oct 2012 8:10PM
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That why I like his gear I feel like he is from my generation of fun lovers.

Just out for a blast


NSW, 6 posts
26 Oct 2012 9:59PM
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One of the best windsurfer in the planet!!!!!

da vecta
QLD, 2514 posts
27 Oct 2012 11:01AM
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sick_em_rex said...
Windsurfing is extremely lucky to have a guy like Robby as one of its leaders. So many sports nowadays have outspoken and brash athletes who can taint it for the majority but in guys like Robby we are in safe hands. The Roger Federer of windsurfing. Great interview of a gracious and humble man.

I totally agree and I think its a big factor in keeping the sport cool.
However, I would actually change that Roger Federer is The Robby Naish of Tennis.

WA, 2960 posts
27 Oct 2012 9:03AM
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Still can't forward.

WA, 25 posts
27 Oct 2012 9:53AM
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What can you do Barn? Not the first time you have slagged him off on SB, get over it.
I wish I could sail half as good as Robby.
Was sailing at Gnaraloo few years back a here is this guy waving to me around the front of his mast as he was heading out upwind. He was just enjoying himself and having a great time on the water - the eternal grom.
Caught up with him later on the beach and he was just a normal guy and not full of himself at all.
A very good ambassador for the sport.

WA, 2960 posts
27 Oct 2012 12:44PM
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Not really the same forum wide tantrum that I got last time. Just a small whimper..


WA, 25 posts
27 Oct 2012 2:25PM
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So why fish then Barn?
It just proves to everyone quite a bit about you.
Please try to work it out and build that bridge.

A smart man once said it better to keep quiet and let everyone think you are a fool than to open your mouth and prove it.

TAS, 1471 posts
27 Oct 2012 6:25PM
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I'm going to Hawaii tomorrow and if some how meet him, I could faint and then get his signature

WA, 3485 posts
27 Oct 2012 3:26PM
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beermate said...
So why fish then Barn?

It's called tall poppy syndrome.

WA, 2960 posts
27 Oct 2012 3:54PM
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stehsegler said...
beermate said...
So why fish then Barn?

It's called tall poppy syndrome.

Calm down, just having a lighthearted blasphemous dig. Apparently he's the best windsurfer in the world according to earlier posts. Lol.

Over on YouTube somebody commented on how silly the whole 'surfing in a suit' stunt was.. Can you believe that

WA, 2960 posts
27 Oct 2012 4:04PM
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Jezstrt said...
I'm going to Hawaii tomorrow and if some how meet him, I could faint and then get his signature

Lol.. Pull your self together man!

NSW, 1600 posts
27 Oct 2012 10:08PM
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are you trying to get another thread pulled because of your opinionated pathetic comments Barn? How about for once just appreciating the fact that some people here admire Robby Naish for the guy he is, rather than having to ridicule them and give us your opinion which frankly pretty much everyone thinks is trivial. Just because you have an opinion does not mean you should give it.

NSW, 9029 posts
27 Oct 2012 11:46PM
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What you have to realise about Robby Naish is he was basically a trailblazer. He has been involved with windsurfing from almost the genisis of windsurfing and he is still doing it. Plenty of others from that era you don't hear about anymore. However Robby is still around and about.

He won the windsurfing championships when there was one board and one sail.

He was involved and winning professional windsurfing competitions right from the beginning of professional windsurfing. His Gaastra pink sail with US-1111 and yellow Mistral boards were icons for many years.

Sure the sport moves on and he probably is the first to acknowledge they awesome (and it really inspires awe) moves by on new style windsurfing.

However whatever eventuats in the future he still is the legend.

NSW, 1277 posts
28 Oct 2012 8:10AM
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barn, the total useless TROLL. Can you forward loop a 372 long raceboard? Go and do some research you waist of space !

NSW, 301 posts
28 Oct 2012 8:50AM
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Robby is my hero , along with Milsy from the marauders

NSW, 3082 posts
28 Oct 2012 10:51AM
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As has been said before Barn, you are well balanced. You have a chip on both shoulders!!!!!!! Peanut.

73 posts
28 Oct 2012 9:56AM
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I seem to remember that Robby's father Rick was Hobbie Cat champion in California. So the family's involvement with sailing and water sports has a strong history. This of course is not that unusual as each generation of sailors stands on the shoulders of the previous.

WA, 71 posts
28 Oct 2012 11:21AM
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Very much enjoyed the vid, thxs for sharing the stoke, great ambassador for many disciplines of the surf sports !

WA, 490 posts
28 Oct 2012 6:47PM
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Yeah Robbys my generation, and has been inspiring me for 30 years, he hasnt pissed into the wind like a lot of others, hes a great role model to younger guys, and if you can replicate part of what he has done, your a champ

Reflex Films
WA, 1448 posts
28 Oct 2012 8:42PM
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he sold out big time to kitesurfing 02 -04. saw him trying to sail hookipaa in 06 and it was pathetic. all skills gone.
1 year later he was getting 2 waves to anyone elses 1. shredding hard top to bottom. great to see him see the light and not completely sell out like so many others did. old school ripper who could teach so many of the new school kids how to do actual turns.

some interesting insights into the sport from one of the statesmen. although spelling errors and some of the editing in that piece were average relative to budget. enjoyable nonetheless.

the skill level in the sport has gone up 3 levels since then and there are a lot of things barn can do that robby couldnt even visualise.

which is what you want from the next generation. if you could fuse barn , robby , scotty mckerchers vert attack , jagers surfing top turn and koster's aerial awareness you would have a slater esque rider to dominate the next 20 years. i reckln koster will put it all together in the next 3 years regardless.

WA, 490 posts
28 Oct 2012 11:41PM
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Reflex Films said...
he sold out big time to kitesurfing 02 -04. saw him trying to sail hookipaa in 06 and it was pathetic. all skills gone.
1 year later he was getting 2 waves to anyone elses 1. shredding hard top to bottom. great to see him see the light and not completely sell out like so many others did. old school ripper who could teach so many of the new school kids how to do actual turns.

some interesting insights into the sport from one of the statesmen. although spelling errors and some of the editing in that piece were average relative to budget. enjoyable nonetheless.

the skill level in the sport has gone up 3 levels since then and there are a lot of things barn can do that robby couldnt even visualise.

which is what you want from the next generation. if you could fuse barn , robby , scotty mckerchers vert attack , jagers surfing top turn and koster's aerial awareness you would have a slater esque rider to dominate the next 20 years. i reckln koster will put it all together in the next 3 years regardless.

ammm...hes over fifty, built up a multi million dollars company, and can kite surf better than most tallented windsurfers that never get kiting, what else do you want?

WA, 2960 posts
29 Oct 2012 6:42AM
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SugarQube said

ammm...hes over fifty, built up a multi million dollars company, and can kite surf better than most tallented windsurfers that never get kiting, what else do you want?

Bit of style wouldn't go astray..

In all seriousness, he is over 50, obviously not the best, hasn't been for years. Yet people still go on about him like some sort of demigod.. Why is windsurfing still stuck in 1992??

As far as his philosophies go, very nice, but hardly ground breaking. You can get the same advice from the old farts on their longboards.

Did you hear Robby can forward a 375.654cm longboard? Radical!! Pink sails, mindblowing..

VIC, 5000 posts
29 Oct 2012 10:06AM
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^^^ Barn, you must be a young'un? those comments sound very gen-y (self gratuitous). As you get older (which you will), you begin to realise that respect is earned and RN has definitely earned it by immortalising himself to the sport through both skills, longevity, ethics (and marketing).

Without him and the other pioneers of the sport, you wouldn't have the toys to play with that have allowed you the level of skills (you obviously have some skills/ability) that you probably think is all thanks to you, when in fact without guys like RN, windsurfing would no doubt be a very different game.

I reckon we should thank Robbie and all those other 'pioneers' involved in developing windsurfing. I know that the enjoyment I've gotten from the sport is directly contributed to them and hope that the next generation of ambassadors for the sport keep developing & refining it for the enjoyment of generations to come.

I'll check back here in 20 years and see if 'Barn' is a name remembered for his contribution to...anything?

NSW, 1600 posts
29 Oct 2012 10:12AM
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Reflex Films said...
he sold out big time to kitesurfing 02 -04. saw him trying to sail hookipaa in 06 and it was pathetic. all skills gone.
1 year later he was getting 2 waves to anyone elses 1. shredding hard top to bottom. great to see him see the light and not completely sell out like so many others did. old school ripper who could teach so many of the new school kids how to do actual turns.

some interesting insights into the sport from one of the statesmen. although spelling errors and some of the editing in that piece were average relative to budget. enjoyable nonetheless.

the skill level in the sport has gone up 3 levels since then and there are a lot of things barn can do that robby couldnt even visualise.

which is what you want from the next generation. if you could fuse barn , robby , scotty mckerchers vert attack , jagers surfing top turn and koster's aerial awareness you would have a slater esque rider to dominate the next 20 years. i reckln koster will put it all together in the next 3 years regardless.

sometimes you guys with your comments just don't get it. No one here was comparing Robby's ability against any other windsurfer. We were admiring his all round brilliance as a success in our sport. Sure, there are probably hundreds of guys nowadays that can do things Robby can only dream about but is that what you are basing his success on???? Like SugarQube said, he has built up a brand that has given back a lot to this sport and he has also crossed over (oh sorry 'sold out' as you put it) into others where he also has a passion. (Gee you must think Kai Lenny is total w@nker)
How base of you to think that just because he saw an opportunity you think it is a weakness. So I guess all his SUP range is selling out too!
World champions in this sport have come and gone.....but how many of them are still around in Robby's capacity putting back into the sport as much as they got out of it.

WA, 2960 posts
29 Oct 2012 7:20AM
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Sailhack^Pretty much hit the nail on the head, but at what point do we need to stop thanking Robby? And since when has anybody ever talked about the other pioneers? Richie Meyers and Dug Hunt? Pascal what's his name? And that cheese roll guy?

What would windsurfing be like without Robby? No worse I'd say..

NSW, 1600 posts
29 Oct 2012 10:29AM
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barn said...
at what point do we need to stop thanking Robby?

What would windsurfing be like without Robby?

NEVER (it's called respect)

NSW, 1739 posts
29 Oct 2012 10:55AM
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Dissing Robby Naish in the context of say, Philip Koster is like dissing Michael Petersen in the context of Kelly Slater.

The comparison is meaningless.

Also, respecting someone's achievements doesn't have a use-by date.


WA, 92 posts
29 Oct 2012 8:05AM
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barn said...
SugarQube said

ammm...hes over fifty, built up a multi million dollars company, and can kite surf better than most tallented windsurfers that never get kiting, what else do you want?

Bit of style wouldn't go astray..

In all seriousness, he is over 50, obviously not the best, hasn't been for years. Yet people still go on about him like some sort of demigod.. Why is windsurfing still stuck in 1992??

As far as his philosophies go, very nice, but hardly ground breaking. You can get the same advice from the old farts on their longboards.

Did you hear Robby can forward a 375.654cm longboard? Radical!! Pink sails, mindblowing..

barn said...
Select to expand quote
SugarQube said

ammm...hes over fifty, built up a multi million dollars company, and can kite surf better than most tallented windsurfers that never get kiting, what else do you want?

It's because people remember that he was a true superstar in the 80s. He put windsurfing into the minds of ordinary people. He was and is a great ambassador for the sport. You have got to remember that windsurfing was really really big back then ( I was living on the Gold Coast and we had 25 windsurfing outlets). Other sports have heros... Senna, Bradman, Jordan etc ...Robby reminds us all of the time when windsurfing was serious business with million dollar contracts, comps with 100 000 spectators and $250 000 prize money. They were the golden years. I know you don't understand it but please maybe you should hide your ignorance a little better. Sporting stars can not be judged Against their current equivalents, Bradman would not compare to the modern cricket athlete, Brabham wouldn't get a drive in F1 today. You should just enjoy things for what they once were.

VIC, 5000 posts
29 Oct 2012 12:36PM
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barn said...
Jezstrt said...
I'm going to Hawaii tomorrow and if some how meet him, I could faint and then get his signature

Lol.. Pull your self together man!

Jezstrt obviously has a man-crush!


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Robby Naish The Gentleman" started by Bonominator