Hello folks,
I am thinking to buy a JP x cite ride 120 (Full Wood Sandwich) 2009 model. It is sold at 300$ with 5 sails and everything including at the photos. The guy who sells it doesn't know anything regarding this sport and he sells it on behalf of somebody else. So, I don't know any info regarding the board and the sails. I will go tomorrow to check it.
Regarding me, I am a beginner. I own a very old windsurf (25 years+) which is 140 liters. But, I think it will have more fun and it would be easier to learn jibe etc with a newer model. Moreover, I am 73 kilos and my area usually has around 10-20 knots.
I read that this is a beginner-friendly board. What's your opinion?
I am worrying about the repair at the mid of the board. Do I have to check something specific regarding this? Is it a deal breaker?
Thank you in advance,
If u can already sail a little bit , the board would be good.
There is a problem , looks like there is a bloody big hole in the top of the board . This is not good. If it is nice and dry inside it can be repaired. Unless your handy in fiberglass fixing it is going to be expensive to repair. If its just that hole , its not so bad , but if that whole dodgy looking area is stuffed its going to be a big job , mabee not worth doing. Looks to me the vent plug was left out , water got in , and that whole area is soft. Its hard to tell from the photos. I could be wrong and it may be just cosmetic apart from the hole.
$ 300 is not a lot of money especially if the sails and other stuff is in good nik.
Id check if the area around the mast slot is soft , if its hard and its only cosmetic , offer $ 200 , that will give you $ 100 to get the hole fixed. If its soft, walk away.
I am leaning towards Imax on this, but tell us how much beginning experience you have. Another option is to go super floaty at first, to grasp those basic skills down, then your learning curve will be much shorter and you will advance faster. I'm thinking around 180-200 liters depending on your current skill set. Plus with more liters under you, you can start planing in lighter winds.
"The guy who sells it doesn't know anything regarding this sport and he sells it on behalf of somebody else."
That alone would make me suspicious, I'd need more info on that.
^^^ He lives in a caravan in the forest. He is totally legit
Anywya- ripper deal if the boardis solid. Forget pretty, I mean solid.
Weigh it.
Then, is that big area soft like Imax said? Any softness or more than a few hundred grams overweight, forget it.
And is their masts? Needs to be two different ones for those sizes.
The JP is the important part of the puzzle. The repair "looks" non professional . If its sound and the board hasn't taken on water, it would be ok. The sails I never heard of, the booms are older, could be sound but out dated.
Who says he lives in the Trailer ?
Board needs a first hand look, the rest of the stuff is IMO crap. A 2009 board is gettin on if sound.
The 300 dollars converts to $226 USD. Could be a good price for a sound board.
leboncoin is the french gumtree, so the OP is probably all the way in France.
Currency could be in us $ too...
My 2 Euro cents worth...
Pierre lives or holidays in a caravan. He went windsurfing wearing his beret, with a chain of garlics around his neck and left the vent screw out. He came back to the board a month or a year later and found the board felt, or looked different around the mast base area. Maybe the paint was bubbled? He swore in French (Sean?). He then grabbed a utensil (butter knife, chisel, screw driver) and started scraping. He found one spot that was so soft that the utensil easily penetrated the board and caused a hole. He swore again, in French, with a French accent (Sean?). He realised his board was ruined. He considered that if he had not left his vent screw out that it would be a good beginners board for someone weighing 70 odd kg but now it was close to worthless. He worried that if he used it the mast track may rip out. He bundled up all his reasonably good rig gear that he no longer wanted. He added this as a sweetener for his damaged board and put them all on Le Gumtree. He hoped a naive customer would buy it all.
All allegations, no facts were harmed in the making of this story.
"....It is sold at 300$ with 5 sails and everything including at the photos"
pretty cheap for a caravan, two blue chairs, two plants... and some windsurf gear!
but I would check that there are no dead bodies hidden in the caravan
Ill take the caravan for $ 100 if you can get rid of the funky smell , now you only pay $200 for the dodgy windsurfer gear. Its a win win !
We must be bored
Is there no wind anywhere ?
Thanks everybody for the comments :D
I bought everything for 100 euros (150 AUD). Btw, I live in Nice, France and the guy who sold me the windsurf lives at a house next to the caravan ;)
Long story short, he told me that a tourist was the real owner and when he left France gave him the equipment.
The board is not in a good condition. However, I am satisfied with my purchase because I took also: 4 sails, 2 masts, 5 booms, 2 board cases, few fins etc. I will post details later.
I will weigh the board and upload photos as soon as possible to discuss if it is worth repairing
just out of interest, why would you ask for advice on here (with all the smart A....) when you have plenty of french windsurf forums ??
You came to the right place, don't get me wrong, just wondering ? (cause I did the same, ...though I 'm a neighbour)
@sparky hahaha. Not included in the price.
@seanhogan I am from Greece and I live in France, but I don't speak French. The French people usually don't speak English, so.. However, I wrote in a Greek windsurf forum as well.
One way or the other, I see that this is a very active forum with experienced guys and I just discovered that I like the Australian humour
That's a cracking good deal trifo, let's hope the "tourist" doesn't want it back ............ bargain
100Euros is a rip-off without the caravan !!!
I would have barter down to have at least one chair and a plant for that ! To sit down baguette and cheese in hand looking at the board and thousand Booms and wondering what the hell I am going to do with this !!
( I am actually originally from the land of the Baguette and Beret myself)
If you do find out that an animal is leaving under that repair I can give you few contacts to fix it although mostly based in Marseille.
Good luck , have fun!
We need good closeups , together we can rebuild.
We would love to help .
We can call it the " baguette intercontinental love project "
There are a few of us here that could fix your board , all with different methods of madness. I could do it with spit and barbed wire and others would do a good job .
ps : I'd like to see a pic of one of those green sails , never Seen one.
^^ yes, please take more detailed close up photos and let us know how it looks. Has it been repaired already or just stripped back. Does it feel soft? Is that actually a hole we can see?
Hey. After a long day at work and some after-work beers, I am finally at home to take some pictures.
@Imax1 I enclose a photo of the green sail. I think Tribord is a French branch. Generally, the sails are: - Gun Sails raptor 7.0 - Tribord AXS 5.7 - Tribord wsix 5.7 - Tribord wsix 3.7
@LeLex Thank you for the recommendation, but it is difficult for me to transfer the board to Marseille.
So, the board as I told you is in a bad condition. Around the hole, the area is a bit soft (I have to press it with all my power to understand that it is a bit soft). What do you think? Would be possible to fix it by myself and if yes how? I would be satisfied even if I could do a basic repair just to have fun until it will break..
We can fix it.
First things first , are u handy with tools , do u own tools ?
Have u ever used fiberglass and resin ?
"...I would be satisfied even if I could do a basic repair just to have fun until it will break.."
agree, I think you should just waterproof it, plug the holes and cracks with resin or duck tape and go and have fun.
Not that bad after all ! and I love a keen windsurfer !
I sure want to see pictures of your first session !!
Maybe just wipe the snot on the side of the board...would look more presentable (sorry couldn't help it )