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Forums > Windsurfing General

Speed Formula One Raceboard

Created by olskool > 9 months ago, 13 Jun 2017
QLD, 2456 posts
14 Aug 2017 9:56PM
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Great to see another Speed F1 back on the water. Cool to see it bringing yet another generation to sailing

QLD, 2456 posts
29 Aug 2017 7:20PM
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Aaahhh....Winter cruzin SE Qld.

QLD, 720 posts
15 Nov 2017 12:18PM
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And Voila! A brand new creation.

Perfect. Slowly but surely. Took a lot of time to do, so now I have to do her up.

QLD, 2456 posts
15 Nov 2017 3:41PM
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Dag, that looks great! Is it a modified original? Or total new creation? Ive since scored a silver SR250 fitted with tuttle.But it needs lots n lots of love before it hits the water. Chine repairs nose to tail. On the back burner for awhile. Having too much fun on the F1.

QLD, 720 posts
15 Nov 2017 7:26PM
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Mostly new. I used the original car, end pieces, foot pedal and spring.
I copied the original, but used heavier gauge for the centre piece to allow me to make it longer by 3.5 cm's, and make seven cut out positions as apposed to three on the original. Had to make some very fine adjustments in measurements to facilitate. Very finicky and time consuming job. Should always be serviceable, and any of the parts can be made. Seems better than the original. Should be much better to sail with greater range of movement. Most aft position 3.5 cm further aft.

QLD, 703 posts
16 Nov 2017 4:01PM
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olskool said..
So ive gathered a little more info. Formula One board is apparently higher volume than SR250L. Have heard maybe around 270 litres. Bit more volume at rear of board. Anyone in the know? Hard to find info

HI the formula one is the same mould as the 250 . I knew Steve mcgeary well and spent many hours at the factory and helped with testing of these and the 250 . The mast track in the original designed to lock centreboard up , but was a fidly with the wire often breaking . There is one speed which was way bigger but they are very rare they where called the warrior and where around 300 liters if not more !!!!!

QLD, 2456 posts
16 Nov 2017 10:42PM
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BC both SR250L & F1 share the same plan shape. But differ massively at the planing surface. Original SR250L has a triple concave the centre concave emanates from the nose as a point roughly 10mm deep & 120mm wide which continues thru to the drop in centreboard. Clip in footstraps.Mastrack similar to SS125L. (Virtually the same as Dags trick looking creation.)
The F1 planing surface is also triple concave but much shallower n wider.The centre concave flares wider at the nose, roughly 150mm wide right thru to the cassette style centreboard. Mastrack is the cable style you mention. PITA. Im in the process of modifying it so cable tension is adjustable n easily replaced. Footstraps mounts are round plug style.
These boards are VERY different in many aspects. Will take some pics & post asap.Ive got both boards.
Either board is great to sail on the rail or off the wind. Wouldnt trade either for ANY of the new gear.

ACT, 548 posts
10 Dec 2017 3:08PM
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at our local dump today ; a Lightning WC, Jim French raceboard and a Crit Div 1.
unfortunately all too far gone to salvage.

VIC, 6155 posts
10 Dec 2017 5:52PM
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We are building a Tandem Slalom board with the need for a LONG front track. I am planning to build one using the identical design as my Pro-Am 250, very similar to the one DAG built above

Here is my stock one (to be used in the rear sailors sail position):

I agree that all the parts are possible to fabricate, and the track itself is a very common 25mm x 50mm aluminium box section.

But it would be obviously much easier if I could at least get the car, button mechanism and plastc bits from an existing track from an old unusable board.

Like these bits:


Button mechanism bits:

So this is another plea for info on where to find an old Speed race board for it's track, or one of the early slalom boards that I believe had the same track (but shorter).

Or obviously, if anyone knows where there are existing track spare parts, that would be even better.

Now I think about it, I recon that spring is from a mousetrap.

The other thing that looks daunting, is how to put those thin stainless steel pins into the ends of the track lock plate!

Any and all hints and help welcome.

VIC, 6155 posts
10 Dec 2017 7:20PM
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Thanks, but not the right one for me. Looks like the Race board is too good anyhow. That one should get used.

Strange, I had just been trawling through gumtree but those didnt come up in any of my searches.

QLD, 720 posts
10 Dec 2017 6:43PM
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Hi Andrew,
I just returned your message.
Didn't think about the spring though. I might be able to find one for you though.
Peter has many spares. I'll send you his number.
He's almost finished a tandem also, and mucking around with track's.
One he has to make, and one is out of a Windsurfer fun/freestyle (One Design mould).
Also used on some Bombora's I believe.
The one like yours and mine are the best though I reckon.

QLD, 2456 posts
11 Dec 2017 12:52PM
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Sailquik ive just scored another F1 RB. I have the parts you need on an ol belted up SR250L. Just need to decide whether im going fix it or not. Its split from nose to tail along chines. But has tuttle installed. Lotsa work. Hhhmmm So maybe i could get rid of mastrack. It needs a ball bearing n upper nylon replaced. Otherwise Mastcar works fine. Let me know

QLD, 4042 posts
11 Dec 2017 1:52PM
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olskool said..
Wouldnt trade either for ANY of the new gear.

Have you tried the new gear? They sail pretty nice.

QLD, 2456 posts
12 Dec 2017 6:08AM
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Cammd, no i havnt tried a 377. Im liking the bang for buck i get from the ol Speeds.Used speed $200. Used 377 $2000. Cant see the 377 being 10 times better??
Heres the latest one ive picked up.
Anyone seen these graphics? Different footstrap positions as well.Trying to work out its date of manufacture ???No markings at front of mastrack. Maybe one of the last ones made?

QLD, 128 posts
12 Dec 2017 6:30PM
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Yes, should be a beaut board!

VIC, 6155 posts
13 Dec 2017 12:05AM
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Wow! That is a nice looking race board! Congratulations on aquiring that one!

I have not seen those graphics either, but I suspect it is a very late model as you say.

Interesting track on those newer ones. Any close up photos showing how they work?

PM sent,

QLD, 4865 posts
13 Dec 2017 11:56AM
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olskool , i think twelve boards is about as much as one can have before madness sets in , u have to be close now .
Nice find .
If u need a third board rack , so be it

QLD, 1479 posts
13 Dec 2017 5:37PM
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This was the Olskool on the new (old) board overtaking Lance Armstrong in the yellow jersey on the Starboard Phantom 377. Approx 25 years difference in the boards.

Nice one Olskool!!!!!!

Photo by Gav1

QLD, 2456 posts
14 Dec 2017 5:13AM
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Heres a pic of mastcar. Not really showing mechanism. An 8mm pin is spring loaded to stay up into mastrack. Thru this pin runs a stainless wire from pedal around front of mastrack to pedal. You step on either pedal which pulls pin down to disengage mastcar from track. Slide it to desired position n spring loaded pin pops back up into mastrack location hole. Simple but tricky to get adjusted correctly, as they use crimps. Im making one pedal adjustable to fine tune pedal movement.
A 2mm stainless clip holds UJ to mastcar. (rope attached)

QLD, 4042 posts
14 Dec 2017 4:04PM
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AusMoz said..
This was the Olskool on the new (old) board overtaking Lance Armstrong in the yellow jersey on the Starboard Phantom 377. Approx 25 years difference in the boards.

Nice one Olskool!!!!!!

Photo by Gav1

Lets get those boards entered in the Raceboard Nationals fella's, just mowing the grass with them is a crime, raceboards are made to race.

We even have a 7.8 division with a shortened course to cater for people not wanting to wrestle a 9.5m around the course all week.

Seriously enter the regatta and spend four awesome days living in Raceboard World with 30 or 40 other people who love them as much as you do.

QLD, 1927 posts
14 Dec 2017 4:17PM
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If anyone needs plastic parts made up, I can probably make some on my CNC router and lathe. Would be a fun little project. Couldn't see those parts costing too much to make out of Nylon or UHMWPE.

QLD, 720 posts
14 Dec 2017 7:13PM
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That's good to know swoosh. May need to make a new car and wheels one day.
Mines getting a bit of a going over at the moment.
Deep Tuttle box, bog the rails and paint, and grip coat.
Decided not to invest too much time and/money into restoring her to new.
Masking around decals.
Still just as good, and money would be better spent on a Phantom one day.
Will do the job till then, and some. It's better weight than all the others out there, and maybe better condition. No delam's at all.
Will make a great board still, but the new stuff much better.
Still a keeper though. (Have to after going to that much trouble already).
Sorry Sailquick - you can't have MY mastrack, but I'll contact you after I've looked through that box of parts.

QLD, 2456 posts
14 Dec 2017 9:00PM
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swoosh said..
If anyone needs plastic parts made up, I can probably make some on my CNC router and lathe. Would be a fun little project. Couldn't see those parts costing too much to make out of Nylon or UHMWPE.

Aaaahhh, just the person i require. Looking to get a mastcar n various bits made. Need some spares for my ol RB collection. Pm you.

QLD, 2456 posts
14 Dec 2017 9:27PM
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Cammd, thanks for the invite. WORLD TITLE????, im still a major greenhorn.( 1st year back on the water after 30years away) Can wind her up to around 26kts in a straight line, but i totally suck at gybin. Id win the most time spent IN the water award. Hahaha LOTS MORE PRACTICE before i compete.

QLD, 4042 posts
14 Dec 2017 10:38PM
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olskool said..
Cammd, thanks for the invite. WORLD TITLE????, im still a major greenhorn.( 1st year back on the water after 30years away) Can wind her up to around 26kts in a straight line, but i totally suck at gybin. Id win the most time spent IN the water award. Hahaha LOTS MORE PRACTICE before i compete.

Hey no pressure, but that's what lots of people think. They think they need to be expert before they can enter a competition but that is so wrong.

Whether it be Raceboard or slalom or freerace or whatever, the competition in this country is organised purely for fun, no ones making a living from it. It's all about having a good time and learning some stuff and spending time on and off the water with old and new friends.

It's all run and organised by volunteers so its very rewarding for them/us when lots of people enter, a good number of entries is what makes the effort worthwhile.

If you've ever thought someday you wouldn't mind joining in a race then stop thinking about it and do it. It's like adding salt and pepper to your meal. Your windsurfing will have more flavour when you sprinkle some racing over the top.

Disclosure Statement: I'm on the organising committee for the Nationals so drumming up entrants is actually and obligation for me.

QLD, 2456 posts
15 Dec 2017 6:32PM
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Just had a Powerbox installed in F1. Lightwind test day.5-10kts 9.5m lion n various fins. Started with 40cm MFC H1. Not bad got going but still feels like it could do withmore. So 50cm JP Supersport. Now that felt good,planing much easier. Tacking was noticably harder. Upwind was awesome railing n planing very easily.
Anyone else experimented with fin sizes?

joe windsurf
1481 posts
15 Dec 2017 6:40PM
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Mistral Equipe 2 - same conclusion
now stick with 38/40 cm fins - for the tacking ...

WA, 2333 posts
15 Dec 2017 10:21PM
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olskool said..
Just had a Powerbox installed in F1. Lightwind test day.5-10kts 9.5m lion n various fins. Started with 40cm MFC H1. Not bad got going but still feels like it could do withmore. So 50cm JP Supersport. Now that felt good,planing much easier. Tacking was noticably harder. Upwind was awesome railing n planing very easily.
Anyone else experimented with fin sizes?

I need MORE fins! Ok one or two.

QLD, 2456 posts
16 Dec 2017 5:34AM
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BSN101, fins fins fins where does it end? I previously only had Select Edge 39cm in US box. Around the 20kt of wind it just couldnt handle the pace or the pressure. Itd skwerm around n id lose ground. It didnt let go or ventilate, but on the gusts i could definately feel it flexin n lose my line.
Great to have access to PB fins.
Only 2 fins needed, (damn) around 50cm for 9.5 days. 40cm for all other. (im no guru, but like to experiment) Yet to test the MFC H1 in high wind, but it looks like itll be up to it. Report back soon.

VIC, 6155 posts
16 Dec 2017 5:08PM
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It may not fit my schedule, but I am toying with the idea of participation in the Raceboard Nationls, just for fun.

To save me trawling throught the rulebooks, can someone tell me: if I enter the 7.8m class, can I use another smaller sail if the wind is stronger than I am comfortable with in any given race? I know! This is probably unlikely up in sunny Qld anyhow!

I might have to talk to Olscool nicely about borrowing one of his fleet of Speed race boards to.


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Speed Formula One Raceboard" started by olskool