Numbers vary wildly, which makes sense cause it s not very easy to measure.
But perhaps its good to put things into perspective..
Notwithstanding the above, measures are being put in place to lower bird collisions. (offshore) Windfarms have been equipped with bird radars integrated in the control system of the wind farm,which allows the system to identify the type of bird, track and predict its trajectory and shut down turbines on the bird's path. This is then mostly aimed at protected species. In this context, the Ecowende project in The Netherlands is worth checking.
"The only problem we have with our wind farms in the UK, is that they are all run by private companies, foreign owned or based overseas. And it would be better if they were state owned."
Basher they're called rent seekers they would never build them without the subsidies because they are uneconomic.The other problem is they are made in China so again you are losing your energy security to an untrustworthy source its like getting gas from Russia.
Well expect power prices to keep rising as renewables demand more subsidies.The price squeeze on minerals and materials is dominated by
Anyone that protests against this has to finally wake up. I can't believe how many people like these protesters still don't get it, Australia is so far behind the rest of the world, it's almost ridiculous. So you don't be care about the environment but do care are about a few birds getting killed, right!
Would you rather have an offshore wind park that you don't see or hear, or a polluting coal plant in your backyard? I would get it if you protests against the latter.
Take from it what you will but Big Wind is in control.
Wind farms kill whales, 100 million birds...I wonder who funds these studies...
And who defends the industries which are poluting, CO2 producers, and using resources which are clearly in a limited supply
Like any new technology the business case tends to be a bit rubbery. For example where is the whole of life costing? It might well be in the documents approved by governments, but goes unremarked. Well we are at the cutting edge dealing with uncertainty. I would think actuarial work would give a nice read out, but that is above my pay scale. For the moment I would be happy just to know more about the plans to decommission the first generation of wind turbines (or solar panel farms for that matter). All part of the industry bringing the people along for the journey.
If we are really serious about reducing carbon dioxide emissions, we will have to embrace nuclear since wind and solar will require hundreds of years to catch up to current and future demands for energy. Hydro is already saturated.
You read about nuclear waste and wastewater, and you read about of Bhopal. Chemical and petroleum industries kill and pollute much more than nuclear, but don't seem to generate the level of pathological fear that nuclear does.
Only when we all decide that the risk of nuclear is less than the specter of carbon dioxide effects on climate will we move forward with nuclear.
There is no other realistic solution. So, what'll it be, folks? Climate change? Or nuclear? Take your pick.
This planet needed 100% consensus, about 30 years ago, from every human on it, as to the course of action required to save it.
I believe we are on borrowed time as we know it . It's in our DNA to breed and want more. Banning plastic straws isn't going to fix it. I give us 200 years max , probably closer to 100
Nuclear is definitely part of the solution. There is new tech coming via small modular reactors which have removed the melt down worry with some only lasting 8 years before they need replacement
It'll be the ocean view folks heading the opposition. Worried about house prices. If they hadn't poisoned all the coast banksias, coast t-trees and coast wattles they wouldn't be able to see the windmills from the bathroom window and it wouldn't be a potential problem.
But they seem to tolerate all the coal ships at anchor 2 or 3 km offshore?.
My conclusion: go nuclear right now. Today. We could shut down every fossil fuel power plant (in the USA anyway) and replace it with nuclear within 10 years. Yucca Mountain in Nevada has the capacity and safety and geological stability to store all the nuclear waste FOR THE ENTIRE WORLD for millions of years.
Chernobyl, ****ushima, and 3-Mile Island have done orders of magnitude LESS damage to the environment and to people's health than the world's chemical plants and petroleum refineries. Sure, there are risks with nuclear, but they are miniscule compared to risks in other energy industries.
Calculate the world's energy demands. Then calculate what can be provide by current and future projections of wind and solar. Hundreds of years to replace fossil with wind and solar.
Have you noticed how France has not cried crocodile tears about Russia cutting off natural gas supplies to western Europe? They are already something like 70-80% nuclear. Germany has their head in the sand.
Again, only when we all decide that the risk of nuclear is less than the specter of carbon dioxide effects on climate will we move forward with nuclear. How long will the global angst about climate change take to move the needle to nuclear? How long before the public pathological fear of global warming exceeds that of nuclear? I say now. Hydro is saturated, hydrogen requires energy, fossil is warming the earth, and nuclear is already here and ready. Just do it.
When I windfoil on the Columbia I watch 2 or 3 coal trains per day going downstream to China. Then I watch wind turbine blades and pylons on big trucks going upstream from China. What a waste!
Chernobil, ****ushima, Nagasaki, Hiroshima, Zaporozie next...Then the South Australia's test site and the ones they've hidden from us.
Australia does not seem capable of storing medical nuclear waste. Let alone the nuclear submarine waste. So where to store the nuclear power plant waste?
Maybe adopt the European model where they pay mafia to take it over, and sink it "accidentally" in the Mediteranean Sea?
Would you like a nuclear powerplant near your house?
Or will that be another "Wind Farm" issue - "great , but build it somewhere else".
Having said that, a Fusion based nuclear would be great. It's a shame it does no work, except on the Millenium Falcon
..and Interesting autocorrect doesn't like "****ushima" and repalces it with stars