Forums > Windsurfing General


Created by CRUZIN > 9 months ago, 2 Jul 2011
WA, 1395 posts
4 Jul 2011 9:16AM
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7 posts. Gotta be a Troll!

NSW, 600 posts
4 Jul 2011 2:25PM
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Even if it is trolling, looking at the overall results from the 2010-2011 NSW Wavesailing Association series, it would suggest that approximately half of the 60+ people who competed were under 35 (the Masters Category). We had seven people 19 and under.

Talking of which, if anyone wants to get an early bird reduced entry fee, then please email the association.*

*sorry for the blatant hijack and plug!

ACT, 481 posts
4 Jul 2011 7:23PM
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Sod the age of windsurfers! This is a red letter event, worthy of an entry into you diaries....

Whilst scrolling down page one of this thread I could not help but notice that two ... Yes TWO of Mark_Australia's post have GREEN thumbs .... Never thought I would see the day.

WA, 15849 posts
4 Jul 2011 5:41PM
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DrJ said...

Sod the age of windsurfers! This is a red letter event, worthy of an entry into you diaries....

Whilst scrolling down page one of this thread I could not help but notice that two ... Yes TWO of Mark_Australia's post have GREEN thumbs .... Never thought I would see the day.

That was me

Mark _australia
WA, 22377 posts
4 Jul 2011 6:33PM
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doggie said...

DrJ said...

Sod the age of windsurfers! This is a red letter event, worthy of an entry into you diaries....

Whilst scrolling down page one of this thread I could not help but notice that two ... Yes TWO of Mark_Australia's post have GREEN thumbs .... Never thought I would see the day.

That was me

I love it when you give me thumbs up

1553 posts
4 Jul 2011 6:36PM
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CRUZIN said...

No troll here, just a general question from a windsurfer of 5 years and kiter also of 6 months

dog years?

NSW, 2005 posts
4 Jul 2011 11:41PM
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jp747 said...

dog years?

rofl !

VIC, 858 posts
6 Jul 2011 9:04PM
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Wow what a tough audience, I thought the question was a fair one. The average age of the kiters is ending up being quite old from the responses there to date. It seems that many get into kiting for a few years and move on never to be seen again. Sailboarders are sailboarders for life.

As for me, 30 years windsurfing and 8 years of kiting, yes I still do both.


NSW, 9029 posts
6 Jul 2011 9:18PM
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Smithy said...

Wow what a tough audience, I thought the question was a fair one. The average age of the kiters is ending up being quite old from the responses there to date. It seems that many get into kiting for a few years and move on never to be seen again. Sailboarders are sailboarders for life.

As for me, 30 years windsurfing and 8 years of kiting, yes I still do both.


It's not a tough crowd, as Mark_Australia said it's the way the question was asked that put people offside.

WA, 12133 posts
6 Jul 2011 8:19PM
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Mobydisc said...

It's not a tough crowd, as Mark_Australia said it's the way the question was asked that put people offside.

Yes, we don't like trolls, and have our own way of dealing with them, just ask, cosmicharlie.

So if you want to be taken seriously here, don't even sound a bit like a troll.

WA, 290 posts
6 Jul 2011 8:32PM
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I think you guys are a being a bit harsh,I know CRUZIN and I can assure you the question was asked out of general curiousity as the time he was windsurfing he kept saying to me that the sailors seem to around our age ie. approx 40 and it was a shame that the younger generation were not getting into our great sport.
I know on a computer screen we can only take the question on face value but I thought I would explain what he meant by the question.

WA, 899 posts
6 Jul 2011 8:47PM
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im 22, mates are the same we windsurf so a few votes from us young blokes

1421 posts
7 Jul 2011 2:41AM
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Two of these guys are over 35. Currently one is 47 and the one ripping hardest is 39.

QLD, 555 posts
7 Jul 2011 10:45AM
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I'l chip in another thought on age of people getting into sport of any kind:
My three kids and their other halves all say they are too busy to do any sport, with work, their kids and home and loan commitments, they don't have the money and don't have the time. Also I think there are a lot who are more into indoor activities rather than the outdoors like the older ones (like me....). I know there are a lot who don't fall into this category, but I haven't been able to convince my lot to get active. They are developing waistlines, not as active as we used to be, but have a totally different lifestyle than I had. I've had many a discussion with them on this but don't seem to get anywhere. I was into lots of competitive sports up until my 40's then individual sports that were totally for me, all outdoors.

Not sure whether I have explained my thoughts well??

However I know there are lots of all ages who enjoy being on the water - like those here on Seabreeze.

Anyway Cheers, just enjoy it while we can regardless of our ages!

WA, 41 posts
7 Jul 2011 3:40PM
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Mark_australia and decrepit get over yourselves!! Talk about reading into it,
By the look at the responses cruzin was on the money
Its response like yours that stop people putting a post up
Take a chill pill and move on

WA, 3519 posts
7 Jul 2011 4:01PM
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raffaeu said...

I grew up in a town in Italy where there is a big lake, very famous for Windsurfing and now kitesurfing. I never practice when I was teen Windsurfing for one simple reason. It was absolutely not affordable for a student ... That's it.
Now I live in Bermuda, I have a personal budget that my wife gives me every year and I can windsurf and buy gears.
That's why (I believe) the average is over 30. Did anyone of you have 2K or more to spend in windsurfing gear when you were 18/20? I didn't ...

Lago di Garda???

WA, 15849 posts
7 Jul 2011 4:35PM
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Dolph said...

Mark_australia and decrepit get over yourselves!! Talk about reading into it,
By the look at the responses cruzin was on the money
Its response like yours that stop people putting a post up
Take a chill pill and move on

@ 31 posts you shouldnt be telling these guys how to run this forum imo.

WA, 12133 posts
7 Jul 2011 4:58PM
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Dolph said...

Mark_australia and decrepit get over yourselves!! Talk about reading into it,
By the look at the responses cruzin was on the money
Its response like yours that stop people putting a post up
Take a chill pill and move on

I think we were just explaining a few facts, not making any value judjments, one way or the other about cruzin's post.
If a post reads like a troll on here, that's how it will get treated.
And there's been plenty on here, that read similar to cruzin's. That have been annoying trolls. Trying to make out that windsurfers are old hat, and a dying breed.
Our point was just to be a bit carefull how you phrase "sensitive" questions.
There have been other threads exploring windsurfers ages, that haven't had a hint of controversy.

VIC, 858 posts
7 Jul 2011 10:03PM
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Doggie the number of posts that someone has or hasn't made does not make their opinion or comments count less than that of others.... 1 or 5000 doesn't matter all opinions count!!

If this topic is in fact from a Troll then are you all not just playing right into their hands by responding at all?? There would appear to be more responses here claiming CRUZIN as a troll than a lot of legit forum topics even get.

Forgot to say age 50 By the way

ACT, 481 posts
7 Jul 2011 10:12PM
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Yaaawwwwnnnn, time for nap

WA, 290 posts
7 Jul 2011 8:40PM
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doggie said...

Dolph said...

Mark_australia and decrepit get over yourselves!! Talk about reading into it,
By the look at the responses cruzin was on the money
Its response like yours that stop people putting a post up
Take a chill pill and move on

@ 31 posts you shouldnt be telling these guys how to run this forum imo.

Is there a certain quota to get to before anyone can have an opinion?

Mark _australia
WA, 22377 posts
7 Jul 2011 9:42PM
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Maybe those who have been here for years have seen all the trolling they will tolerate so they tend to say something?

Dolph did you read his post in kiting forum that was worded very differently?
If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...

WA, 2960 posts
7 Jul 2011 10:18PM
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doggie said...

Dolph said...

Mark_australia and decrepit get over yourselves!! Talk about reading into it,
By the look at the responses cruzin was on the money
Its response like yours that stop people putting a post up
Take a chill pill and move on

@ 31 posts you shouldnt be telling these guys how to run this forum imo.

At 6667 posts you shouldn't be telling anyone how to post on forums imo.

It would be nice to have more new posters on this forum without any of the resident Forumjunki elitists looking down upon them because of their 'low rankings'.. Dolph's opinion on the tone of the question is perfectly valid as anybody else's..

Mark _australia
WA, 22377 posts
8 Jul 2011 8:27AM
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Nice little love-in now
we all disagree but everybody has green thumbs.

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it"
- Aristotle

("the ability to quote is a servicable substitute for wit" - some other clever bloke)

Al Planet
TAS, 1546 posts
8 Jul 2011 11:13AM
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I was at university in '83 and I don't remember there being more than a half dozen people there that were seriously hooked on windsurfing. I doubt things have changed much these days.

The big difference was the number of people who had tried the sport or had windsurfers stashed at the families shack, but really windsurfing was just another cool toy or a diversion on a summers day. These days folks probably have a jet ski or mini motorbikes or some other toy though I still see quite a few older longboards at the beach in the hands of the idle yoof (some board short wearing and some bikini clad).

And there is the difficulty, do you limit the count just to those with gear less than five years old (surely anyone with older gear isn't serious about the sport) , do you count those that have windsurfed once or twice or haven't sailed for a few years but wont sell their gear because........well the question seems a little pointless.

And my forum quote is......

"An intelligent hell would be better than a stupid paradise"

SA, 3025 posts
8 Jul 2011 11:12AM
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Is there a certain quota to get to before anyone can have an opinion?

Once you get past 100 posts I really think you should be sent an email by the forum admin that says "Get a Life" [}:)]

WA, 15849 posts
8 Jul 2011 10:39AM
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Mark _australia said...

Maybe those who have been here for years have seen all the trolling they will tolerate so they tend to say something?

Dolph did you read his post in kiting forum that was worded very differently?
If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...

Yes thats what I was getting at Mark, but anyway not bothered its only internet flack

VIC, 858 posts
8 Jul 2011 2:39PM
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Actually I have been here for 'many years' but only managed to amass a lofty 60 odd postings,

Some would be of the opinion that the real Trolls in forums are not those who are having a bit of fun with a few jibes between cyber mates but are those with thousands of postings who have to have an opinion on every single topic posted....

VIC, 1298 posts
8 Jul 2011 2:58PM
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married twice divorced twice therefore my life lesson is not to have an opinion lol

Chris 249
NSW, 3334 posts
8 Jul 2011 3:30PM
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Al Planet said...surely anyone with older gear isn't serious about the sport

Boy, I really hope you're trolling with that line!


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Windsurfers" started by CRUZIN