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Forums > Windsurfing General

Windsurfing gear online auction QLD

Created by JakeNN > 9 months ago, 19 Jul 2019
365 posts
19 Jul 2019 5:26AM
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Insurance claim Windsurfing gear auction ... What happened?

Somebody with some free time in QLD should offer a pickup, packing and shipping service for $150 per board + transdirect shipping cost

QLD, 190 posts
19 Jul 2019 9:43AM
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JakeNN said..
Insurance claim Windsurfing gear auction ... What happened?

Somebody with some free time in QLD should offer a pickup, packing and shipping service for $150 per board + transdirect shipping cost

None of this gear will have any warranty.

There may be heat damage and smoke as well.

Buyer beware.

365 posts
19 Jul 2019 11:10AM
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Obvious to assess damage and minimise risk.

At a certain price, you won't worry about a warranty. I doubt they'll sell for RRP.

Also says water damage insurance .. seems low risk to inspect and assess.

Mark _australia
WA, 22881 posts
19 Jul 2019 11:47AM
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Verrryyy interested of course, being a repairer etc but the freight would end up being a pain.
Thinking about it...... so firstly

(1) who knows what happened, gather shop or distributors fire. There's a difference between maybe got water spray or maybe got warm and "almost melted then floated upside down with no bung in for hours on end...." Can the Qld crew find out?

(2) any WA crew interested in group buy if they win an item and we do joint freight?

(3) any QLD crew coming here for summer interested in free repair if they bring over any board I may buy?

QLD, 703 posts
19 Jul 2019 2:08PM
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Mark _australia said..
Verrryyy interested of course, being a repairer etc but the freight would end up being a pain.
Thinking about it...... so firstly

(1) who knows what happened, gather shop or distributors fire. There's a difference between maybe got water spray or maybe got warm and "almost melted then floated upside down with no bung in for hours on end...." Can the Qld crew find out?

(2) any WA crew interested in group buy if they win an item and we do joint freight?

All from sams shop, most of boards have been subjected to a lot of heat ....

QLD, 565 posts
19 Jul 2019 2:12PM
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Anybody know who and where was this retailer? or importer?
Seems they had a lot of gear

da vecta
QLD, 2514 posts
19 Jul 2019 6:20PM
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I thought I saw a board with really bad smoke damage but then I realised it's just the Naish graphics.

NSW, 3082 posts
19 Jul 2019 6:25PM
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Read Simons post above yours, pretty much explains it all.
In a nutshell. Windsurfnsnow was badly damaged by fire. The insurance company is selling off the salvaged gear.
Caveat Emptor.

Orange Whip
QLD, 1056 posts
19 Jul 2019 7:45PM
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It would help if the auction house was compelled to show several actual photos instead of one brochure image. I wouldn't bid without knowing the condition and for the cost of travel to inspect I might as well buy good second hand elsewhere.

QLD, 4867 posts
19 Jul 2019 8:43PM
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Orange Whip said..
It would help if the auction house was compelled to show several actual photos instead of one brochure image. I wouldn't bid without knowing the condition and for the cost of travel to inspect I might as well buy good second hand elsewhere.

Or , if the exact new board you want is still in it's soggy cardboard box , at $300 could be the buy of the year .
Yeah , naa , I wouldn't buy it either . Unless I was in the area and I could touch and prod it . I would think the eps would be the first to fail . If it looks good , smells good and is solid , it should be OK.

NSW, 476 posts
19 Jul 2019 11:18PM
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Orange Whip said..
It would help if the auction house was compelled to show several actual photos instead of one brochure image. I wouldn't bid without knowing the condition and for the cost of travel to inspect I might as well buy good second hand elsewhere.

There are images of the items as well as the "pack Shot" they are pretty small and low enough res. I saw the damage to the shop so I would expect everything to be very heat affected stink of smoke and stained, in other words a bit more than "water damaged". The whole neighbour hood stunk of melted toxic **** from all the SUP's that copped it in that half of the shop. Poor ol Sam Chris etc etc this must pick at a wound for them.

365 posts
19 Jul 2019 9:57PM
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More listings going up ...

plenty of accessories like harness lines, fins, extensions etc without sign of any damage. ie the thin clear plastic packaging is perfect.

might be worth a trip to QLD to stock-up.

this is the stuff that dreams are made of.

sorry for the retailers with a full shop of stock being flooded onto the market :)

365 posts
19 Jul 2019 10:11PM
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Whilst it isn't one of their 'shipping auctions' it looks like parcel delivery may be possible for smaller items ... maybe give them a call if there is a stack of fins, extensions, bases, etc that are keen on ...

Parcel delivery by post (Manual application) - We can pack and send your smaller lots by post. Parcel delivery service can be ordered and paid for simply by contacting at the commencement of your bidding. By notifying us of your intention to post we can manually apply the appropriate charges and you can pay online. This option is not valid on shipping Auctions where shipping is already applied through automatically. Please refer to each individual auction for further shipping information.

QLD, 355 posts
20 Jul 2019 9:09AM
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58 posts
20 Jul 2019 9:02AM
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Hey guys, living on the gc, I went and inspected the auction goods today. As expected there are some ok conditioned boards and some not ok conditioned boards. It pretty much will be pot luck if you decide to get anything. There ?re heaps more sails and booms than are on the website. I asked and they said they are still cataloguing and they will probably have another auction in a few weeks time for the stuff they don't get around to adding to this one. Quite a few foils as well. I spent a good hour there checking everything out so if you are interested in anything specific shoot me a message and I'll see if I checked it out.


QLD, 1072 posts
20 Jul 2019 2:59PM
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A quick Google search shows that eps begins to melt, soften and degrade at 100?c... the same temp as boiling fire-hose water. Materials on the outside of a sailboard at a higher temp.
Just saying...

SA, 104 posts
20 Jul 2019 3:33PM
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Yeah, stop bidding on all those crappy burnt boards they are all damaged beyond repair, you are gonna get ripped off and regret it for the rest of your days so just forget all about this auction thingy.

WA, 2336 posts
20 Jul 2019 4:40PM
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I like how sail sized aren't in the heading description. Was looking at a sail the zoomed in to see it was a 12.5m. Also Additional pix show the actual sail while the opening pix is of a 2019 model.

QLD, 331 posts
20 Jul 2019 7:33PM
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BSN101 said..
I like how sail sized aren't in the heading description. Was looking at a sail the zoomed in to see it was a 12.5m. Also Additional pix show the actual sail while the opening pix is of a 2019 model.

What a surprise, not only a risky purchase (due to heat exposure) but misleading product information as well. I think only bid as much as your prepared to lose. Everyone loves a bargain but no one wants lose their money.

Mark _australia
WA, 22881 posts
20 Jul 2019 5:49PM
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Yeah agreed on descriptions just saw the Severne OPLNCX that looked like an NCX - maybe.
The pic shows a S-1 and a specs have a boom length of 163 (bit more of an S-1 spec??) so who fkn knows.

Lloyds are going to have to do a bit more work if they want to sell this stuff.

QLD, 565 posts
20 Jul 2019 7:53PM
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Interesting just to watch as the prices rise on each item and funny enough this gives others the confidence to bid thinking that a rising price = a product in as new condition, maybe they are all like new items, :-))
If they reach 50% of retail after all buying costs are added that's amazing (for the seller)

QLD, 331 posts
20 Jul 2019 8:18PM
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tonyk said..
Interesting just to watch as the prices rise on each item and funny enough this gives others the confidence to bid thinking that a rising price = a product in as new condition, maybe they are all like new items, :-))
If they reach 50% of retail after all buying costs are added that's amazing (for the seller)

Totally agree, esp since the seller is an insurance company who has probably already paid out on all stuff deemed fire/heat damage/water damage and its been assessed as unsellable rubbish.

Now an auction house comes along and can sell it all with no guarantees and gain their 22% for something a insurance company is probably trying to claws back on its big payout. Worst thing is they do clearly state its damage goods so it's YOUR fault if you buy it and it's rubbish. Very risky.

da vecta
QLD, 2514 posts
20 Jul 2019 8:22PM
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No one bid on my Norman Lindsay nude either.

Orange Whip
QLD, 1056 posts
20 Jul 2019 8:49PM
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Any insurance policy you take out will clearly state that the onus is on you to declare every minute detail that may present a risk to the insurer. Funny how the same principle doesn't apply here. I think I dislike insurance companies nearly as much as I dislike banks.

240 posts
20 Jul 2019 8:09PM
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Orange Whip said..
I think I dislike insurance companies nearly as much as I dislike banks.

Probably cause in a lot of cases they are the same... Scumbags of the earth...

Can't believe they are putting that stuff for auction. Don't think the shop/brands would be happy to see that on the market.

WA, 2336 posts
20 Jul 2019 10:05PM
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Strict pickup before 30/7/19. Just read that. Sure to make it hard for inter state buyers.
Have a read of the instructions being Lot1.

365 posts
20 Jul 2019 10:21PM
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BSN101 said..
Strict pickup before 30/7/19. Just read that. Sure to make it hard for inter state buyers.
Have a read of the instructions being Lot1.

Have a read of this too ... maybe not so hard for interstate buyers .. I'll give them a call on Monday to suss things out so we can flood the market with this cheap gear :)

TAS, 2648 posts
21 Jul 2019 7:48AM
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You really would want to inspect, and if the price has not really risen much on an item you are interested in then it could be stuffed .
Dont think that that board worth 3000 is still at 200 bucks with 30minutes to go has gone unnoticed!!
I was told months ago that some of the sails got so hot that the monofilm became really brittle.

so the fire was in Sydney,, auction house moved all the gear up to QLD?

QLD, 1072 posts
21 Jul 2019 7:58AM
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I view this event the same as gambling.
And the rule for that is 'only commit what you can afford to lose'.
In the end, there may be some WINNERS... and there will be some LOSERS.
Lets hope the later are few and accept their bad luck.
Methinks some interesting times ahead!!!

VIC, 456 posts
21 Jul 2019 8:18AM
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The thing we need to be careful of is that people disclose this important history in any future resells through Seabreeze "buy and sell". I'm sure disclosing it won't happen. There will be someone here who then pays an inflated price on a possibly damaged board and the poor buyer will get dudded. It's fine if you take a gamble at a low price but when the gamble doesn't work some people will try and recoup their loss through Seabreeze or eBay and that's when it's not fair.
Did the poor person whose shop burnt down re establish another store? If so would they have been in a better position to buy the items back of insurance if they were sellable.

QLD, 190 posts
21 Jul 2019 8:21AM
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h20 said..
The thing we need to be careful of is that people disclose this important history in any future resells through Seabreeze "buy and sell". I'm sure disclosing it won't happen. There will be someone here who then pays an inflated price on a possibly damaged board and the poor buyer will get dudded. It's fine if you take a gamble at a low price but when the gamble doesn't work some people will try and recoup their loss through Seabreeze or eBay and that's when it's not fair.
Did the poor person whose shop burnt down re establish another store? If so would they have been in a better position to buy the items back of insurance if they were sellable.

From what I have been told the store was offered and did not want to buy back the gear.


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Windsurfing gear online auction QLD" started by JakeNN