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You know it's winter when...

Created by AUS1111 > 9 months ago, 11 Jul 2010
WA, 4014 posts
13 Jul 2010 8:49PM
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KenHo said...

Maybe I'm a sicko but I loved the winter sailing the year I was in WA.
Lovely cold fronts bringing tons of warm northerly winds. I had a night duty job, so I went out at NOrth Leighton and Cottesloe and City Beach a ton of times and had a ball.
I actually found it colder once the Doctor started. Bloody freezing wind full of bits of frozen penguin.

If you're lucky and time it right you get the "warm" norwester. Then it swings westerly/SW and is just plain cold + windchill + rain/ hail.
Rarely need a long wetsuit for the Doctor, let alone a woollen vest, booties, hot coffee etc.

NSW, 7965 posts
14 Jul 2010 8:46AM
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KenHo said...

I don't, and one reason why is because the bastards lie shamelessly about snowfall.
Last year was supposed to have been the best season ever with over 2m of snow and it was total ****e, with 60cm of crappy man-made ice on piste and nothing off-piste. And I ask you, who really wants to just ski piste ???
Blah blah blah balh blah blah................

sboardcrazy said...

KenHo said...

A 1cm dusting of snow becomes 5cm of orgasmic excitement on the news.

You said you don't go to Aust skifields..Its been so long since I've gone I've forgotten how good it is.I better start to get on a fitness drive soon or Ill die if I do go..

If I could afford to ski overseas XCD would be great..I could use the lifts & get heaps of runs & still avoid the crowds..lift skiing is only for blizzards over here..
So we spend hours slogging uphill to get to the 'mountain 'slopes and then get 1 decent run with a 1hr climb back out to the top ..+ no nice groomed slopes out there..have to rely on decent snow pref spring corn snow..although we havent had that for years ,we seem to get heavy winter stuff -yuck Still nothing like spectacular views , virgin wilderness slopes & your track is the only one!
Boy I think Ive motivated myself to get off my bum & start to prepare so i can go..

NSW, 7965 posts
14 Jul 2010 8:55AM
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KenHo said...

Maybe I'm a sicko but I loved the winter sailing the year I was in WA.
Lovely cold fronts bringing tons of warm northerly winds. I had a night duty job, so I went out at NOrth Leighton and Cottesloe and City Beach a ton of times and had a ball.
I actually found it colder once the Doctor started. Bloody freezing wind full of bits of frozen penguin.

Jens said...

...when windsurfing becomes a contact sport between you and the elements (cold, pitching waves, gusty winds that make a 4.2 both too large and too small, and dark unfriendly wipeouts in the fading light).

Love the reference to the frozen bits of penguin...

WA, 342 posts
14 Jul 2010 10:30AM
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Don't get me wrong-I love winter sailing. It's unpredicatable as the wind shifts strength and direction, and it can be cold and dark, but nothing beats those sunny sessions in between out of control horizontal rain squalls when the wind swings to the south and the waves clean up beautifully. Corey and I had the good fortune to enjoy one of those magic 40 min sessions just before sunset all to ourselves south of Perth on Monday night...

Cheers, Jens

SA, 626 posts
14 Jul 2010 4:30PM
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cheers for the tips spotty will come in handy, just hope i dont get a travellers

NSW, 7965 posts
15 Jul 2010 9:12AM
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sboardcrazy said...

Mark _australia said...

sboardcrazy said...

You start doing contortions to avoid falling in icey water and start to dread sailing and trying to gybe a shortboard in gusty conditions..
You dread going out & trying out your new board..

but you can't hold your big board down.... what to do, what to do?

Grr...Theyre predicting 35 kts tomorrow..Ill wait & see but Im so freaking nervous about going out on the new board in those conditions I wonder why I sail.. Ill force myself as usually ( when i dont injure myself ) its never as scary as I think & I end up enjoying it..I just wish I could turn all the water temperature in my sailing area up to 19dgrees.. 2 wetsuits + 2 thermals , booties , helmet & gloves coming up.. I need to want to fall in!Probably won't be able to move with all the stuff on..I can blame that if I cant gybe..

toasty warm..pity I could hardly breathe as it was so tight..back to the drawing board I think..At least I didnt mind sitting in the water but I wore out quickly .Even walking the board up to the start I was having trouble breathing ( with the top wetty unzipped..)


Forums > Windsurfing General

"You know it's winter when..." started by AUS1111