I'm going to be a voice in the wilderness here but I don't mind the new logo. Its funny how things eventually grow on you. And its pretty normal for people to respond like this to a change. Not that I didn't like the old logo, I did, but I do think it was getting a bit tired. Sort of like an 80's video game icon.
Companies rebrand all the time. What's important for Gaastra / GA is that the sails perform well. If they're bad sails, they're in trouble. If they're good sails, the brand will take on this success.
Here's a little company you might know who've rebranded pretty successfully a few times.
Be interested in success / failure stories from rebranding.
look to the designers for change in mast preference.
Gaastra suffer through choice of distributors, a market with excessive choice, internal issues & marketing- not the kind of logo re-branding type marketing though.
GA sails, poor move wont change a single thing except make the company go backwards- why would you buy on this vs one of the few brands that has the pedrigree of winning at the top level.
Logo itself sucks, i hate all this modern graphic design sh**
This change is not marketing - at all. it is the complete absence of marketing strategy and execution, the death knell of a company underinvesting in it's brand, which typically accounts for 30% plus of the value of a company. This value literally just went up in smoke.
An expensive mistake, but not irreversible, if they move quickly.
The smaller top triangle isn't even lined up in the middle with the outer triangles (god soo many triangles) of the logo. As the identification of a brand this suggests they're not one for attention to detail. This makes me not so interested in their product...so I would say yes, the identity and image they put out IS important alongside have a quality product that performs. The photos of the sails in new regalia also look a bit shonky unfortunately.
If you're going to chuck out your old history then a rebrand should be an opportunity to do something exciting, refreshing and new. This doesn't say that to me
I wonder which one of you will be eating humble pie first when you rig your new GA Sail. . . . . . .
The level of this discussion is amazing. "I don't like the new logo . . . the company is dead . . . . . "
I suppose if one was the marketing manager for a sail company it would be pretty hard to come up with a new party trick.
Bigger wind range ,more stable,etc etc has been done to the death.
Then someone suggests a new logo and you have GA,I think I get it.
I agree that the new logo compared to the old is not very good but to think there is any relevance between a logo and sail design is pretty unrealistic.
I searched GA sails on google and came up with nothing? I then opened the Gaastra website and there is no mention of the logo or name change. Is this forum posting a hoax?
Just sent this to them
Thought you guys would like to read an Australian watersports forum regarding Gaastra's supposed rebranding of its Logo and name. www.seabreeze.com.au/forums/Windsurfing/General/bye-bye-Gaastra/?page=1
I can't quite figure out if this is just a viral marketing campaign but well done if it is as everyone is talking about it.
If the rebranding is for real, I think your marketing department need to stop visiting those Amsterdam coffee shops at lunchtime ;-)