Forums > Windsurfing General


Created by Sputnik11 > 9 months ago, 9 Apr 2014
VIC, 266 posts
10 Apr 2014 11:59PM
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Had hyperthermia twice whilst in the water. Went into a dream-like state. Since wearing the helmet, preventing heat loss, have not had any reoccurrence.

NSW, 1871 posts
11 Apr 2014 9:21AM
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Steve1001 said..
I wear a NP helmet, and like haggar said I forget I'm wearing it. Cheap, and its comfy, keeps the sun off my ears and forehead, why wouldn't you wear one. I also wear the NP bouancy vest. Great for carrying my gps, phone, and rope. Keeps me warm too and helps with water starts.

I guess the scenario I was worried about was a crash banging my head on the mast, boom, or board and unconscious in the water and drown.

Helmet and vest also good for being spotted bobbing in the water.

Where did you get the NP helmet ?

I have a Gath but rarely use it because its not the right shape for my head and creates a lot of wind noise (its an old one).

QLD, 6808 posts
11 Apr 2014 9:37AM
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I wish helmets have waterproof headset inbuilt and microphone that allow:
- communication either with mates on the water or
- mobile phone for emergency calls
- voice message announcing speed from GPS
- communication with the coach on the boat or land providing instruction to beginner or even advanced sailors

NSW, 1104 posts
11 Apr 2014 9:47AM
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Here Macro...

Seriously though, I'm going to get a helmet this winter- if only to keep my head warm. Thinking one of these Pro-Tec models.

QLD, 3424 posts
11 Apr 2014 9:50AM
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and music to enjoy while riding
x ray visor to see sand banks and turtles
thermal imaging

QLD, 241 posts
11 Apr 2014 10:36AM
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I got my Neil Pryde helmet from Surf-fx on the Gold Coast. Give them a call, they will post it to you, although it would nice to try for size first.

VIC, 5000 posts
11 Apr 2014 11:22AM
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My first gath split down the middle after a decent impact from a mast after my boom snapped at the clew end. It left me a bit dazed, but conscious...I went straight out & bought another one.

I only wear it though in >20kts open ocean. In 15-20kts on flatwater, I prefer to feel the wind blowing...over my bald scalp.

328 posts
11 Apr 2014 4:09PM
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I wear a helmet except sometimes on flat waters but then again it covers my ears so it's also protective against ear infection so let's say 80% of the time I use it. The new mystic designs are really comfortable and nice, way more stylish than Gath which I wouldn't wear, if you payed me :)
But overall, I learned the hard way to wear protective gear, mostly when snowboarding...I fell on my head in halfpipe from about 4 meters and afterwards I bought a helmet, I fell on my back and hurt my pelvis when I was attempting a boardslide on a handrail, it hurt like hell for 3 weeks, so I decided to get a back protector :) With windsurfing I was thinking ahead and got a helmet before injuring myself.

NSW, 1871 posts
11 Apr 2014 6:20PM
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PhilSWR said..

Seriously though, I'm going to get a helmet this winter- if only to keep my head warm. Thinking one of these Pro-Tec models.

I like the look of this one with open ears. Let me know how it goes.

NSW, 1104 posts
11 Apr 2014 7:25PM
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Will do Waiting4wind, just ordered it today.

joe windsurf
1481 posts
11 Apr 2014 7:37PM
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my ProTec has "removable side ear cups" which i have never removed

VIC, 1237 posts
13 Apr 2014 2:40PM
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wbailey said..

Always wear a Gath full visor helmet when in the surf just because I have been hit in the head too many times. Done so for 20 years.

Flat water, usually wear a Balin hat to keep sun off the solar panel on top of the noggin'. But when it gets over 25 knots the helmet comes out. As KA43 said, it is also a good place to mount the Go Pro, use the helmet strap to help tether camera to a thin piece of occy strap as well.

A worthwhile investment.

Does the full visor not bucket water? Which Gath? The Gedi?

1972 posts
13 Apr 2014 2:21PM
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Macroscien said..

rather like that:

Even better~

Add the visor, it's not like we need anymore sun, and with the tunes, you'd be styling, cruising along listening to ACDC "Thunder Struck"!

73 posts
13 Apr 2014 2:36PM
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Have a Gath with visor for warm weather and an oversized gath to fit neoprene-surf hat under for cold weather. Impact vest as well having had rib injuries (another sport) years ago and the twinges never really go away - everyday benefit of both is added insulation in colder breezes.

Gath comes with good kit to customise the fit - best to fit up when wearing the sunnies.

Snow skiing is another sport where helmets are becoming common place.

Good place to store sunnies etc during lunch break too!

NSW, 96 posts
13 Apr 2014 6:44PM
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Gath with a visor.
I pull the visor down if it starts getting a bit hairy. I like the face protection it gives.
Can`t imagine going out without it on, sorta automatic, like putting on a seatbealt.

VIC, 3453 posts
13 Apr 2014 7:53PM
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Love the Gath with the full visor so much, keeps the sun off my face and balding head.The visors perfect for keeping Sandy Point sand out of my eyes and ears

QLD, 146 posts
13 Apr 2014 10:35PM
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Thanks guys for all your inputs. I've never thought I would get one as I like the wind in my hair but you just made me to think twice. If most, including top sailors are using it, there has to be a genuine reason for it. ......I better to get one too and use it at least when it's 25+ knots.

NSW, 9205 posts
14 Apr 2014 11:58AM
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Windxtasy said..
When I do crash my major problem is whiplash type injury.
I have been hit on the head by the mast a few times and half of those would be on the nose/chin which is not going to be protected by the helmet.

I'll second this. Only time I've really hit my noggin' was in the surf. Attempting a sort of attempt at an attempted back-hand off-the-lip, poorly.
Anyway I got thrown forward into my mast. Hard. There was a second or two where I though"Oh No" and I was waiting to black out and die. But nothing happened. I was quite surprised. I hit a bit above my forehead where skull it a bit thicker.

I think being cracked across the jaw is going to knock you out quicker than being hit on the head. And helmets can't help you there.

The whiplash risk added by the helmet also concerns me. I am more likely to get catapulted than anything else.

I am considering a helmet for 25 knots +, but the whiplash thing, especially at speed, honestly concerns me more than hitting the mast with my head.

226 posts
15 Apr 2014 8:01AM
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Waiting4wind said..

PhilSWR said..

Seriously though, I'm going to get a helmet this winter- if only to keep my head warm. Thinking one of these Pro-Tec models.

I like the look of this one with open ears. Let me know how it goes.

I've been using my ProTec (a few of them now) for sometime and it definitely has protected me a couple of times from the masts! It keeps my head pretty warm too. That plus the new beanie I just got keeps my head protected and warm :D

NSW, 8080 posts
15 Apr 2014 3:54PM
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evlPanda said..

Windxtasy said..
When I do crash my major problem is whiplash type injury.
I have been hit on the head by the mast a few times and half of those would be on the nose/chin which is not going to be protected by the helmet.

I'll second this. Only time I've really hit my noggin' was in the surf. Attempting a sort of attempt at an attempted back-hand off-the-lip, poorly.
Anyway I got thrown forward into my mast. Hard. There was a second or two where I though"Oh No" and I was waiting to black out and die. But nothing happened. I was quite surprised. I hit a bit above my forehead where skull it a bit thicker.

I think being cracked across the jaw is going to knock you out quicker than being hit on the head. And helmets can't help you there.

The whiplash risk added by the helmet also concerns me. I am more likely to get catapulted than anything else.

I am considering a helmet for 25 knots +, but the whiplash thing, especially at speed, honestly concerns me more than hitting the mast with my head.

I've got a dodgy neck upper body and wear a helmet.I don't crash often but have a had a few nasty whiplashes ..didn't really think the helmet made it much worse though? They are pretty light.

VIC, 230 posts
17 Apr 2014 9:06PM
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evlPanda said..
But nothing happened. I was quite surprised. I hit a bit above my forehead where skull it a bit thicker.

Yes, your head is designed for head butting!

Seriously though, I see, to remember that lateral impacts are far more dangerous, particularly if it also causes rotation. That's what I'd be worried about with a head injury.

NSW, 8080 posts
19 Apr 2014 4:34PM
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kato said..

Love the Gath with the full visor so much, keeps the sun off my face and balding head.The visors perfect for keeping Sandy Point sand out of my eyes and ears

You even look fast in it! I'm sure it adds a few knots speed.....

VIC, 972 posts
19 Apr 2014 6:28PM
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Ummmm, maybe post it in a surfing forum for comment, rather than a windsurfing thread discussing the benefits of wearing a helmet.

NSW, 96 posts
19 Apr 2014 7:54PM
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^^^poses the question........helmet -wise ....which is more dangerous - surfing or windsurfing?

NSW, 1104 posts
19 Apr 2014 8:15PM
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Jungleman said..

^^^poses the question........helmet -wise ....which is more dangerous - surfing or windsurfing?

Gotta be windsurfing. I've surfed for ever and only ever had 20 or so stitches in my head (simply the board rounding me up in tubes), yet sailed for 2 years and already broke a bone in my foot and scraped skin of my forehead with the mast twice. I'm getting a helmet before crack my head open properly.

I think the biggest danger in surfing is actually drowning- came close twice, it ain't pretty. Snapped leg rope in huge seas is a deadly combo. Windsurfing seems more about getting whacked by the mast or equipment- pretty scary, and awefully quick.

Ps- my broken foot was simply a failed gybe, and hit by the rail when I ejected. I've heard horror stories of snapping both ankles when hitting sand bars... If you go hard it seems windsurfing can be a dangerous sport.

VIC, 972 posts
19 Apr 2014 10:16PM
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sboardcrazy said..

kato said..

Love the Gath with the full visor so much, keeps the sun off my face and balding head.The visors perfect for keeping Sandy Point sand out of my eyes and ears

You even look fast in it! I'm sure it adds a few knots speed.....

hmmm, the outfit on the right reminds me of pulp fiction . . . . . . . . . . .

VIC, 3453 posts
19 Apr 2014 10:37PM
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Sputnik11 said..

sboardcrazy said..

kato said..

Love the Gath with the full visor so much, keeps the sun off my face and balding head.The visors perfect for keeping Sandy Point sand out of my eyes and ears

You even look fast in it! I'm sure it adds a few knots speed.....

hmmm, the outfit on the right reminds me of pulp fiction . . . . . . . . . . .

Didn't add any knots that day, but it did keep the sun out


Forums > Windsurfing General

"helmets" started by Sputnik11