Forums > Windsurfing General

new windsurfing attraction on the goldy

Created by Gestalt > 9 months ago, 4 Feb 2012
NSW, 6451 posts
5 Feb 2012 10:17PM
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Simon100 said...

Check out the fake comments for it on youtube . I dont think there will be enough people that think this is a good idea for it to happen luckily .

Did you see who posted them, they were all posted by Rossco, he put his name on one of them, and the others are from the same user name.

The only other comment from a real person said "worst idea ever"
I just added a real one for him as well.

QLD, 9 posts
5 Feb 2012 9:26PM
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No mate, you still dont get it. So the natural unspoilt beauty is only there for your personal pleasure to use as you choose. Cmon mate.

Gestalt said...

no, i get it.

what you see as a featureless nothing space i see as natural unspoilt beauty.

NSW, 6451 posts
5 Feb 2012 10:34PM
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Its there for all to enjoy as it is natural, if you enjoyed the beauty of the ocean you would understand.
Havent heard anyone of the general public say they dont think its a bad idea.

Wait for it,any minute now we will hear the usual spin by developers etc that goes like this. "It will enhance the natural beauty of the location"

VIC, 136 posts
5 Feb 2012 10:42PM
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My initial reaction was wtf - is this a joke? and you now what? that initial reaction is still the same reaction I have every time I look at that video.

Stick it in a marina or a man made lake - not the ocean!!!

QLD, 490 posts
5 Feb 2012 9:44PM
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i think if you made it heaps smaller and more out of the way i think less people would be against it . Just wondering what kind of pressure do you need to shoot water that high and how much power is needed

TAS, 1973 posts
5 Feb 2012 10:48PM
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Haha what a silly idea to put it in the ocean, if it was in the middle of a city or some type of main area it would make sense. But randomly in the sea.... It would be fun to see a kiter go threw that jet of water though. If this is to go ahead will you be able to go near it or will it be fenced off and under security. If it sounds as powerful as what it needs to be that would be awesome to jump into it and get shot up into the air!!

WA, 6633 posts
5 Feb 2012 7:56PM
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Rossco says:
February 4, 2012 at 11:22 am
Bill, it's people like you who have advanced our civilization. Without creativity, imagination and positive energy, we would still be in Africa on all fours picking lice from our fur.

QLD, 9 posts
5 Feb 2012 9:56PM
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Tks Simon, we are mostly on the same page. The jet is proposed to be located at the shark nets which are already marked with buoys and in an exclusion zone.
Mate, I know many wont like it and you are entitled to your view. Others are also entitled to theirs.
Anyhow mate, this whole process was meant to stimulate discussion and thanks genuinely for your input and that of the other guys.
Time for me to move on.

Simon100 said...

Rossco4215 said...

Simon, what fake comments on u-tube, tell me. Your presence in the broadwater or the sea with a coloured sail will have more impact than this jet.
Lets not deal with the whole jetski issue of noise, danger, accidents, irresponsibility etc. etc. Yes, I know the idiots are a small minority who ruin it for the responsible sports guys.
Explain ur problem, that is precisely why this idea was put out there but I cant deal with issues if u wont tell me what they are or they are just illogical.
Simon100 said...

Check out the fake comments for it on youtube . I dont think there will be enough people that think this is a good idea for it to happen luckily .

4 comments from the same person 3 acting independent and saying how nice it is , one apologizing for the video being down . You obviously like it and thats great it doesnt mean every one else will like it dont take offense at that like if it was in your back yard no one would care but i think alot of people on here dont want to see it when they go to the beach . Remember if it did ever happen it will have 4 big yellow markers around it to mark the water hazard wind exactly be real elegant then will it .

WA, 6633 posts
5 Feb 2012 8:00PM
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Carantoc said...

Rossco says:
February 4, 2012 at 11:22 am
Bill, it's people like you who have advanced our civilization. Without creativity, imagination and positive energy, we would still be in Africa on all fours picking lice from our fur.

Carantoc, mate you are a brilliant posting this. A true giant amongst internet geniuses, a true hero of seabreeze. I have never met anybody who is as great as you. I wish to have your children.

If you had not single handedly won the second world war we would all be the slaves of communists

If you had not stopped evil Dr No (and allowed Austin Powers to take the credit) we would have had to pay that scallwag 1 million dollars

If you had not fathered the Queen Mother, we may be living in a sham republic.

Carantoc - all hail, you are KING. KING I say. You are the one and only true God.

WA, 6633 posts
5 Feb 2012 8:01PM
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Yeah, right on Carantoc +1 from me

WA, 6633 posts
5 Feb 2012 8:03PM
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Carantoc mate, I wondered the same thing.

Is this just a conceptual visual idea, or is there an engineering and business conceptual study to back it up as well ?

How will it generate its own power and why would it cost nothing ?

Doesn't seem to be much on the web about it.

Was it just an art project for year 6 that got out of hand ?

WA, 6633 posts
5 Feb 2012 8:11PM
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Carantoc, Thanks for your input but it is negativtity like this that holds the world back. I don't really understand your argument or what you are trying to say.

I suppose we must expect to have to live with idiots, who have nothing constructive to say.

If you can't see the vision, and jhave nothing intelligent to add please shut up and go away.

WA, 6633 posts
5 Feb 2012 8:12PM
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I hurt my finger

WA, 6633 posts
5 Feb 2012 8:15PM
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My daughter painted a picture of a rainbow giraffe. It was a great visual concept. A giraffe, that was rainbow colours. Come -on get on board.

She is 3. She will be 4 when it is her next birthday.

WA, 3466 posts
5 Feb 2012 8:24PM
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Of all the things one could do in this world to really make a change (solve world hunger, help fight malaria, find a cure for cancer) someone comes up with this idea.

I think this really sums up how ****ed up our society is.

da vecta
QLD, 2512 posts
5 Feb 2012 10:29PM
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Making a feature to represent something that is 'featureless'. That makes sense.
Why not take it to the next level and build an air geyser to pay tribute to the 'nothingness' of air?

QLD, 5283 posts
5 Feb 2012 11:20PM
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i'm sure if i owned a unit on the beach i would personally congratulate a designer that ensured that enormous amounts of salt spray would coat everyones cars and sliding doors, windows and appliances 24/7 in our predominantly onshore winds!

QLD, 82 posts
6 Feb 2012 12:05AM
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The website for the apparent attraction that William (Bill) Ross wants to leave the Gold Coast as his legacy but is paid for by local business etc. I thought the video claimed there were no costs.

And the diagram of the proposed setup:

Oh and they also have their bank account details listed incase you want to make a donation towards this project

Also against it - would much rather just watch the ocean and listen to its natural sounds.

QLD, 555 posts
6 Feb 2012 9:59AM
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If this gets through and gets built, what will be the next one, and the one after that, etc etc etc. High rise was started around the sixties, then each one went higher and higher until mostly no beachside left. Advertising in a light show???

WA, 6633 posts
6 Feb 2012 8:17AM
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Befree001 said...

The website for the apparent attraction that William (Bill) Ross wants to leave the Gold Coast as his legacy but is paid for by local business etc. I thought the video claimed there were no costs.

And the diagram of the proposed setup:

Oh and they also have their bank account details listed incase you want to make a donation towards this project

Also against it - would much rather just watch the ocean and listen to its natural sounds.

I couldn't see where it said who would pay for it. It just said it wouldn't cost.

One can only assume the implication is that local business will pay, or perhaps a single benefactor for some reason.

If it is business they won't do it for nothing. They will want their advertising up in lights. So, a giant laser illuminated billboard sat in the ocean.

A giant plume of spounting jizzum on the Goldy - I can only assume Viagra would be the number 1 advertiser.

QLD, 554 posts
6 Feb 2012 10:24AM
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giant water fountains are cool - but this is a hideous idea.

NSW, 1125 posts
6 Feb 2012 11:50AM
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Rossco4215 said...

Mate - you dont get it do you. If I put the jet into the urban highrise area, it would be lost, un-noticed in the busy highrise but when I put something into the nothing space of ocean, it cant be missed by anyone.
Gestalt said...

well the video says, "there is an enormous contrast between the busyness of the city and the vast expanse of the featureless ocean.

if you believe that replicating the busyness and bulk of the city in the ocean is a good thing then more power to you.

Rossco4215 said...

Hi Gestalt. I'm an old fart but The Icon Geyser is my project. This jet celebrates the very thing you love, the ocean. Some news for u - many of the guys who build the digital jet and constructed the vid are all young and into a variety of surf sports. They all work on the Goldie and I've given them work and wages in the last few weeks. Love ur havin some fun with it and gotta get my cat one of those hats but with ear holes - Coles or Woollies?
Listen to the opening of the vid, it says that compared to the busyness of the city with cars, highrise, roads etc. etc. the ocean is flat, calm, featureless but not always. The "bloody offensive" hardly necessary. Lotsa workmates in my staffroom all surfers and I support their causes.
Gestalt said...

me thinks whoever made this video is not really a water person. how is the ocean featureless. bloody offensive idea really

Actually ROSCO4215..YOU dont get it. Why would you want to put a bloody fountain in the ocean. The ocean has many moods, features ......although somehow you missed them, like waves, currents, sand bars, noise, changes and variations in colour, marine life etc....ohhh and the occasional water spout that nature seems quite good at doing by itself.
We do not need a false icon of the ocean beauty, what we need if for people to appreciate the environment they live in so as they truly see the beauty in it.
Am I progress forward in the world...absolutely. However, are we truly that shallow in our minds and evolution that the need for lights and 45 minutes of WOW factor is needed in this world...come on people, please think forward.

As for your comments on your website
" It will generate its own power and be environmentally clean."
Perhaps you could explain how this will occur.
How will you generate the large amount of power required. Make no mistake my background in 25years in this field as a specialist so I am VERY interested on how you propose, based on the comments it will be "environmentally clean"..
How will you maintain this in an environmental way??
As for construction....are you going to tell me that this will no impact on the environment, during or after construction!!!!

How about
Navigational hazard
Erosion hazard of structure and sub surface pipe line
Changes to the shore line due to natural wave function changing
Wind affecting the curtain that you intend to display lights on
Environmental issues.... micro environment due to a un-natural structure placed in the ocean.
NOISE........ ohhh yes it will be noisey

I could go on but shall not...
I will thank Gestalt for bringing this to our attention.


WA, 6633 posts
6 Feb 2012 9:31AM
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Come on - Rossco is just the conceptual artist.

Things like HOW and WHY, well that is for somebody else to work out. If they can't then presumably they failed, but he still succeeded in the conceptual art category.

And if you don't like the art then you are a negative backwards thinking person (apparently).

I guess he got somebody talking though, so maybe he did his job ?

WA, 6277 posts
6 Feb 2012 9:36AM
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And the diagram of the proposed setup:

Thanks for that, it explains things nicely.

I must admit I felt relief when I saw the big spelling mistake on the diagram, you had me worried there for a bit. The preparation for the 1st of April release is going well I see

NSW, 1412 posts
6 Feb 2012 1:28PM
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It would be like a giant, vertical jet-ski.....

noisy, showy, smelly, power-hungry, look-at-me, etc etc

NSW, 1412 posts
6 Feb 2012 1:35PM
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The Captain James Cook Memorial on Lake Burley Griffin in Canberra includes a water jet:

"The water jet is powered by two 560 kilowatt electric motors driving four stage centrifugal pumps capable of pumping up to 250 litres per second against a head of 183 meters. The water velocity at the water nozzle is 260 km/h.

While running both pumps simultaneously the main jet throws approximately six tons of water into the air at any instant, reaching a maximum height of 147 metres."

Surely this is a more appropriate place for colonic hydrotherapy. [}:)]

WA, 86 posts
6 Feb 2012 10:58AM
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Where I am born there is one since 1886 which used to serve its purpose!!

The first Jet d'Eau was installed in 1886 at the Usine de la Coulouvrenière, a little bit further downstream from its present location.[5] It was used as a safety valve for a hydraulic power network and could reach a height of about 30 metres (98 feet). In 1891, its aesthetic value was recognised and it was moved to its present location to celebrate the Federal Gymnastics Festival and the 600th anniversary of the Swiss Confederation, on which occasion it was operated for the first time. Its maximum height was about 90 metres (295 feet). The present Jet d'Eau was installed in 1951 in a partially submerged pumping station to pump lake water instead of city water.[6]

Since 2003, the fountain has operated during the day all year round, except in case of frost and particularly strong wind.[5][7] It also operates in the evening between spring and autumn and is lit by a set of 12 lights totaling 108 kW.[6]

Five hundred litres (132 gallons) of water per second are jetted to an altitude of 140 metres (459 feet) by two 500 kW pumps, operating at 2,400 V, consuming over one megawatt of electricity.[3][4][5] The water leaves the nozzle at a speed of 200 km/h (124 mph). When it is in operation, at any given moment there are about 7,000 litres (1849 gallons) of water in the air. Unsuspecting visitors to the fountain—which can be reached via a stone jetty from the left bank of the lake—may be surprised to find themselves drenched after a slight change in wind direction.

K Dog
VIC, 1847 posts
6 Feb 2012 2:07PM
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Much lulz at the smart state What a terrible idea [}:)]

QLD, 6806 posts
6 Feb 2012 1:15PM
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Bad or not ..
I guess everyone will go to see it erupting
eventually the wealth of Gold Coast depends of some curiosity of the tourist
coming here for km
I must say I am not totaly against ....
just curious

QLD, 6481 posts
6 Feb 2012 9:46PM
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K Dog said...

Much lulz at the smart state

the "self proclaimed" smart state by the way i think they were being sarcastic


Forums > Windsurfing General

"new windsurfing attraction on the goldy" started by Gestalt