Hi, I was up in gnaraloo last week having a kite, while I was packing up a chap came up for a chat. He was up with his family for a fish. Anyways after talking about the techniques of kiting etc, He then expressed how much he would like to give kiting a go as it looked so much fun.. But next no word of a lie, he asked with a bewildered face. ??? So why do those chaps do wind surfing? After cracking up I actually found I did not have a good answer.
Any one care to fill me in, so I am better prepared if I get asked again?
Ive done a bit of kiting and enjoyed it but you just cant beat the feeling of planing on a windsurfer!!!!
Aside from that you can sail in gusty cross-off conditions and get really clean waverides, where the sail gives you power to slash the waves.
I envy how you guys can pack your car though...
I have no idea but I figure that there is a surfer out there somewhere who has put a bit of thought into it....tried to put into words what most of us cant be bothered articulating...."I don't need to understand"....
On the plus side. Cause its fun, challenging and makes beer taste better.
On the even better plus side. You also dont have to worry about fiddling with long bits of string for hours, getting slammed into immovable objects and having to own 30 pairs of boardshorts to go over your wettie.
Hmmm, theres ya answer.
because you dont get thousands of other clueless windsurfers choking up every break and smooth water spot you can find
So, some bloke drove his family 1,000km to stand about for hours in some vain attempt to catch a fish that he would then throw back into the ocean - and he starts questioning why people windsurf ?
I think he may have been standing in the sun for too long without a hat on.
Because it's fun? After 27 years I still want to go every chance I get. I thought about trying kiting 10 years ago but I would have had to not go windsurfing so I never got around to it. Well, that and I have too strong a gag reflex.
I was going to say that the reason windsurfers do it is the same as why kitesurfers do. Because they love it. The last couple of posts sort of beat me to it.
It's kind of sad that most of the answers are just attempts to knock kitesurfing instead of building up windsurfing. I guess that's what you get when you ask stupid questions ... especially on the internet.
Fishermen can be odd. I asked one once if he had any sticky tape for a quick repair.
"What's sticky tape?" he asked.
"It's ...um ...tape that's ...sticky. I don't know how else to describe it"
As I work in a shop that sells both kiting and windsurfing equipment I get asked this question all the time, "why do you windsurf instead of kiting" so I have given it a fair bit of thought. When I started work at the shop I thought I would give kiting a go so I could give kiters first hand advice, but then I realised I was going to have to give up valuable windsurfing time to learn kiting, and I wasn't prepared to do that.
so - kiting looks like great fun BUT,
1. I love windsurfing. No other sport for me has come close to being such fun. In fact very few other activities come close to being as exciting. I just love that feeling when the wind catches the sail and slings you up onto the plane
2. I don't want to have to give up valuable windsurfing time to learn kiting (Kiting wasn't invented when I started windsurfing)
3. I am in the top 10 in ladies GPS windsurfing so why would I want to start a new sport where I am just a beginner again?
4. I love the windsurfing community. They are a really decent, kind and friendly bunch who always look out for each other and encourage learners and improvers (and that's most of us).
5. I already have thousands of dollars worth of good windsurfing gear and I don't want to invest more in kiting
6. Windsurfing is MUCH safer than kiting, especially for learners. Nurses in emergency wards tell me they see injured kiters all the time.
7. It is comforting to have something beneath you which can actually float and support you if necessary
8. I have a big enough car to transport my W/S gear
9. I don't need to be trendy
10. Untangling kite lines seems too fussy
11. Even after 20 years windsurfing continues to be challenging and rewarding and I am still improving
Coz when I come in after a great session I don't have to stand there on the beach looking like a tool holding a kite,EXPECTING someone to catch my kite for me. ( that must be super annoying)
I agree with Barri. This is a good question. When people ask me what I did on the weekend, and I say: I windsurfed, those old enough to "try" old gear recount their nightmare and swear to their family never to attempt it again. Those too young do kiting because it's trendy and Windsurfing is something their parents did when they were younger. I think Windsurfing has a bad rep based on these two things.
Well said Windxtasy couldn't have said it better myself. Have been windsurfing for 20 years and can't see me stopping anytime soon. Tried kiting a long time ago and was just so boring and slow.