It's back bigger than ever.
Last year I made a monumental miscalculation when I decided to have a trophy competition. I didn't rig it properly so that I would win. So this year I have changed that. Now there are two trophies up for grabs!
I still have the Flyin Fangy 5x10,which unfortunately fell into the hands of Stroppo last season. For the latecomers, the Trophy goes to the best 5x10 recorded at Fangys from October to April. There will be some other rules that I haven't thought of yet that will be designed to ensure it goes on my mantlepiece this time. I might let you peeps know what they are depending how I am going.
I also have a Plan B. Should somehow my Nanna chair end up in a tree and I can't get my hands on the Flying Fangy trophy, I have got another trophy.
Once again it is a magnificent piece of art straight from Windxtasy's furnace that is brilliant on my mantlepiece.
It is the Fangtastic Five. I am hoping Anita will post somewhere below all the symbolism in this beautiful piece. It is really hard to do it justice in a photo. In the flesh the myriad of reflections and refractions through the glass are astoundingly pretty.
The trophy will be awarded to the sailor who has the highest accumulated score across any five disciplines on the day. That is, your best score in any five disciplines will be added together to give your total. This means you can get your paws on the trophy simply by having an epic distance session whilst not being particularly fast on the day. I am hoping this will mean that the sailors who churn out some big distance can seriously challenge those who can lock in big speeds.
Being completely unreliable when it comes to figures and record keeping, the onus will be on you to send me a tally of your day and I will attempt to get a ladder going. Of course if I am not well placed on the ladder I will probably change the rules.
General rules :
You can only have one trophy per season, not both.
If you you win the trophy, the next season you are handicapped by 10%, the year after 5%.
Women receive an additional 10% on their score if they wish. (Sorry fellas but unfortunately having manboobs does not qualify you as a woman)
You have to return the trophy at the start of the season.
Special rules:
The Pinnaroos will be disqualified en masse if they use Mineral as weapon to take out opposition team members. (for the latecomers, please keep an eye out for Mineral casually wandering up to someone's else's kit and giving it the 'touch of destruction' )
Grumpynuts is not allowed to mess with our heads by having a 'great day' or not crashing into something.
Similarly Girlspeed cannot mess with our heads by being a 'caring wife' or failing to put a scratch in a fin leading edge.
Hardie is allowed to practice the bass solos from his concept album of greatest hits floating on his back in the middle of the run.
If you rig a sail bigger than Elmo and survive you are entitled to bonus points equal to the % bigger your sail is than Elmo's.
Any limbs that fall off Wazza are to be treated the same as a weedburg and not to be considered a sabotage attempt.
No one is entitled to extra points simply because they managed to have a decent sail even after taking advice from Capn Calm on what to rig.
If I judge that you took my parking spot, you are disqualified for the day.
For reasons of decency, Fairybob is just plain disqualified.
There will be more rules to follow to ensure fairness and good sportsmanship are kept out of proceedings.
As you might have guessed,most importantly, this is for fun. Don't get too serious, just get sailing and have a blast
Fangy, a very generous gesture and WindX, it is indeed a most magnificent creation. You are very talented. (No, not you Fangy. However, Fangy, both you and our venerable Capt'n, Decrepit, do a great job engendering goodwill amongst our troops as well as amongst those pesky Pinnaroos and the CST's. This makes sailing so much more fun so you have both done everyone a major favour. More thanks.)
Whilst not expecting to startle the front runners (or even the one from back runners) at anytime during the competition I will definitely be throwing my hat in the ring whilst simultaneously and firmly holding onto my new shoulders.
Thank you very much Fangy, WindX and Decrepit. Summer will be more enjoyable thanks to your kind efforts.
Suggested "handicap suit" for Strop and all those other speedy dudes . Should shave a few knots off the top end.
Quite fetching too.
At Fangy's invitation I will describe what the trophy represents.
Five sails for Fangtastic 5. 5 sails on the main piece and 5 red sails if you include both pieces.
The sails are sailing back and forth and the lines on the upright piece are to suggest distance, lines of wavelets being blown by the wind. If you look closely there are a few small green patches. These are weedbergs. There are a couple right on the front edge, but there are others also.
The sinuous shape is to represent the back and forth nature of our sailing, but the shape is more like a good nautical mile run than a series of gybes.
I have mostly used aqua blues because Fangy is colour blind and can't see red, green or browns very well. Plus the blues bring to mind the joy of sailing on a lovely sunny day and the reflection of blue sky on the water.
There is a white line on the base behind the board to suggest wake. The board does have rocker and the sail does have camber.
The red sails are for nice contrast (for those with normal colour vision) and do not represent sponsorship by any particular sail brand.
The shape of the upright part (before it was slumped) is exactly the same shape as the clear base. The shape was chosen to convey distance - both the length of the Coodanup foreshore and the distance it extends into the estuary. The front curve is to mirror the curve of the sail with the writing on it.
There are no swans, no fairy terns and no birdwatchers to avoid.
And I always though seeing symbolism in art was a whole lot of fabrication and the artist was just trying to make something pretty. Maybe there is some intention there after all...
The competition is now on in earnest. Early indications are that a total of 200+ will be needed for you to be in contention.
At the moment 'Ken Oaf is our leader with Decrepit only a septuagenarian whisker behind......
Fangy Five Update - after a big day yesterday we have a provisional new leader by a whisker,(which he has heaps of).
Decrepit with yesterday's score of 220.087 just pipping out AC1 219.873.
Special mention also to Windxtasy who knocked a a new record for the ladies:176.922
Well done peeps
As KA72's distance for Alan is a bit suspect, I've just put my file through KA72 which only gives me 219.173, which would put Alan in front.
However, KA72 has ripped me off in the alpha division. Both GPSResults and GPSARPro agree with each other, both have 5 better alphas than KA72, 2 of them by more than a knot.
So I think both files should be process by GPSResults, Alan would you like to send me or Fangy your file?
Take the 5 highest numbers of your GPSTC scores for the day and add them together. I had to keep it simple for the Pinnaroos sake.
Oops the thread has got a bit ahead of me.
In the tradition of making up rules as i go along, here is the latest installment. It appears that the various analysis programs give slightly different numbers. So I have decided to negate this issue with a Play-off Round. Any sailor who is within 2% of the highest score at the end of the season will be eligible to play Fangyland the board game. You have to be there to play.The winner takes the trophy.
This game is the product of Windxstasy's creative genius and imagination,with a serve of evil twists and a big dollop of humour. It may look simple but from personal experience it can take hours to get to the finish! It is the windsurfing version of Snakes and Ladders. Except there are a lot of snakes and not so many ladders.
Believe me this is a wicked twist to the competition :-)
Oh and I should say that the % might change depending on how close I am to winning.
With the promise of some decent winds ahead of us ( and yes it's 'non core' promise) I thought I had better clarify the qualifying area for the Fangyland Trophies. Boundary Island, out to the boat channel and east to the river mouth is the perimeter of Fangyland.Within the limits of the Fair Go Rule you can go outside this perimeter in the course of your day. But certainly the bulk of your distance should be within the boundary.
Remember,have fun and don't get too might have your dreams dashed by that diabolical board game!
A new Leader in the Fangtastic Five, the Coastal Boys now holding the top two spots: SMS09 243.778, and Stroppo 242.905.