Woohoo a floor full of new toys The next batch of fins, 20,24,28cm, all hollow, have arrived. Some don't already have good homes to go to, so pm me if you want one. If you want them finished by me, you will have to wait until exams finish so I can catch up on existing jobs.
Well that was quick. I have just sold out of the 28 cm hollow fins. Doh, I knew I should have cast more! If you are after a 28 please let me know and when I get an order for a few, I will pass it on to the foundry. ( I still have a heavily discounted 28 solid if you want to cut/drill it out yourself )
Fred has squeezed into his busy schedule a pour of a few 28cm fins for me. They should be here by the weekend. I now have a full compliment of fin sizes available again, so pm if you missed out last time. I have finished exams and will be devoting time to finishing existing orders. A big thank you for your patience :-)
Probably a stupid question on my part Fangy, but has anyone just done a basic clean up of the fin after casting and tried it on the water. Would be interesting to see how much difference there is between rough and smooth.
The polishing part part once done needs to be maintained, that stuff they use on alloy truck bodies any good?
I have a feeling that the weed will keep most of the fin polished, maybe just the rear of the fin will need a bit of attention?
Tried the 28 out on the 75wide slalom with a 7.3 koncept In marginal conditions. Didn't really get going till the second hour when the wind picked up a bit.
Once I got going the Fin was fine, didn't notice any assy and it felt good in the light conditions. I'm loving it. The weed we have is just floating sea grass but it's enough to slow down a straight Fin. Looking forward to trying it in some wind. So far so good.
Based on the emails I have got, here is the current version of the:
FangyFin FAQ
Why aluminium ?
It has the best blend of hardness to cope with weed, toughness to cope with touch downs, corrosion resistance, lightness, least damage to the wallet and 100% recyclable.
How fast will they go?
The fins were not designed to be fast. They were designed with lift and efficiency as the paramount objective. Expected top speeds will depend on your weight. For a keg monster like me, I can hold the 24 happily at 36 knots, and I think that may be close to its limits. The 20 will happily exceed that but as yet I haven't had a chance to find out where its upper limit lies.
What size sail?
I have some really rough estimates based on my experience and that of fellow sailors:
20cm < 6m ( I have used a 6.6 okay, and Swindy used a 7.1!)
24cm 28 cm < 10. (My biggest sail is a 9.5 Race and it was fine)
Do I need a gasket?
That depends on your board rocker. I designed the fillet with enough thickness that it should be able to be shaped to fit most rocker shapes in front of the fin box.However if your boards have different rocker shapes you will need a gasket. I am using a very thin layer of silicone/silastic, but adhesive rubber tapes can be very effective when a greater amount of variation is required.
What about the surface pitting?
For the most part these have little or no effect. You can spray the fin using Dulux etch/primer, then a spray putty and sand back if you want a perfect surface.
What if I strip the thread ? I have changed my mind on the direct tapping because of concerns about corrosion, differences in Tuttle boxes and long term thread wear. Currently I am trying Delrin rod. Very cheap on Ebay to make barrel nuts and epoxy in place.
I like the fins but can I have one made in a different size?
Yes, but you need to be seriously loaded. The cost to develop and tool up for each fin is approx $3000. I would suggest instead you buy the next size up and trim the tip in a horizontal line to the length you want. Get in touch for hints on shaping the foil at the tip.
Can I change the foil shape?
Yes, there is plenty of latitude in the aluminium thickness to polish a thinner foil. However be aware that casting the hollow is really difficult and it is often not located dead centre of the fin, so one side will be thinner than the other.
What finish is the best?
I have a family of girls and they tell me there is no question that a shiny bling finish is the best. A highly polished surface does resist corrosion better, is slightly harder and easier to maintain. Whether its faster is a debate for another thread. However, the fin was designed for lift efficiency, not outright speed, and has the aim of keeping a laminar flow for as long as possible. i.e. getting the most lift for the least drag. A highly polished surface does this better.
What is the website address?
The webserver is a very low capacity virtual unit ( loads slowly) and it's a very basic site that may not run very well on mobile devices. As I learn more about this stuff I will improve the site and its capacity.
Glad to hear it R1der, and I hope you sleep better because of it
See StuthePirate, that's how you do it
So did somebody ask how well FFs gybed?
If so here's Swindy had a 26 alpha today using a 20
I've got my demo 24cm to try and if it copes with Budgy weed it will be available to test ( if you can pry it from my fingers.. ) . It's a solid version so not the same as the production ones,..it's a weapon and as it's solid quite heavy!
So I reckon I'll win the Budgy cup this month..I can either hit contenders over the head with it or run through their boards till there's no competition left..
Either option above will work well, just don't drop it on your toes when removing it from the board.
yes the solid proto is heavy and you do notice the weight in lighter winds but once you are nicely powered up the lift generated negates the weight and the upwind ability and grip come into their own and if you get seriously overpowered it will try to break your ankles as I found out in a squall.
Go smash some bergs and have fun.
This is Hardies review in the Gear Review Forum of the FF24 from last week. I thought I would re-post it here cos it gives me a serious head swell. Since then we have both been able to give the FF20 a run and given we both got PB's I think he was pretty happy with the FF20 too
" Just got my Fangy Fin 24 yesterday and had 2 hrs out on it, so here's my review.
First thing you notice, is that it planes immediately like a normal fin, unlike the Delta Fin's I have which need some momentum build up. This is a significant improvement compared to delta fins.
Next thing you notice is its upwind ability, it flies up wind at a decent speed. This also appears to be a significant improvement on the Delta's.
Weed: It planes through very Thick surface weed, this it does equally as well as the Delta Fins which was their strength. Enables you to sail in the thickest of weed, accessing the glassiest of water, which was never accessible with past weed fins. If you want to sail FangyLand, Albany Lilacs or Liptons and Point Grey, this fin is a must. In this area it's brilliant and the best fin of its type that I have sailed., , particularly for thick weed.
Speed: for the winds it felt moderately fast, you certainly don't buy the Fangy 24 as your clear water speed fin. For the thickness of weed I would rate it very fast. Particularly, given that most fins would come to an immediate halt. I believe there is a significant improvement on Deltas for speed.
Chop, wow, unlike the Deltas which would spin out easily particularly going down wind, these just hang on and give you confidence to keep going and going. Excellent and probably the most significant design and performance advancement here.
Toughness, I managed to smash a rock at decent speed, and was expecting it to be totally obliterated like a carbon or G10 fin would be with a similar impact. No....... just minor surface denting, which was sanded out easily by Mr Fangy, and looks as good as new!! Another significant improvement here.
I highly recommend this fin for thick weed, surface weed, shallow waters, and general weedy waters. Its been designed by a highly intelligent man, who did his research and made it come to reality. It meets its design brief perfectly and does everything well as intended.
I urge you to support this local developer/designer/producer/manufacturer.