Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

FangyFin MkII Theory for insomniacs

Created by fangman > 9 months ago, 20 Feb 2017
WA, 943 posts
7 Jun 2017 8:55PM
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decrepit said..
looking forward to seeing this in the flesh Saturday.

Now you've done it Mike!

WA, 1562 posts
17 Jun 2017 5:44PM
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A quick update for all of you who have placed orders ( thank you again :-). The 28 continues to have the most difficult birth ever. It now appears to have disappeared somewhere over the Nullabor. I am hopeful that it will turn up at some stage. The foundry hasn't started on the pours yet, as they are waiting for the core boxes to arrive. I have no idea where they have got to either! (The core boxes form the hollow inside the fins) So as per usual, please continue to be patient.

WA, 1562 posts
18 Jun 2017 1:07PM
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The 28 cm fin print and the core boxes have been officially declared missing in action somewhere over the Nullabor. Unfortunately the parcel was not sent registered post as per my request. So now it's back to square one and they are all being reprinted next week. The Minister for Excessive Windsurfing Expenditure has not yet been informed due to a complete lack of intestinal fortitude (guts) on my behalf.
The core boxes will print overnight and hopefully be on their way soon after. I am hoping to get at least some fins cast before they close up shop.
The double thickness print of the 28 will take almost a week so that will be delayed another few weeks before I have received it, smoothed and finished it, and then sent it off to the replacement foundry. Sorry for the delays everyone.

I am fairly certain this is down to either Elmo or Stretchy, but I just cant figure out how they did it...

WA, 943 posts
18 Jun 2017 9:46PM
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fangman said..
The 28 cm fin print and the core boxes have been officially declared missing in action somewhere over the Nullabor. Unfortunately the parcel was not sent registered post as per my request. So now it's back to square one and they are all being reprinted next week. The Minister for Excessive Windsurfing Expenditure has not yet been informed due to a complete lack of intestinal fortitude (guts) on my behalf.
The core boxes will print overnight and hopefully be on their way soon after. I am hoping to get at least some fins cast before they close up shop.
The double thickness print of the 28 will take almost a week so that will be delayed another few weeks before I have received it, smoothed and finished it, and then sent it off to the replacement foundry. Sorry for the delays everyone.

I am fairly certain this is down to either Elmo or Stretchy, but I just cant figure out how they did it...

Nah, it was Slugger. He blockaded the highway at Norseman with his loveshack

WA, 1562 posts
18 Jun 2017 10:20PM
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Stretchy said..

fangman said..
The 28 cm fin print and the core boxes have been officially declared missing in action somewhere over the Nullabor. Unfortunately the parcel was not sent registered post as per my request. So now it's back to square one and they are all being reprinted next week. The Minister for Excessive Windsurfing Expenditure has not yet been informed due to a complete lack of intestinal fortitude (guts) on my behalf.
The core boxes will print overnight and hopefully be on their way soon after. I am hoping to get at least some fins cast before they close up shop.
The double thickness print of the 28 will take almost a week so that will be delayed another few weeks before I have received it, smoothed and finished it, and then sent it off to the replacement foundry. Sorry for the delays everyone.

I am fairly certain this is down to either Elmo or Stretchy, but I just cant figure out how they did it...

Nah, it was Slugger. He blockaded the highway at Norseman with his loveshack

Ah yes, now it all makes sense. I wondered why I hadn't heard his Mr Whippy tunes van along the foreshore recently. He really is a very effective operative Stretch. You should be proud of your work :-)

WA, 1562 posts
29 Jun 2017 10:06AM
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I have some bad news and need to apologise to all of you who supported me and this project. The replacement 3D prints for the 28 cm fin and all the core boxes ( to enable the fins to be cast hollow ) have also disappeared between the 3D printers and the foundry. I am totally in the dark as to what/how this has happened. The foundry will be closed by the end of the week. I am a bit gutted to fail at the final hurdle, but I haven't given up hope and I will keep trying to find a cost effective alternative solution for a relatively small production run. In the meantime I will also concentrate on making my own core boxes and I will post here again when I have got a worthy solution.
Thank you again for all of your interest and positive comments in the past, and a massive thanks to all those that put in an order. I will try my utmost to 'keep the faith' alive in getting a set of fins to production.

QLD, 302 posts
29 Jun 2017 1:06PM
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Very sorry to hear that Fangy. I know the effort that you put in won't be wasted though....the Fangy Mk 3 will arise from the ashes.

QLD, 3123 posts
29 Jun 2017 2:52PM
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One shipment disappearing would be bad luck. Two disappearing could indicate foul play

NSW, 8019 posts
29 Jun 2017 2:58PM
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fangman said..
I have some bad news and need to apologise to all of you who supported me and this project. The replacement 3D prints for the 28 cm fin and all the core boxes ( to enable the fins to be cast hollow ) have also disappeared between the 3D printers and the foundry. I am totally in the dark as to what/how this has happened. The foundry will be closed by the end of the week. I am a bit gutted to fail at the final hurdle, but I haven't given up hope and I will keep trying to find a cost effective alternative solution for a relatively small production run. In the meantime I will also concentrate on making my own core boxes and I will post here again when I have got a worthy solution.
Thank you again for all of your interest and positive comments in the past, and a massive thanks to all those that put in an order. I will try my utmost to 'keep the faith' alive in getting a set of fins to production.

Sorry to hear that. Got to give you credit for perseverance..

WA, 12133 posts
29 Jun 2017 1:09PM
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So Ross, how strong does it have to be? I have some 30kg/m3 foam here, I could have a go at shaping it for you.
Or maybe, some molding wax, that way the foundry could use the lost wax method.

WA, 1562 posts
29 Jun 2017 1:57PM
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Thanks Sue and Wazza. I should have added that with the 28 print being lost there is no chance of me casting that one until I can muster up enough coin to re print it ....again! But the 20 and 24 are still alive and kicking at the foundry, so they could be used in future when I find a suitable foundry. ( I have just this minute got some initial positive feedback from another foundry - time will tell if it is a go-er)
John - yes its super suss atm, I am hoping it's something benign and all will come out in the wash in future. But I will be really cheesed if I see the fins being pumped out of a factory in China somewhere.
Mike - Once I get the 20 and 24 prints back from the old foundry (fingers crossed ) I am going to make the core boxes out of some heavy body Polyvinylsiloxane. It's the same material as Astronaut Moonboot soles are made of, and should be durable enough. It has also got a little bit of flex so you can get it out of any undercuts and is dimensionally very stable with time.

WA, 1562 posts
2 Jul 2017 1:34PM
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At last a little bit of good news. The foundry owner has been extremely generous and offered to cast the 20 and 24 cm fins for me on a Sunday by herself, before shutting down and joining the grey nomads. We have no core boxes, so the compromise is the fins will be cast solid. She is doing them be herself today only, so I don't think it will be enough to fulfil the orders, nor will there be any finishing done at the foundry at all; but I felt that it was still better than nothing. When I know how many she managed to get done I will be in touch on a first come, first served, basis.
Please be aware they WILL be SOLID, so if you want to reduce the weight it will require some manual drillling from the base down the leading edge to create the hollow. On the 20 cm this is only a small amount, but the 24 cm requires a little more perserverance, if you feel the weight is an issue. I am totally aware that this is not what my initial offer was, so if you do NOT want a fin, I completely understand and it's is absolutely fine to change your mind - just let me know when I get in touch. Again, thanks everyone for you support during this rollercoaster ride.

WA, 732 posts
4 Jul 2017 4:07PM
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Some good news finally!! I'm still up for an unfinished 24 Tuttle

WA, 732 posts
4 Jul 2017 4:07PM
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Some good news finally!! I'm still up for an unfinished 24 Tuttle

WA, 1562 posts
5 Jul 2017 5:00PM
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You know how I said it was a rollercoaster....I just got this from the foundry;

"......unfortunately ran out of material before we could cast the fins. I will send the patterns back to you this week."

If this was a story it would be considered too far-fetched to be reasonable!

I am still looking for the silver lining, cos its getting harder and harder to find. Here it is, I do have two possible foundry options for the future that are looking promising. But if any of you are just fed up waiting ( I know I am!!) just let me know and I will remove your order.

Stay tuned for the next unrealistic episode in this saga....

WA, 732 posts
5 Jul 2017 7:54PM
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Jeez Louise!!!!

WA, 6277 posts
14 Jul 2017 10:38PM
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Presently I'm the speed restriction on everyone getting a fin, believe it or not!

I've got to say, that foil is looking Niiiiice

WA, 6277 posts
14 Jul 2017 11:02PM
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fangman said..

sailquik said..

fangman said..It's also a delicate balance of where do I put the point of failure? ...... with Tuttle the back end of the board is likely to be the point of failure. I am still not sure how to tackle this one and still be user friendly.

What about using Brass bolts instead of S'steel? Will the Brass bolts strip out or break before the tail of the board breaks off?

I thought of other materials or thinner bolts but always came back to trying to keep it user friendly - most of us carry M6 S/S bolts around, but I don't think too many of us have alternatives in the kit box. I also thought of just tapping the last 5-10 mms in the bolt hole so the aluminium thread will strip out - but how much is enough to give durability vs stripping out with wear,and galvanic corrosion etc? Is it a moot point? Will a Tuttlebox allow the fin to rotate out - my guess is the back of the box is going to get munted whatever happens, but I am happy to be guided by those that have done the experiment already...
( I only have old Powerbox boards that I have crash tested, so I can only confirm that they work)

How about a plastic barrel nut inside the fin?

(3D printed, naturally )

WA, 1562 posts
16 Jul 2017 1:38PM
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nebbian said..
Presently I'm the speed restriction on everyone getting a fin, believe it or not!

Whilst Nebs might just be a speed restriction in real life, the above statement is only politician level true . Nebs very kindly agreed to have a crack at printing the 28cm after its predecessors disappeared. It takes a loooooong time to print a fin that big, and get it right. Without Nebs, the 28 cm fin would have still been a pretty design file. Thanks mate
The 20 and 24 patterns have made it back here (phew) and I have finished their core boxes. I have narrowed down my list of foundry's to two, and I am now waiting for the return of quotes for casting. Apparently these things take time......
So hold on, we are now back on the rollercoaster ride...

Just on a little side note, I have had a few emails about making shorter fins. I will not be going shorter. If you have ordered a 20cm and want to cut it down because you need a smaller surface area, that is fine. I think I have had more shallow water stacks than just about anyone and from my experience, if I don't have enough water for a 20 cm fin, I don't have enough water to absorb the impact of me hitting the deck at speed. I know Elmo will argue that even that is too shallow. If I saw one of my fins sticking out from the remnants of a board as per Kaspers post, I could not help but feel partly responsible for any injuries to the sailor. So, if you do cut one down so you can access super shallow water, and you do stack it, please don't tell me. I will climb down from my soap box now and go back to pestering Nebs for a photo of the print of the fin in real-time :-)

WA, 1562 posts
16 Jul 2017 4:49PM
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Nebs comes through with the goods and a print colour to try ensure this 28 doesnt get lost again :-)

And one during printing;

WA, 1562 posts
17 Jul 2017 8:50PM
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Yee haa! both core box and 28 cm fin done by Nebs in a fraction of the time of all previous attempts.

WA, 12133 posts
17 Jul 2017 9:48PM
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Great stuff Nebs, looks like a very clean print

WA, 6277 posts
17 Jul 2017 10:15PM
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Thanks Decrep. I've worked hard on my printers to get somewhat decent results.

The problem here is that a 28 cm fin, although it doesn't sound that big, is HUGE. My biggest printer could only print it in 3 sections. The green mat in the photo above is 440mm across, and the fin is bigger than the mat! I think I used around 600 grams of filament.

I'm keen to hear what Fangman thinks of the print.

NSW, 2016 posts
18 Jul 2017 5:33AM
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Fantastic nebs where do you get those printers

NSW, 8019 posts
18 Jul 2017 9:48AM
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Glad things are finally looking up!

VIC, 3400 posts
18 Jul 2017 10:51AM
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fangman said..
Yee haa! both core box and 28 cm fin done by Nebs in a fraction of the time of all previous attempts.


WA, 1562 posts
18 Jul 2017 8:54AM
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sboardcrazy said..
Glad things are finally looking up!

Shhhh Sue! Dont jinx it - the last two fins 'apparently' got this far, only to be lost in transit...

WA, 6277 posts
18 Jul 2017 10:12AM
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keef said..
Fantastic nebs where do you get those printers

You buy a heap of bits from China, and put them together. Then spend about a year scratching your head, tweaking, adjusting, measuring even more carefully this time, tweaking some more, REALLY TRULY measuring carefully this time, and doing a bit more adjustment. Oh and designing and printing upgrades for the printer so that it works as it should. Not to mention writing a bit of code here and there to, you guessed it, make it work as it should.

All to save a few hundred dollars off a retail style printer

But then again I did get my hands on a $2500 retail style printer and it's required me to write a heap of software to just make it perform as it should. *sigh*

It's still the wild west in 3D printer land.

QLD, 3123 posts
18 Jul 2017 1:13PM
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fangman said..

sboardcrazy said..
Glad things are finally looking up!

Shhhh Sue! Dont jinx it - the last two fins 'apparently' got this far, only to be lost in transit...

Hand delivery this time Fangy?

WA, 1562 posts
18 Jul 2017 11:34AM
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Hand delivery this time Fangy?

Ha ha John. No, not this time . I told Nebs he could keep both of his hands if he manages to get the fin to me. I am a pretty reasonable bloke, and I did give him the option of one of the *kids, or both his kneecaps as an alternative. ( *By 'kids' I mean, he gets one of my attention-seeking, hormone production units to keep for the entire school holidays)


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"FangyFin MkII Theory for insomniacs" started by fangman