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GPS Team Challenge GPS units.

Created by frant > 9 months ago, 14 Feb 2008
VIC, 1230 posts
14 Feb 2008 2:44PM
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What are the GPS TC rules and GPSSS rules on postings from GPS units. Since purchasing a GT-11 I like most others have been wearing both units on the water. For the GPSSS site I have been posting the GT-11 doppler results. Have done the same on the GPSTC site. This is fine when I am "competing" with myself only, add the competitive challenge of the GPSTC and I find myself looking for every (fair?) advantage. My Feb 12 session Ave 10 sec GT-11 33.32, Foretrex 33.42. GPS max GT-11 35.2, Foretrex 35.4. Nautical mile 29.5 vs 29.64.
I will stick with doppler but then MAYBE!!!
Ruling please.

WA, 4082 posts
14 Feb 2008 12:53PM
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frant said...

What are the GPS TC rules and GPSSS rules on postings from GPS units. Since purchasing a GT-11 I like most others have been wearing both units on the water. For the GPSSS site I have been posting the GT-11 doppler results. Have done the same on the GPSTC site. This is fine when I am "competing" with myself only, add the competitive challenge of the GPSTC and I find myself looking for every (fair?) advantage. My Feb 12 session Ave 10 sec GT-11 33.32, Foretrex 33.42. GPS max GT-11 35.2, Foretrex 35.4. Nautical mile 29.5 vs 29.64.
I will stick with doppler but then MAYBE!!!
Ruling please.

Frant, GPSTC is looking at 2009, for standardising GT-11 and Doppler as the unit and method of posting for top 10 teams and individuals, the fun teams and indivuduals, who aren't top ten can use Garmin's and Track Points.

The latest talk for this year, has been for the top ranked guys to use Doppler for everything except Alpha 500 where it appears Track point is more accurate. Track Point for this year is OK to use, but you just have to be consistent and use the one method till the end of year, however, once you start using Doppler, not fair to go back to Track Point.

WA, 4082 posts
14 Feb 2008 2:54PM
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Re use of Mutilple GP's, our technical advisers say it's Ok for a variety of reasons, the most impt being back-up in case of failure, and they may want to respond for further details.

NSW, 3074 posts
14 Feb 2008 5:04PM
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What happens if an individual cannot afford a Navi??
Seems like a lot of sailors in the GPS challenge already had or bought Garmins etc before the Navi came out.
So if you are an average punter or even a hot shot and see this as being a tad unfair having to conform what do you do??
No offence to anyone but wasn't and isn't the original concept to get ANYONE out on the water and competing??

WA, 4082 posts
14 Feb 2008 3:55PM
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ka43 said...

What happens if an individual cannot afford a Navi??
Seems like a lot of sailors in the GPS challenge already had or bought Garmins etc before the Navi came out.
So if you are an average punter or even a hot shot and see this as being a tad unfair having to conform what do you do??
No offence to anyone but wasn't and isn't the original concept to get ANYONE out on the water and competing??

Yes it aint for sheep stations, I geuss just for anyone who wants to sail at an elite level, and wants recognition bytheir peers, then it appears that NAVI and Doppler are the way to go. But will not be strcitly enforced, GPS-SS can do that, we are still for fun firstly and foremostly.

But I would not want anyone excluded from the challenge coz they had a Garmin, so whatever ruling the Technical Advisory committee comes up with. I will ask for consideration of one of our 4 guideing principles to be adhered to and that is "INCLUSIVENESS", so as far as I'm concerned Garmin's are in for 2009. We can debate the finer points when I'm not feeling so lazy!!

WA, 12095 posts
14 Feb 2008 6:05PM
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There's always the possibility, of deducting the average difference between track point and doppler in each category.
As said it's not for sheep stations, and I think an agreed upon "trackpoint penalty" would be fair to all.

WA, 8723 posts
14 Feb 2008 6:15PM
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I don't lose any sleep over what GPS people use or whether its trackpoints or doppler as long as it's straight up.

The whole thing is an excuse to go for a fang with your mates

WA, 4082 posts
14 Feb 2008 6:17PM
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elmo said...

I don't lose any sleep over what GPS people use or whether its trackpoints or doppler as long as it's straight up.

The whole thing is an excuse to go for a fang with your mates

I agree, and lot's of people have bought Garmin's and don't have the finances to swap over, so Garmin's are in.

WA, 4564 posts
14 Feb 2008 9:09PM
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elmo said...

I don't lose any sleep over what GPS people use or whether its trackpoints or doppler as long as it's straight up.

The whole thing is an excuse to go for a fang with your mates

Dead right with this, its all about playing in a team with your mates, and seeing how well "you" progress via the team Challenge if you wish. No regulations, just fun and good competitive team spirit, with the intent of growing the numbers and the sport, and staying on the water over the "off season".

WA, 319 posts
14 Feb 2008 10:04PM
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I agree with just about everything that has been said here!!

1 - Its all about participation and getting out there for a fang with ya mates!

2 - Garmins have to be in!

However - I agee wholeheartedly with Decrepit for the 2 second category!!

There are potentially significant differences between Navi and Garmin for the 2 sec. For instance I had a Navi 2 sec of 41.1 and a Garmin 2 sec of 42.7 for the December 30 'big day' at Hardies. In fact my top 3 Garmin 2 secs were above the Navi 2 sec and they occured on somewhat different runs to the Navi 5 x bests. The techos can tell us why. Yoyo has the track!

I understand that GPS SS is going to apply a 'factor' to all garmin speeds so that as much as possible we are comparing apples with apples. I dont see the need for GPS TC to go this far - except for addressing the 2 sec variations which can have a significant bearing right through the rankings for this category. Maybe we can use the GPS SS factor as the 2 sec 'normaliser'. Maybe we can apply our own.

Is this actually possible Ben / Hardie - not wanting to cut across the grain here!
Keep up the good work guys - we are all indebted - but I think this one needs a little attention in the interests of the Challenge!

WA, 12095 posts
14 Feb 2008 10:46PM
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My thought was for the individual poster to apply the factor themselves. After all they know what unit they're using at the time. Think it would be too hard for the site to do it.
And I agree with 25, it probably only needs to be done for the 2 sec.

WA, 6277 posts
14 Feb 2008 11:05PM
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There is no problem with the site doing it. Think of the site as your magic genie who can do anything. I'm quite prepared to spend a day coding a new function if it will save a day's calculation for the people out there... and mostly the ratio is more like 1 hour of my time saves years of people-time when you think of how many people use the site.

So ask and ye shall receive!

My one overriding concern is making the site easy to use for newbies. The experts are usually prepared to jump through hoops, but it's the newbies that make the site interesting, so I'm not going to compromise the ease of use.

Personally I can't see how 0.2 of a knot makes any difference, but I'm prepared to accept that other people see this as important. I'm also prepared to code in any changes that people want, so long as it's generally agreed on as a good thing.

If someone can come up with an easy way of resolving this problem, I'm all ears!

WA, 2331 posts
15 Feb 2008 8:49AM
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If someone can come up with an easy way of resolving this problem, I'm all ears!

Maybe on the posting page, you could include some inputs for the user to enter their gps unit and firmware version etc. to show whether its doppler or trackpoint, garmin or navi.
If its Garmin apply the formula, if its navi and the right firmware then dont.

WA, 8723 posts
15 Feb 2008 9:06AM
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Does it really matter this much.

People worrying about a unit or calculating methods giving someone a 1/2 knot advantage is not what this challenge is about, leave that to GPSSS.

This kind of discussion and the applying of Handicaps to others is part of the reason why I was hesitant to start the teams thing in the first place.

This is a "Social Challenge" the day we start applying fudge factors and making people change the equipment they can use will be the death knell of the Challenge and that will be a sad day indead.

If you want precision and all that other serious stuff then register with GPSSS and start posting there.

The first rule of GTC

You have fun

The second rule of GTC

You have fun with your mates

Anything after that is static and relatively minor

Theres another rule

If it ain't broke, don't furk with it

WA, 4082 posts
15 Feb 2008 9:44AM
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I think that because so many people have invested in Garmin's, that they're in for their operating lifespan. Maybe we recommend (Recommend only) that new participants, and participants replacing gps units, purchase a unit that is capable of measuring and downloading Doppler speeds. Not use brand names as garmin may develop a cheap unit with Doppler in the furture.

As for making adjustments for 2 sec trackpoints, I'm not sure. Yes there are technical arguments in favour of doing this, but I don't think it's in the spirit of the comp.

Let's face it, the top teams and riders predominantly use NAVi doppler, and they won, so why fiddle???

WA, 6277 posts
15 Feb 2008 10:29AM
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Fun and Fair aren't mutually exclusive...

So let's simplify the problem.
* Units that only record trackpoints (such as Garmin) tend to read higher (on 2 sec and 5x10) by a small percentage.

Is this right?

Now let's consider the implications:
To make this totally fair and not disadvantage the garmin users, we have to know by how much. Can someone point me to a formula that will calculate this value?

Also, let's not forget that doppler tends to read higher for Nautical mile, 1 hour and distance...

Can of worms

WA, 8723 posts
15 Feb 2008 10:41AM
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nebbian said...

Fun and Fair aren't mutually exclusive...

So let's simplify the problem.
* Units that only record trackpoints (such as Garmin) tend to read higher (on 2 sec and 5x10) by a small percentage.

Is this right?

Now let's consider the implications:
To make this totally fair and not disadvantage the garmin users, we have to know by how much. Can someone point me to a formula that will calculate this value?

Also, let's not forget that doppler tends to read higher for Nautical mile, 1 hour and distance...

Can of worms

If it ain't broke............

WA, 4082 posts
15 Feb 2008 10:43AM
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One way to deal with this is for people to either nominate or tick a box whether they are using track point or doppler.

Then when someone who has just posted a 2 sec 40.1 in Doppler, and a fellow competitor posts a 2 sec 41.0 in track point, the Doppler user can say to themselves I can deduct 1 knot off that, so I'm faster 40.1 vs 40.0.

That same Track point user who just posted a NM 29.5 versus the Doppler user's NM 30.0, can say to him/herrself, well I'll deduct .7 off that Doppler NM, so I'm faster 29.5 vs 29.3.

So people can do it in their heads. Remember no sheep stations here, and it's all about fun, fun fun, let's not lose sight of that or people will start taking their spade and buckets back home with them and won't play with us anymore, coz we got too elite, and we dont want that because it happened to windsurfing in the past, we're just rejuvinating some interest, let's not stuff it up!!!!!

WA, 4082 posts
15 Feb 2008 11:00AM
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The other thing Nebbs and I have discussed as an idea only.......... Is that if there was a demand for it, we could do 2 divisions one for elite/pro and one for fun/social with different rules for each, with participants in each division making up the rules they would like to compete in. This could be done for 2009 or 2010?? Just an idea??

WA, 8723 posts
15 Feb 2008 11:05AM
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hardie said...

One way to deal with this is for people to either nominate or tick a box whether they are using track point or doppler.

Then when someone who has just posted a 2 sec 40.1 in Doppler, and a fellow competitor posts a 2 sec 41.0 in track point, the Doppler user can say to themselves I can deduct 1 knot off that, so I'm faster 40.1 vs 40.0.

That same Track point user who just posted a NM 29.5 versus the Doppler user's NM 30.0, can say to him/herrself, well I'll deduct .7 off that Doppler NM, so I'm faster 29.5 vs 29.3.

So people can do it in their heads. Remember no sheep stations here, and it's all about fun, fun fun, let's not lose sight of that or people will start taking their spade and buckets back home with them and won't play with us anymore, coz we got too elite, and we dont want that because it happened to windsurfing in the past, we're just rejuvinating some interest, let's not stuff it up!!!!!

WA, 4082 posts
15 Feb 2008 11:15AM
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elmo said...

One of the problems here Elmo is that it's impossible here as in life to keep everyone happy.

But I totally agree with your concept of "If it aint broke don't fix it", probably the wisest words so far. We've now got about 200 registered participants on the current formula, says something about what people think of it as it is........

So far no compelling reasons to change anything, just some ideas floating around with both costs and benefits, with no outstanding benefits/gains to be made without significant costs.

782 posts
15 Feb 2008 11:18AM
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Does it really matter when its only half a knot difference? The K.I.S.S. principle applies, keep it simple stupid! As soon as it gets the slightest bit complicated you will lose participants, it's already happening with the GPS SS and will only get worse once they have gold members and different sites for different levels of members. Going fast is all about fun, keep it that way and make it easy to be involved.

WA, 8723 posts
15 Feb 2008 11:22AM
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Roo said...

Does it really matter when its only half a knot difference? The K.I.S.S. principle applies, keep it simple stupid! As soon as it gets the slightest bit complicated you will lose participants, it's already happening with the GPS SS and will only get worse once they have gold members and different sites for different levels of members. Going fast is all about fun, keep it that way and make it easy to be involved.

Nicely put

WA, 3619 posts
15 Feb 2008 11:32AM
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Fun….yes it’s all about fun, but what’s fun? For a lot of people, me included, fun is the competitive aspect. A lot of people, whilst they might not say so, are in fact EXTREMELY competitive.

Fun is going out for a sail with a group of sailors whose speeds are generally similar, or maybe just a bit better, and finding out that I beat them that day, by 0.2 of a knot or whatever. It’s not that fun when one of them, because they happen to have a Garmin, pulls another knot out of their arse afterwards.

I fully acknowledge that Garmins need to be in the challenge, but like it or not, the “Garmin factor” is a real pain, and towards the pointier end of the scale, and most particularly in the 2 second category, I think it needs to be addressed. I say figure out just how much the Garmin factor is, and lop it straight off the top of the 2 second peak every time.

That is fair, and fair is fun.

782 posts
15 Feb 2008 11:33AM
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To continue my rant we really need to make the gps units easier to use. The NAVi is way too complicated, it needs to be reduced to one or two screens with just the essential elements. Turn on, sail, switch off. It also needs to be plug and play, take the sd card out, plug into a computer and your speeds come up on the screen. It's really not that difficult but the GPS SS have lost sight of that. The easier we make it the more people get involved and the more fun it is. We are almost at the point when speed died in the 90's, the focus became records and sanctioning, then the sport died. Lets not make the same mistake again.

782 posts
15 Feb 2008 11:42AM
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I understand what you are saying AUS1111. Here I get sailors adding the Garmin factor to the speed on the screen. I had one guy say he did a 43 when I could see his screen said 40. He said he was calculating the fact that the trackpoint speed was always higher than the screen reading and adding in his own conversion. He even posted it on GPSSS! Does it matter, not really, the cream always rises to the top and the fast guys will always be fast regardless. Could have dobbed him in and had the speed removed but what's the point, we're all responsible for our own actions regardless of how competitive we are. To me it's all about the thrill of speed and the fun I have going fast, don't really care what speed anyone else is doing, the race is against myself.

WA, 7671 posts
15 Feb 2008 11:48AM
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Roo said...

The easier we make it the more people get involved and the more fun it is.

Here here... For me it is about time on water and fun...I am not interested in complicated software, devices etc etc... I deal with that sort of thing at work... I am not interested about being the fastest dood in the universe either, we have on of those already

I have a Garmin, and will not be buying a Navi if the rules change...

WA crew, see you tomorrow arvo Might be a nice arvo for a ferry run...

782 posts
15 Feb 2008 11:53AM
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What I like about the Garmin is ease of use. If I just want to go for a quick fang and see my top speed that's all I take, dont even bother downloading the data. It's small, simple and pretty accurate for all my basic needs. Sometimes I "roo" the day I discovered the NAVi and introduced the speedsailing world to it.

WA, 4082 posts
15 Feb 2008 12:04PM
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AUS1111 said...

Fun….yes it’s all about fun, but what’s fun? For a lot of people, me included, fun is the competitive aspect. A lot of people, whilst they might not say so, are in fact EXTREMELY competitive.

Fun is going out for a sail with a group of sailors whose speeds are generally similar, or maybe just a bit better, and finding out that I beat them that day, by 0.2 of a knot or whatever. It’s not that fun when one of them, because they happen to have a Garmin, pulls another knot out of their arse afterwards.

I fully acknowledge that Garmins need to be in the challenge, but like it or not, the “Garmin factor” is a real pain, and towards the pointier end of the scale, and most particularly in the 2 second category, I think it needs to be addressed. I say figure out just how much the Garmin factor is, and lop it straight off the top of the 2 second peak every time.

That is fair, and fair is fun.

Chris you nmake some valid points, but I want you to think about this, "On Saturday you will be presented with a Gold Medal for being in the winning team of the 2007 GPS Team Challenge, and you are going to get to hold up the Winners Trophy...... having used a Navi and competed against the Garnim boys, relax and enjoy the moment" and geuss what not many windsurfers are ever gonna be able to experience that, ever!!!!!!!!!!!! How competitive is that???

The comp is not a true level playing field anyway, racing is, competing on the same day at the same venue is, there's plenty of those events, and what about getting WWA to back the NM comp at Hardies in DEc/Jan, now that would be competitive!!!!!!

WA, 7671 posts
15 Feb 2008 12:24PM
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I know very little about the X and Y accuracy of either the NAVi or Garmin units. I am guessing the accuracy of a particular reading has a potential error of between 0 and 5 m. This might lead to a confidence of (say) 10% to a sailors actual location being within 0.1 m (or even 1 m) of where the GPS recorded the sailors position and a confidence of (say) 99% that the sailor was within 5 m of the recorded location. I dunno, I know little about the accuracy of these devices... However, if this is the case, no matter how fancy the processing (whatever doppler is), the difference is not really relevant as the margin of error in the recorded data would seem to be more of an important factor then the model of device and the processing of the data... Or, is there something I am completely missing

WA, 205 posts
15 Feb 2008 1:44PM
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all very interesting.

I havea Garmin and just want to join the WA team for 2009 season.

How do I go about qualifying for this?

I sail pretty quickly sometimes ! 34.2 at safety bay this season




Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"GPS Team Challenge GPS units." started by frant