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Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

GW52 guide

Created by decrepit > 9 months ago, 26 Oct 2015
QLD, 581 posts
12 Dec 2015 10:55AM
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Just tick Auto clear then clear top 10sec while downloading your data from your last session.
I find no need to save any data on the device as its saved on your computer once this is done.

Te Hau
489 posts
13 Dec 2015 2:20PM
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OK, one more. Has anybody figured out how to load the data to GPS-SS via GPSAR ?
Currently the data won't calculate on GPSAR with 'cubic spline integration' active and so GPS-SS won't load the data.
IMHO, This is quite a nice unit to use and easier to read than the GT31.
A good point is that it's small enough to fit into the H2O smart phone arm band which is an excellent container.
But the downloading, touch screen etc is just seriously user un-friendly and for those without an electronics background this unit is a non starter.
I've just today had two more enquiries re which unit to buy and there's no way I can recommend this.

WA, 12464 posts
13 Dec 2015 7:38PM
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Here's an interesting one. I noticed today, the GT31 was giving me a better alpha for yesterday than the GW52 did, so I did some investigating and found this sdop display in GPSResults, have used this before but it clearly demonstrates how accurate the GW52 can be worn on the head.

GT31 is the top display, GW52 is underneath.

The top GT31 alpha is number two for the GW52, and the sdop dots show why. The dots show the margin of error, this is very big during the gybe entry of the GT31, but the margin of error for the GW52 is so close to the reported speeds it's very hard to see.

The fact that the GT31 was on my arm, and the GW52 on my head, could be a factor.

SA, 134 posts
18 Dec 2015 10:13AM
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Touch Screen & Changing modes on the GW52, My units touch screen is super unresponsive, Some times I have to touch the mode several times before the screen lights up, then have several attempts to set the unit to GPS mode, when in GPS mode it works fine! Then I have the same trouble unlocking the unit & getting it out of GPS mode. after one session it was totally unresponsive, so I drove home with it on after about 15min the screen light up by itself & I could turn it off (I was passenger).

Is any one else having touch screen problems ? I even got my smart phone savvy Son to have a go & he said the touch screen control was crap!

Yes have upgrade the firmware to the latest from locosys web site, still no good

WA, 12464 posts
18 Dec 2015 8:38AM
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Yes, my touch screen is insensitive, it seems to work better with a light constant pressure rather than a sharp tap. And some parts of the screen seem to be better than others, I'm afraid it's an exercise in patience.

Te Hau
489 posts
18 Dec 2015 4:11PM
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Yep, same for me.
It's random whether or not you get a response to touching the screen.

NSW, 342 posts
19 Dec 2015 7:53AM
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i have the same trouble , if i put it on a flat table and press it seems to be better ,

why dont they add an extra feature just to have a large speed display , rather than 10 small ones you cant read , surely they could put it in an update

Tony Polony
NSW, 338 posts
19 Dec 2015 9:13AM
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So whilst I'm getting used to the Utility and uploading my session data onto KA72, I'm still a little perplexed regarding the various settings. I noted yesterday that Keefy's display (whilst in GPS mode) was completely different to what I was able to set. On this note, I thought it's probably worthwhile that we share our settings for this lovely little device. So here goes...

GMT +11

I get that the GMT and other settings would make a negligible difference however I'm keen to see what others have their units set to.

WA, 12464 posts
20 Dec 2015 12:22AM
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TonyPolony said..


Well I don't think that's very practical, you're going to get your "last run" cancelled as soon as you gybe.
In my opinion SPD GENIE should be set to the speed a bit above your fastest upwind speed, that way, it records your downwind run, and holds it until you next go over that speed, so you can gybe at the end of the run and check it back at the start.

All the others look good, but I think some people will prefer a faster scroll rate, it's a toss up with having the time to read each page, and having to wait too long for the page you want to see come up.

Tony Polony
NSW, 338 posts
21 Dec 2015 7:01AM
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With the speed genie min set at 25 knots, the device displayed some pretty decent information. Clearing the unit (as well as the top 10) helps as well.

Thanks for the feedback Mike. It's greatly appreciated mate.

WA, 12464 posts
21 Dec 2015 10:15AM
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No worries Tony, mine's set on 25kts most of the time, it's a good all round setting for my speeds, but if it's a really good day it's better of on 30, I can go over 25kts upwind on a very good day.
Being able to check you're top ten max speed and 10s on the water is helpful if you're going for a 5X10, quite often you just need a couple more runs to get your 5X target, but I find it hard to keep 5 results in my head! Although you do need good eyesight to read that small font, thru a wet bag.

NSW, 3082 posts
21 Dec 2015 5:41PM
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Ok Mike, the big question for me and a few others around here is we have GT31's and we all know once they cark it there are no more.
Basically, is the GW52 the new replacement for the GT31??
Big ask I know but I wont be doing any fancy stuff so just want a reliable, SIMPLE, easy to use replacement for the Gt31.

WA, 12464 posts
21 Dec 2015 6:36PM
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It's a hard question to answer Larko, I think as far as Locosys are concerned it is the replacement, but for some people it won't be.
First of all you need to have windows, you can only download the data using their windows utility.
For people like Kato who want to do mega distances, it probably isn't, the battery would need a quick recharge in the lunch break, the memory won't hold enough data at 5hz, and it seems at 1hz there is aliasing problems.
One of our guys (with a Mac) is giving up on it, he just doesn't like it, but that may be because he spent a lot of time trying to get it to work on his Mac before he loaded a windows emulator.

I'm fine with it, (I did 200km without a problem), I prefer it to the GT31, it's lighter and speed genie scrolls through history max and distance. But I wear it on my helmet, because satellite sensitivity isn't as good as the GT31, and on your upper arm the satellite signal can deteriorate, especially in gybes, (the GT31 is bad enough during my gybes, I've found I get better alpha data from the GW52 on my head than with the GT31 on my arm). I normally use a phone on my arm for realtime results, and the GW52 for posting.
As mentioned several times, the touch screen can be a pain, especially if patience isn't your strong point.
It's fairly easy to set up from the utility, so all I normally do is turn the unit on and off with the touch screen.
This requires one touch to bring the screen with watch mode to life, then getting the GPS and start buttons to work together, when successful it goes straight into GPS locked mode, to do anything else with it you need to unlock by getting start and mode buttons together, a padlock icon lets you know you've succeeded. then you can investigate the top ten average and max speeds and distance, or turn the unit off by pressing start and gps together to get back into watch mode, which then times out after a minute or so. To turn the unit right off you have to use the utility.

Does that sound too complicated?
It might be at first, but you do get used to the touch screen and which buttons to press.

NSW, 3082 posts
21 Dec 2015 9:57PM
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I really appreciate your answer and it certainly does clarify a few things. I guess when we went from Garmins to Locosys it was the same. Something new is always a bit daunting but you have explained it pretty well. Im sure if and when I get one I will be asking you many questions. So prepare yourself Mike, some dumb arse questions coming your way!!!
No LG this year so you and Dot have a great Xmas, hopefully seeya soon.

WA, 12464 posts
21 Dec 2015 7:52PM
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ka43 said..
No LG this year so you and Dot have a great Xmas, hopefully seeya soon.

No LG for us either, Fangys has been very good so far, then there's the promise of Albany early next year. It's a long way to go for a couple more knots.

Yes would be good to catch up, what's the chances of you getting over here sometime?

NSW, 342 posts
22 Dec 2015 7:38AM
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where do you find the screen scroll timer

Tony Polony
NSW, 338 posts
22 Dec 2015 9:34AM
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aussieboats said..
where do you find the screen scroll timer

It's the very last option in the settings screen, called "SCROLL SEC". You have a number of options to select from.

VIC, 6155 posts
22 Dec 2015 2:59PM
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TonyPolony said..

aussieboats said..
where do you find the screen scroll timer

It's the very last option in the settings screen, called "SCROLL SEC". You have a number of options to select from.

You will probably need the latest updated version of the GW-52 Utility.

jimbob SA
SA, 994 posts
22 Dec 2015 4:14PM
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decrepit said...
ka43 said..
No LG this year so you and Dot have a great Xmas, hopefully seeya soon.

No LG for us either, Fangys has been very good so far, then there's the promise of Albany early next year. It's a long way to go for a couple more knots.

Yes would be good to catch up, what's the chances of you getting over here sometime?

no LG for me either...
its fully stuffed have taken all my speed gear from the van to home.I just can't handle the mud.
but just had another SE 4.7 day at the beach that's 6 of the last 8 on the wave gear just bump and jumping really enjoying the ease of the wave sails and with no GPS just enjoying sailing without worrying about getting numbers.

WA, 12464 posts
22 Dec 2015 2:55PM
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Know what you mean Jamie, I had a great wave sail out here last month and swore I'd be doing more of it, but either the swell's not big enough, there's too many kites, or the team really needs a result

NSW, 342 posts
23 Dec 2015 7:29AM
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Can someone post how to up date the gw52 to the latest firmware

Tony Polony
NSW, 338 posts
23 Dec 2015 9:49AM
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Go to the GW-52 page ( and download either the "GW-52 Updater" or the "GW52Updater_Installer" - I forget which one I used. Once you have them, download the firmware upgrades and connect your device via USB. Then simply use the updater to install the new firmware.

Just like we used to do 15 years ago!!

NSW, 342 posts
23 Dec 2015 11:04AM
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done that comes up with cant run installer already one running , i deleted every gw 52 file and downloads from my computor and still comes up with the same thing , already a version running , what a pain in the arse

Tony Polony
NSW, 338 posts
23 Dec 2015 11:12AM
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Assuming you have done a complete re-boot of the computer, uninstall the files again (if any are found) and ensure to check for any programs etc sitting within your control panel. Re-boot again and have another go. It could be your windows environment rather than the GW-52 software itself.

Computers are great - when they work!!!

NSW, 342 posts
23 Dec 2015 5:01PM
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Finally got it to work , had to remove every thing to do with the gw52 , also the unit seems to work a bit better with the latest firmware

WA, 21 posts
29 Dec 2015 6:29PM
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Anyone had an issue with the led screen going really faint ?
I can only make mine out when the light is on and you tilt the screen, happened just only today whilst sailing .

WA, 12464 posts
29 Dec 2015 7:36PM
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Windzup said..
Anyone had an issue with the led screen going really faint ?
I can only make mine out when the light is on and you tilt the screen, happened just only today whilst sailing .

The only thing that occurs to me is battery level, how well charged is it? If a charge up doesn't fix it, I think it's a warranty job.

NSW, 342 posts
30 Dec 2015 7:49AM
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My mate in Gosford is trying to use windows 10 to setup his gw 52 is there any one using windows 10

66 posts
1 Jan 2016 10:45AM
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aussieboats said..
My mate in Gosford is trying to use windows 10 to setup his gw 52 is there any one using windows 10

I use Windows 10 and have had no issues setting up the GW52 software and configuring the GW-52.

VIC, 6155 posts
4 Jan 2016 10:53PM
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I just got work from Locosys that there is a new version of there GW52 Utility that now includes a window for adjustment of the Genie scroll rate and a separate button for clearing the log.

Version V1.4B0104B

As far as I can see it is not on their download website yet. It should be soon though. Email me if you want a copy before then.


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"GW52 guide" started by decrepit