Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

Gybe Master Cont.

Created by Macroscien > 9 months ago, 30 Dec 2016
18 posts
31 Jan 2017 9:34AM
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Nice idea.

I have just implemented it in GpsarPro 5.23, you will find it in "Speed"-->"Jibes Analysis". At the bottom of the window, there are two new lines : "jibe master 1/2 hour", and "jibe master 1 hour"

When you click on one of these results, the time selection is done over the corresponding period, and so are the different graphs and the 2D view. The time is also positioned at the start of the section, so that if you click on "play" button, you will watch the corresponding action.

Note that the computation first relies on the GpsarPro rules of what a jibe is, according to the computed wind direction (if necessary, you can adjust it through the weathervane and then recompute, but it usually does the work correctly by itself with windsurfing tracks), and according to a minimal entry speed (settable in the interface, 10 knots by default, otherwise it is not considered as a jibe). And of course, a tack is not considered as a jibe...

The screenshot below is from data of one of you... who will certainly recognize himself...

I have not thoroughly tested this new feature. If you play with it and manually find a better score than the software does, please tell me!


18 posts
31 Jan 2017 9:47AM
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I have read again the first messages and I have two remarks :
- it seems you also accept tacks as jibes (which sounds strange for a "jibe master")
- it also seems that you first take the best one hour section, and then count the number of jibes inside it. This does not necessarily provide the best numberOfJibes x averageSpeed value (for instance if you have a start or final section with great speeds and very few jibes).
So, my current implementation may give different results from what you got this way.

VIC, 6154 posts
31 Jan 2017 5:54PM
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Yann said..

The screenshot below is from data of one of you... who will certainly recognize himself...

18 posts
31 Jan 2017 6:35PM
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I have fixed a bug thanks to Andrew. Seems to be better now.
Looks like there are high scores from Andrew below...

QLD, 6808 posts
7 Feb 2017 10:58AM
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Yann said..
I have read again the first messages and I have two remarks :
- it seems you also accept tacks as jibes (which sounds strange for a "jibe master")
- it also seems that you first take the best one hour section, and then count the number of jibes inside it. This does not necessarily provide the best numberOfJibes x averageSpeed value (for instance if you have a start or final section with great speeds and very few jibes).
So, my current implementation may give different results from what you got this way.

Great work Yann ! Totally agree with you:
1) my proposal to start with 1 hour best average was just shortcut to start easy with manual counting .

2) as for tack - Include or not doesn't really matter.IMO. Any tacks will only slow down average, unless you do as fast as jibe and then we need to appreciate such extreme skills too.
*First Prize for January sent already, Hopefully TeHau - our winner - with mates enjoy cold beer in hot NZ summer.
** Competition continue and I will send also reward to the best GM done in February.
*** GM/JM looks one of the toughest task on GPS racing ,needs skills and commitment, so no many tried so far.Hopefully more will join even to evaluate and test themselves.
**** Hopefully grand prize GW60 for first beating 2,000 remain unclaimed for some time ( saving my budget ).

so,,,,next reward is waiting for best result sailed in February 2017 ( not historical data) .

QLD, 6808 posts
7 Feb 2017 11:27AM
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Since we not all can compete for 1st place, interesting could be self filling list.This way we could compare results against our mates, even like me trying to escapee from the last on the list.

All we need is just to Reply or copy existing list and position yourself on that list - sorted from best to last:

JibeMaster 2017
1126.96 Andrew 51x22.10


??? Macro ?x?

Our structure represent nicely top three and the last three .List will be valid for all results archived in 2017.

QLD, 6808 posts
13 Feb 2017 8:55PM
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I just looked at our Aussie sailor record for today at Inverloch and can't believe results.
I marked 27 min and interpolated to 60 minutes.
That could be GM 1835 !! Bravo . If our friend decide one day to post his result to GM that will be fantastic .
This is unofficial result but illustrate enormous potential within our Aussie crew. I could see our competition Aussie vs. Kiwis vs French warming up

QLD, 6808 posts
13 Feb 2017 11:25PM
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JibeMaster 2017
1340.45 Craig 61 x 21.97
1126.96 Andrew 51x22.10
936.91 Phil 50 x 18.74

816 Macro 53 x 15.41

QLD, 6808 posts
14 Feb 2017 12:33AM
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Thanks Yann, I just used you wonderful application to calculate mine GM.

and Phil sailing along Train today ( he don't know yet , sorry Phil _ I just use for testing , you could do much, much better and this is just example how good your everyday sailing is without any attention, just sailing )

QLD, 6808 posts
14 Feb 2017 9:51AM
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If somebody don't know how to calculate their GM60 , send me PM with link to your sailing on KA72 and I will do it for you using our Yann program.

Just try one day to make as many smooth jibes in one hour as possible and post me a link.

My personal goal for this year is crack 1,000 mark

VIC, 3455 posts
14 Feb 2017 11:08AM
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I still think the 1hr is the benchmark but a great GM course will be short, lots of jibes, consistent wind and flat water. Great 1hrs tend to be on a longer course. Good to have a bit of variety.

I was on track for a 25kt 1 hr but the wind dropped away at 1/2 way point. Another challenge

QLD, 6808 posts
14 Feb 2017 10:14AM
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You could post us Kato one day short video how to do 3-4 smooth jibes in row/ series. One after another. Many jibing videos around but always one off pulled luckily and video edited from many other unsuccessful.
GM require to do jibe every minute or even less -possibly once we reached maximum speed is time to turn....

If that fastest technique will be strap to strap here ?

VIC, 6154 posts
14 Feb 2017 8:23PM
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Macroscien said..
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If that fastest technique will be strap to strap here ?

For me it is, especially on flat water at high speed. I posted this about 8 years ago, but it is still relevant and still very much the technique I use, up to and including my 40cm wide speed board.

VIC, 3455 posts
14 Feb 2017 9:20PM
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Now that "Is" the Gybe Master at work. ??

QLD, 6808 posts
14 Feb 2017 11:09PM
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sailquik said..

Macroscien said..
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If that fastest technique will be strap to strap here ?

For me it is, especially on flat water at high speed. I posted this about 8 years ago, but it is still relevant and still very much the technique I use, up to and including my 40cm wide speed board.

If I could see correctly and I review this moment many times you start with rear foot strap after the gybe, then front (?)That is what I do ( and always tought that is my wrong habit.Obviously not as quick as you do here)

VIC, 1619 posts
19 Feb 2017 11:25AM
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True strap to strap is when you have both feet at one point in both front straps and your like doing the time warp again.

Easier on a wave board, but challenging on formula

Ian K
WA, 4120 posts
19 Feb 2017 9:56AM
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kato said..
Now that "Is" the Gybe Master at work. ??

And he dances like Fred Astaire

jimbob SA
SA, 993 posts
19 Feb 2017 2:23PM
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sailquik said..

Macroscien said..
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If that fastest technique will be strap to strap here ?

For me it is, especially on flat water at high speed. I posted this about 8 years ago, but it is still relevant and still very much the technique I use, up to and including my 40cm wide speed board.

Oh I change my feet before the flip
ill see if I can find a video as well.

VIC, 6154 posts
19 Feb 2017 7:04PM
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Putting the back foot in first is a very deliberate and well thought out technique for a slalom board with powerful fin and a planing exit. It is important to get the weight on the fin very early to maintain power and balance. Otherwise one must sheet out and lose power.
By keeping my front foot back behind the front strap, between the straps, I can keep driving the board against the fin with that foot as I accelerate and get the back foot in ASAP. Body weight low and weight on the mast foot through the boom to maintain trim.

The only time I put the front foot in the strap first is on my wave board, which is much slower out of the gybe and does not have the fin size/lift to drive against. Even of the 40cm speed board I put the back foot in first if I plane out, but the front foot is right up against the front strap on that board. If I don't have enough speed to plane out, the front foot often ends up in front of the front straps, and the back foot between the straps, but I usually still put the back foot in first as it takes off.
On the older, really narrow (30cm-33cm wide) speed needles I often planed out of a gybe with both front feet in the front straps. I think you would call that a true 'Strap to Strap'

QLD, 6808 posts
2 Mar 2017 10:54AM
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Macroscien said..
JibeMaster 2017
1340.45 Craig 61 x 21.97
1126.96 Andrew 51x22.10
936.91 Phil 50 x 18.74

816 Macro 53 x 15.41

Congratulation to Kato , winner in Feb 2017 in GM :)
I am just organizing delivery of your well deserved reward/award.

Next season is open for March GM60 -same conditions , same reward to the best GM post in March ( don't need to be higher then other on the list above - just the best in March this year) .


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"Gybe Master Cont." started by Macroscien