Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

LOCOSYS wil not replace GW-60 broken band

Created by bedzplane > 9 months ago, 23 Feb 2018
WA, 12462 posts
12 May 2018 6:59PM
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sailquik said..
And yours is OK Mike??

Yep, no sign of a problem looks like new, it's well over a year old.

QLD, 3252 posts
12 May 2018 9:38PM
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I also have an early one, 168600038, over a year old and no problem with the band.

WA, 3159 posts
13 May 2018 11:07AM
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Mine's a-ok also... 168600126

WA, 1791 posts
13 May 2018 11:50AM
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WazzaYotty said..

Thanks Dylan,
My S/No 168600042
Strap all good.

I hope you didn't take it out of the box and unwrap it just to read the serial number Wazza.

QLD, 302 posts
13 May 2018 3:04PM
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fangman said..

WazzaYotty said..

Thanks Dylan,
My S/No 168600042
Strap all good.

I hope you didn't take it out of the box and unwrap it just to read the serial number Wazza.

Ho Ho. I can also confirm it's quite waterproof and shockproof at all angles of arm entry into the Broadwater. Especially the "slam dunk" method.

QLD, 1072 posts
13 May 2018 5:37PM
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Sn... 3097 ok.

QLD, 3417 posts
23 May 2018 9:37PM
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mikey100 said..
Sn... 3097 ok.

Thats one of the slow ones Mike

QLD, 1072 posts
26 May 2018 9:21PM
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vando said..

mikey100 said..
Sn... 3097 ok.

Thats one of the slow ones Mike

... asked for a slow one. Gotta help you feel good about your fast numbers.

28 posts
8 Jul 2018 2:05PM
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SN.168600475 (broken)

28 posts
8 Jul 2018 2:20PM
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here end customer (I am using Locosys vocabulary :) attempt to do something with the broken watch:

The idea is to fit it on the mast or maybe the harness buckle.
Still work in progress...

QLD, 4867 posts
8 Jul 2018 7:51PM
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Good work bedzplane , 3D printer ?
Mabee u could make and sell a smaller version that uses an old fashion Velcro band ? U would only need a top cover because the Velcro band would hold it from behind ?
It amazes me how many people have snapped bands and still somehow have not lost the watch.
Ill only accept royalties in windsurf shop or Cobra vouchers

28 posts
8 Jul 2018 7:53PM
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Yes 3D printed.
Once it is finalised I will share the stl file, anyone having access to a printer could print the parts.

Now I need to draw some kind of backplate and clamp to fix it somewhere. Could be on a wrist but given the size of the frame it would probably make more sense to try to integrate it on a piece of gear. Boom mount would be the easiest but I'd like to be able to see the screen on both tacks.

28 posts
11 Jul 2018 10:32PM
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SDM mast clamp done, tried on two rigs today.

I feel it is actually better to have it on the mast, even the sail with the mast zip pocket did allowed to tilt the screen enough so that it can be seen while riding,

I am glad to have it back working and I can see it!

The only thing is that the clamp which I drawed at 50mm diameter was really loose on the Avanti mast, I will make a smaller one which can hopefully fit all SDM masts.

Also I sealed the antenna onto the watch frame since it was kind of looking flappy, some soft 5 min epoxy made the job quite well.

28 posts
11 Jul 2018 10:38PM
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Thingiverse thing 2998804.....

Happy printing

VIC, 6155 posts
12 Jul 2018 10:54AM
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From a technical view, it is not a good idea to attach your GPS logger to the mast.

It can be subject to severe vibrations, and big slams if you fall. On the other hand, attachment to your body dampens excess movement (most of the time). Also, the mast does not always follow the same path (and therefore speed) as your body.

Sky view for good signal reception is also more likely to be compromised,

28 posts
12 Jul 2018 9:41AM
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sailquik said..
From a technical view, it is not a good idea to attach your GPS logger to the mast.

It can be subject to severe vibrations, and big slams if you fall. On the other hand, attachment to your body dampens excess movement (most of the time). Also, the mast does not always follow the same path (and therefore speed) as your body.

Sky view for good signal reception is also more likely to be compromised,

Yep thru, but for me there is no vibrations on windfoil.

I was mostly concerned about the CF mast hiding the antenna, however I could not see any glitch on the readings yesterday, I compared the speed in real time with my Suunto I was wearing on the wrist and I could not notice anything abnormal. I also heelled the board upwind (excessively) with the sail nearly horizontal, the watch underneath the mast was still giving sound speed values.

Sure it might not work as well if you are sailling 30+ kts on a fin.

VIC, 6155 posts
13 Jul 2018 5:23PM
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bedzplane said..

sailquik said..
From a technical view, it is not a good idea to attach your GPS logger to the mast.

It can be subject to severe vibrations, and big slams if you fall. On the other hand, attachment to your body dampens excess movement (most of the time). Also, the mast does not always follow the same path (and therefore speed) as your body.

Sky view for good signal reception is also more likely to be compromised,

Yep thru, but for me there is no vibrations on windfoil.

I was mostly concerned about the CF mast hiding the antenna, however I could not see any glitch on the readings yesterday, I compared the speed in real time with my Suunto I was wearing on the wrist and I could not notice anything abnormal. I also heelled the board upwind (excessively) with the sail nearly horizontal, the watch underneath the mast was still giving sound speed values.

Sure it might not work as well if you are sailling 30+ kts on a fin.

Good to hear.

QLD, 3424 posts
15 Jul 2018 12:01PM
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Brilliant !!!

QLD, 2456 posts
15 Jul 2018 2:10PM
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As Sailquik said attaching to mast , boom etc can damage the gps. Ive nuked 2 Canmore watch gps by attaching to boom near front. Water gets slammed thru button seals when catapulted. Oooopppsss!! Another one bites the dust.....

28 posts
16 Jul 2018 9:55AM
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I took mine appart to take a look inside, I was a bit concerned about the seal after I put it back together, the red o-ring is very thin.

However, I have to highlight that the 4 x M3 bolts on the printed watch frame are adding more sealing pressure on the o-ring itself.

I had a fair amont of slamming and catapulting yesterday, riding the SB Ultra foil on a small Isonic 111, overpowered on 5.8 camber sail with the sea looking like construction site... had a serious hard time. My joints still hurt this morning but the watch is still thigh.

Honestly I'd rather having the watch gone from taking water than loosing it due to a failed attachment and dropping another lithium rubbish in mother ocean.

Just my opinion :) use your your gear with caution and adapt to whatever condition you get...

Now that I am used to see the screen while riding I will not go back to an other wrist mount that you struggle to read without loosing some level of balance ( I have my Suunto for that).

WA, 734 posts
17 Jul 2018 5:34AM
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NSW, 128 posts
22 Jul 2018 6:03PM
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Not sure how everyone else has gone warranty wise but I thought I would give an update that have received a new replacement watch for the broken band. Took some paitence & a bit of haggling

WA, 12462 posts
22 Jul 2018 4:55PM
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Fantastic, did it cost you anything?
Was it through your local dealer or direct with locosys?
And I presume yours was in the bad batch numbers

NSW, 128 posts
23 Jul 2018 4:27AM
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decrepit said..
Fantastic, did it cost you anything?
Was it through your local dealer or direct with locosys?
And I presume yours was in the bad batch numbers

Hi Mike,

No it didn't cost anything.

I sent it back to the local Dealer who then sent it to the Manufacturer, so the warranty was through the manufacturer but brokered by the dealer.

It it took about 6 weeks or so to get confirmation on the replacement under warranty after my first contact. As I mentioned I had to haggle in terms of a watch band breaking after 15 odd sails/uses & it was not fit for purpose (Dealer initially claimed it must have been damaged in use initially)

Yep it was in the range of defective bands put together by Dylan (1098). This was the main argument I used to demonstrate it was unfit for purpose. (Thanks Dylan)

WA, 12462 posts
23 Jul 2018 4:02PM
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Yes, I really don't think locosys has a leg to stand on with Dylan's data showing a batch problem.
I really think if you have a band problem and it's in the bad batch, a replacement should be automatic. In fact if they wanted to have credibility, it should have been a recall.

That, "must have been damaged, because it was OK before", line was a standard response, and for the first one that happened, it was reasonable, but after a truck load, it became a very poor excuse.

28 posts
24 Jul 2018 2:45PM
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Strange to see that mine which failed seems to be on an earlier SN.168600475 than those highlighted above.

Good to see that finally an end customer is treated the proper way tho..

NSW, 8094 posts
25 Jul 2018 9:58AM
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So is it safe to buy one? Was it just a bad batch?

NSW, 3 posts
25 Jul 2018 5:15PM
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You can buy one, but you will have to accept that the strap will probably break after a year or so (planned obsolescence?) I got 1.5 years out of mine, I now have a split halfway across the strap. Serial number is 168600702 which appears to be earlier than most of the others that have failed. Looks like Locosys don't care their name is going to be tarnished by a quality control fault. If they won't stand behind their product then I for one won't buy another one. My solution for now is to 3d print a flexible safety backing strap (printed with TPU plastic) that should stop me losing the watch when the other half of the strap does break. If anyone wants to do the same let me know and I can give you a copy of the 3d printer stl file I used.

NSW, 8094 posts
26 Jul 2018 10:37AM
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Is it possible to attach a leash to the watch so if it breaks you don't lose it?

WA, 12462 posts
26 Jul 2018 1:11PM
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Yes. I did that while I was using an extender, but you need to attach to both straps, unless you're psychic enough to predict which side will break first.


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"LOCOSYS wil not replace GW-60 broken band" started by bedzplane