Hi guys, I havent been following the forum, but Mal came and see me about the Tassie looking for location.. So I thought I put my sticky nose into it..
What ever Decript said is correct you wld be playing with your luck.. the spit is the go, you could even have a crack at the big lake, I explored all the area the other day and you can drive all the way where I put the cross on the map, the water there is deep, and the walk is not far
. Buuuut the road to get to the shore at the spit this year is really crap and wld help if you have an offroad vehicule!! The beach driving is hard and easy.
DONT FORGET TO CLOSE THE GATE (RED mark on the Map) this is private propertie and there is cows around
The Snail
Some pics from my 26.02.2015 exploration day and sate of lake
Track to spit N big lake
Small S LAKE
Big N Lake
To WEST spot Small Lake
To WEST spot Big Lake
View of the N Big lake, with the spot to rig.. we can clearly see where the water level comes close to the shore (right side of pic, follow the water line), it could even be some weeds banks on what I could see
Short video of John & myself sailing at Lake George. John & Tony had been going for distance that day c 158kms..
A few still shots from a video Daffy took of me the last day.. 5m Severne Overdrive - 50ltre Isonic speed board ( Daffy's)
Yes Sue, the march fles were an unadvertised feature at 5 mile. First day I had no aeroguard and had to put on long wettie and booties to keep them off. But amazingly they were all legmen, no interest in anything above the crotch. Reminds me of someone... There was one who attacked my arm, I called him Lord of the flies, a leader of flies going where no fly had gone before or genetic variation not to be encouraged. His dynasty ended badly.
Quick video of the great sailing lake George offered up at the end of the season, Camera was flat when we got the "Glossy" at Cockies 2 days before but just imagine it about a thousand times flatter Direction was WNW I think... compass wasnt really working on the big island... went basically 5 mile up towards cockies and back....
Be sure to click the little cog and select HD.. no editing or fancy music but hope you enjoy
After this pretty ordinary run of wind we've been experiencing in NSW, I'm sold on a trip to LG in late Jan 2016. All the videos and talk has my head spinning.
My only concern is that I have a lowered Holden station wagon (a case of form over function)... will I be able to access Cockies, or will I have to hitch a ride with my fellow team mates? What's the access like?
No no no no no!! You must have a minimum of a raised 4 x 4 and best option would be a Hummer just to get around Beachport let alone reaching Cockies or Five Mile Drift. .
Its a horrible place, cold, rains all the time and the wind is crap. Deep choppy water with sea urchins covering the bottom and cranky Tiger snakes everywhere.
if you leave small children unattended the flies will carry them away.
Pffft, stay at Botany. the fully sik jet skiers are more friendly than anyone at LG.
The worst part of the cockies run is over the grass as you leave the road, there are some reasonable size bumps there, but you can sort of weave your way around them. Once on the sand plain 100km/hr is no problem. The drift should also be OK, but getting to the point is another matter. There are some very rocky sections and out on the point the wheel tracks are fairly deep in places.