A few people have asked me do they need wet suits?
This year I was there in Feb I wore most days on the lake just a spring suit, with a wet suit long sleeve shirt at times, then other times just board shorts & a rashie.
This part of the country can be cold the nights were cold at times it got down to 8c the days were cool if it was cloudy we also got a few showers which made it cold.
On the sunny days it was hot so be prepared if coming for the 1st time bring some warm wear.
Having said all that I am from Qld so am use to being warm I would say Beach Port is almost like our winter up here.
You will more likely get some SW winds they made it cool so sitting out at night having a beer is cold.
Hope this helps looking forward to seeing everyone again it was so good meeting you all this year.
Happy new year see you soon.
Blooddy 'ell Glynn! You done it now! The place will be chockas with other windsurfing tourists and I won't be able to get a snake free patch of grass for my tent!
Wetsuits: On the windy days you will probably want a full 2mm steamer, especially you banana benders! The wind chill factor will get you. Better to be warm than cold!
Daffy and Glynn are right here. Us NSW sailors had 3/2 short arm steamers/springies for the cool windy days and wetty tops and boardies for medium days and rashies/boardies for the "summer at home" cruisy days. Nothing like the Pit but the wind is cool. Water was warm as and bloody hot at times before the SE kicked in.
At night round the BBQ we were rugged up, up high at the cabins it was exposed. Bring some warm clothing if your north of the border. Hope to see everyone in Feb!!
Just locked in my cabin for 3 weeks today. Kristen at Southern Ocean Tourist Park said there have been lots of bookings in the last week for cabins in Feb, so if you haven't booked yet, don't leave your run too late.
I will be on it tmro but on arvo shift Monday on...
The warnambool boys are staying at my van Monday and Tuesday and there is the usual crew from Adelaide that camp out the spit the first week of January.sailed on a 4-7 wave gear on Friday.
Pics don't really show the water level with much use. But here are are some anyhow.
The level is still higher than it was in Feb. two years ago when it was excellent, but probably only 15cm. The issue is the weed is very short and needs to grow. That is being impeded by the murkiness of the water. It is not in it's usual clear state so it is not letting much light through. Hopefully, a week or two of light winds will allow it to settle.
Looking at the muddy LG photos the lure seems less than before as WA has several weed flattened spots now... probably not as much wind as Lake George but enough for low 40s speeds. Here is a composite of my favourite spot in about 15 knots. (For scale, the dot in the right hand image is 3 people crabbing and it is about a Nm from one end to the other) Decrepit and Fangy prefer the other side of the estuary where it is equally flat but longer runs though perhaps less strong in wind strength.
The down side of course is that we are all getting crap at sailing in chop, except Elmo who prefers the lumpy goodness of Novara to South Yunderup and back.
How much of an effect will all the rain have on LG and how long does the water level take to drop down to a good level