Had my first go on a Delta XT-50 it was a 26 it was very gusty conditions not much more than 15 knots was well under done on a 7.8m however was really impresses with the Delta XT-50 it felt like it had even more grip than the original Delta XT felt very solid considering I was on a 90cm wide board and am hoping to use a Delta XT-50 28 when they arrive.
The XT50 looks very nice. The main issues on the classic Delta I found to be the (missing) grip in very choppy conditions due to its narrow tip, and the neoprene-tape used to fill in the gap between the board and front of fin.. If the gap is not tightly closed the board will be more prone to spin-out and the fin can eventually pick up seaweed in the gap that will compromise performance and fun. But these are all old news for Delta users..
I decided to remove the neoprene tape and add a layer of Solarez on the fin to make the fit tight. My weight is around 86kg.
The area of the 10cm MUF Delta XT 50 should be~120 cm2..
If the computer-calculation based on the photo by legless is correct, its about as big in area as the smallest MUF speed fin, - the SPEED-02 16cm made for 50+knots winds and speeds!
I guess that the 10cm XT 50 will work in less wind, it will be interesting to test it.
Delta XT-50 26 deep tuttle box fitted first time into a Patriks board with no sanding makes life easier.
MUF has just given Australia the nod by using a picture of Matt sailing at Budgie in its upcoming 2018 Brochure:
Looks like the MUF Delta XT-50 16 is a fast fin...Matt has just got a PB of 43.47 knots using one at lake George today.